The Whining Thread

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Haven't laid a tree out since Monday. Haven't gotten any logs to the landing since Monday either. Two loads sitting on the landing and the trucks can't get in. Winter never came this year and I'm hoping for it to dry up now. I doubt we will get any decent freeze now. Bull####. Also went out to cut yesterday morning and got a call an hour into my drive to the job from the forester. I'm shut down until the F'n landowner gets his property tax situation figured out. So now bull#### yocal government has stuck another turd in the punch bowl. Yee-haw! I'm getting the itch... bad. I need to kill some timber. Bull#### side jobs keep the money moving, but they are just that.... bull####.
I'm sorry to hear that, Sammy, Jake M.D. is prescribing a 1/5 of brown likker (beer is like Luden's cough drops, it tastes good but it doesn't do ####) and also a 11th grade-esque proper hot tub poaching
Haven't laid a tree out since Monday. Haven't gotten any logs to the landing since Monday either. Two loads sitting on the landing and the trucks can't get in. Winter never came this year and I'm hoping for it to dry up now. I doubt we will get any decent freeze now. Bull####. Also went out to cut yesterday morning and got a call an hour into my drive to the job from the forester. I'm shut down until the F'n landowner gets his property tax situation figured out. So now bull#### yocal government has stuck another turd in the punch bowl. Yee-haw! I'm getting the itch... bad. I need to kill some timber. Bull#### side jobs keep the money moving, but they are just that.... bull####.

Bitz, you need to get the heck (non-censored version of the word I wanted to use) out of southern WI and move north. We have frost, sometimes a bit of mud on top, but good frost, and an inch or two of skidding snow in the woods. Not much snow in the open though. Southern WI might as well be AR (not AK) this year. GO NORTH YOUNG MAN!
How timely: my stupid camera won't let me upload the video. It's nothing exciting, just a few minutes of opening a road, but I'm super annoyed that this damned technology is being a jerk.

So, there'll be no video on madhatte whipping a flu out of his system with whiskey & ginger ale? Such a shame.

My old faithful Canon got tired. The mechanism opening the cover and pushing the lens out got stuck for some reason. That camera took the field circumstances in a beautiful way. It didn't care much about rain or frost. My wife wouldn't let me take the newer camera to the woods. Well, it dies in frost anyhow.

When it comes to drowning the viruses or other bugs into the booze, it'll work if you're playing it right. It's all about timing. You need to start medication as soon as the very first symptoms arrive. I'd say, when you've got a first hunch of the symptoms. If you already got the shivers and serious aches, it's just too late, curing with alcohol will make things worse. Any color will do, brown, white, red, yellow, black... you just need to take care there's enough volume around. If your spouse gives you a stink eye in the morning, you've probably had enough for the medical purpose.

I missed my window of opportunity with this flu, because I didn't have a drinking buddy. I hate drinking alone. I'm overly social, talkative and singative (is that a word?) person when getting pissed. I just need to go through this flu. Feels a lot better already. Expecting to get to work on Monday.
Bitz, you need to get the heck (non-censored version of the word I wanted to use) out of southern WI and move north. We have frost, sometimes a bit of mud on top, but good frost, and an inch or two of skidding snow in the woods. Not much snow in the open though. Southern WI might as well be AR (not AK) this year. GO NORTH YOUNG MAN!

Yeah I know. Its kind of how the chips fell. I was actually doing some excavting/hauling (while waiting for the politics to clear and get back to the woods) about 20 miles north of my house and there is 6 inches of frost. The job I'm currently working is 75 miles south of me. Thats damn near bear country. Extended forcast is looking like some below freezing temps for next week and a night or two in the teens so it might be game on again. The sun sure is getting hot these days though. All I know is I will be ending out the winter north next year. #### with no snow, break up might only be a few weeks and with any luck and some dry weather I could really be pounding away again!
I don't expect to get into Oxford Thesaurus, a rep is a nice to have, thanks. It seems to take 6 months for me to reload, but I'll shoot you back some of these days.
First off. Why is there a need for glass in the bottom half of an excavator door. Well there isn't in this one anymore. Second. I hate hydraulic cylinders. They always go when your way back somewhere.
Well hell ladies and gents. The 8th was my 27th birthday. Got a phone call from my foreman at 1:30am. "Get your gear on, we have a fire in a fell and buck unit, 12 acres on 90% slope ground." Great says I, so I drag my butt into work in the wee hours of the darkness. Get everything loaded and start off down the road to the fire. We get on scene and talk with the watchman. I guess the day before the riggin crew had a warming fire. Thats no uncommon. The fire wasnt fully put out and over the night the wind caught it, pushing it into the fell and buck. Holy living hell folks. To cut trail through that mess was a fricking nightmare. At one point in time, we had 14ft of trees and limbs above us with a 6ft cut. Huff and Puff sent 2 rigging crews to help us, them boys did a damn fine job moving dirt and wood. But those boys didnt like sucking smoke. All said and done. Its trailed, out, and no one got fired over it.

I still havent had a beer.
There was a fire down the road on Tuesday. I came back from town and it looked like every fire engine in the county was there. I guess the east winds we'd had for several days dried things out. It rained quite well yesterday. We went up skiing and waited in the bar for the predicted afternoon clearing--which it did after one beer. The snow was soggy, but it turned into an enjoyable afternoon.
Hope this is not posted somewhere nearby in this forum, maybe someone already knows it, hopefuly not. Not sure where to place it, so here´s it, since there´s some sorrow in it, otherways, it may get this thread onto a lighter note:

Teaching Math

Teaching Math in 1950:

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?

Teaching Math in 1960:

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?

Teaching Math in 1970:

A logger exchanges a set "L" of lumber for a set "M" of money. The cardinality of set "M" is 100. Each element is worth one dollar. Make 100 dots representing the elements of the set "M." The set "C," the cost of production contains 20 fewer points than set "M." Represent the set "C" as subset of set "M" and answer the following question: What is the cardinality of the set "P" of profits?

Teaching Math in 1980:

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20.

Teaching Math in 1990:

By cutting down beautiful forest trees, the logger makes $20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the forest birds and squirrels "feel" as the logger cut down the trees? There are no wrong answers.

Teaching Math in 2002:

A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $120. How does Arthur Andersen determine that his profit margin is $60?

Teaching Math in 2010:

El hachero vende un camion cargado de lena por $100. Su gasto de produccion es........

Teaching Maths 2017
أ المسجل تبيع حموله شاحنة من الخشب من اجل 100 دولار. صاحب تكلفة
الانتاج 80 من الثمن. ما هو الربح له؟ = 20

Teaching Maths 2020
A Call For Data Integrity

Please, please, please: if you ever, EVER collect data in any form of reproducible, standardized format, follow the written protocol to a "T". Someday, 50 or so years later, there may be somebody scratching their head wondering what the hell you were thinking, and doing their best to recreate long-gone conditions from badly-scrawled notes. Also, if you ever do data entry from old notes, take the time to know what the fields mean; that saves the same head-scratching sucker time, too. Yes, this is the meaning of "Confounded".

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