Cordless drill and several ounces of blackpowder inserted a foot into the end of one of those ties and problem solved.I wouldn't waste the time complaining.
Cordless drill.
Cordless drill and several ounces of blackpowder inserted a foot into the end of one of those ties and problem solved.I wouldn't waste the time complaining.
Cordless drill.
Don't be so cavalier with my 'like' to post count ratio. Feel free to use the like button. As form of civil disobedience I've decided to like every post I read from now on until the dislike button is returned. I encourage you to do the same.Goat, I would "like" your post but I'm boycotting the use of the "like" button until they bring back the "dislike" button.
I'm thinking a 22 would be a better idea. After all who else would "accidently" drill a hole in it other than an nearby neighbour. An accidental 22 shot in the USA wouldn't raise any suspicion.
Man, it was really hard to like that post.Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's smart. Maybe the guy doesn't know any better, why don't you go over and talk to him about it, who knows he might be a nice guy and stop burning it.
Yeah ok, Im sure he'll gladly stop burning them when they are all gone... right before he orders more.Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's smart. Maybe the guy doesn't know any better, why don't you go over and talk to him about it, who knows he might be a nice guy and stop burning it.
Report him for what?? Report him to who??
Are you sure they're illegal to burn in Wisconsin??
They ain't illegal to burn here...
There ain't nothin' unsafe about burnin' railroad ties or telephone poles... but stickin' your face over the stack and suckin' in big gulps of smoke might make ya' a bit sick for a few minutes. Creosotes are nothing more than stuff we already burn, just concentrated into a tar... wood, coal and oil. Heck wood-tar creosote is used to flavor meat, and all have them have been used in medicine to varying degrees. The truth is... direct contact with creosote is more likely to make ya' sick than standin' down wind of a fire burnin' wood treated with it. For that matter, many wood treatments don't even use creosotes these days... they use stuff safer than the wood smoke itself.
I don't know about Wisconsin but here I would notify my local clean air agency. Not my favorite group of people but they would get that #### stopped pronto!
I'm not one to infringe on the rights of a property owner until they begin infringing upon mine! If I had to smell that ####...No thanks!
How can you definitively say there is nothing unsafe about burning this crap and then go on to say sucking big gulps of it might make you sick? Don't you think there could be cumulative effects as well? Maybe as a firefighter I'm oversensitive when it comes to breathing smoke but I'm sure not gonna let my family be the study group on the effect's of breathing that crap for a winter. I've seen too many of my brothers develop brain tumors due to breathing different products of combustion.
I love this I'm going to tattle on you mindset. Reminds me of kindergarten.
I don't know about Wisconsin but here I would notify my local clean air agency. Not my favorite group of people but they would get that #### stopped pronto!
I'm not one to infringe on the rights of a property owner until they begin infringing upon mine! If I had to smell that ####...No thanks!
They won't do squat. When my jerk neighbor was burning all the leftover chemicals from his illegal auto paint business (and the containers they came in, and all his garbage) we tried that route. All the smoke usually came right down to our house, past the barn and the chicken coop. Nobody cared at all and nothing was done.Particulate emission on these boilers are bad enough, now add in the fact that he's burning RR ties and poles. I wouldn't hesitate calling EPA/DEC.However, I would go talk with him first and tell him right to his face he's a F'in dumb@ss and if he dosent stop calls will be placed.
There ain't nothin' unsafe about burnin' railroad ties or telephone poles... but stickin' your face over the stack and suckin' in big gulps of smoke might make ya' a bit sick for a few minutes. Creosotes are nothing more than stuff we already burn, just concentrated into a tar... wood, coal and oil. Heck wood-tar creosote is used to flavor meat, and all have them have been used in medicine to varying degrees. The truth is... direct contact with creosote is more likely to make ya' sick than standin' down wind of a fire burnin' wood treated with it. For that matter, many wood treatments don't even use creosotes these days... they use stuff safer than the wood smoke itself.
so your argument is saying ONLY regular ole firewood is safe, AND you would have no problems if you breathe in smoke from that???How can you definitively say there is nothing unsafe about burning this crap and then go on to say sucking big gulps of it might make you sick? Don't you think there could be cumulative effects as well? Maybe as a firefighter I'm oversensitive when it comes to breathing smoke but I'm sure not gonna let my family be the study group on the effect's of breathing that crap for a winter. I've seen too many of my brothers develop brain tumors due to breathing different products of combustion.
so your argument is saying ONLY regular ole firewood is safe, AND you would have no problems if you breathe in smoke from that???