Addicted to ArboristSite
40. Davidoff A, Fogarty L. Psychogenic origins of multiple chemical sensitivities syndrome: a critical review of the research literature. Arch Environ Health 49:316-325 (1994).
41. Callender T, Morrow L, Subramanian K, Duhon D, Ristovv M. Three-dimensional brain metabolic imaging in patients with toxic encephalopathy. Environ Res 60: 295-319 (1993).
42. Heuser G, Wodjani A, Heuser S. Diagnostic markers in chemical sensitivity. In: Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: Addendum to Biologic Markers in Immunotoxicology. Washington:
National Academy Press, 1992;117-138.
43. Fiedler N, Maccia C, Kipen H. Evaluation of chemically-sensitive patients. J Occup Med 34:529-538 (1992).
44. Meggs W, Cleveland C. Rhinolaryngoscopic examination of patients with multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome. Arch Environ Health 48(1):14-18 (1993).
45. Buchwald D, Garrity D. Comparison of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple chemical sensitivities. Arch Int Med 154:2049-2053 (1994).
46. Romano T, Stiller J. Abnormal cutaneous perception in primary, secondary and post-traumatic fibromyalgia patients. Arthritis Rheum 31(Suppl 4):S99 (1988).
47. Russell IJ, Vipraio GA, Michalek J, Fletcher E. Abnormal T cell subpopulations in fibrositis syndrome. Arthritis and Rheum 31(Suppl 4):S99 (1988).
48. Goldenberg D, Simms RW, Geiger A, Komaroff A. High frequency of fibromyalgia in patients with chronic fatigue seen in a primary care practice. Arthritis Rheum 33:381-387 (1990).
49. Klimas N, Salvato FR, Morgan R, Fletcher MA. Immunologic abnormalities in chronic fatigue syndrome. J Clin Microbiol 28:1403-1410 (1990).
50. Cotton P. Treatment proposed for chronic fatigue syndrome; research continues to compile data on disorder. JAMA 266:2667-2668 (1991).
51. Cheney P. Proposed pathophysiologic mechanism of CFIDS. CFIDS Chronicle, Spring 1994;1-3.
52. Bell IR. White paper: neuropsychiatric aspects of sensitivity to low-level chemicals: a neural sensitization model. Toxicol Ind Health 10:277-312 (1994).
53. Goldstein J. The evolving hypothesis. CFS: Limbic encephalopathy in a dysfunctional neuroimmune network. CFIDS Chronicle, Fall 1991;19-24.
54. Davidoff L. Symptoms and health status in individuals with multiple chemical sensitivities syndrome from four reported sensitizing exposures and a general population comparison group. Arch Environ Health 51:201-213 (1996).
55. Hafler D, Fox DA, Benjamin D, Weiner HL. Antigen reactive memory T cells are defined by TA1. J Immunol 137:414-418 (1986).
56. Simon G. Question and answer session 3. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Level Exposure to Chemicals and Neurobiologic Sensitivity, 6-7 April 1994, Baltimore, Maryland (Mitchell FL, ed). J Toxicol Ind Health 10:526-527 (1994).
57. Baker GP. Porphyria and MCS symptoms overlap--another chemical connection. Townsend Letter for Doctors 144:72-73 (1995).
58. Donnay A, Ziem G. Protocol for Diagnosing Disorders of Porphyrin Metabolism in Chemically-Sensitive Patients. Baltimore, MD:MCS Referral & Resources, Inc., 1995.
59. Kappas A, Sassa S, Galbraith RA, Norman Y. The porphyrias. In: The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, 6th ed. (Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, Valle D, eds). New York:McGraw-Hill Information Services Company, 1989;1305-1365.
60. Simon G, Daniell W, Stockbridge H, Claypoole K, Rosenstock L. Immunologic, psychological and neuropsychological factors in multiple chemical sensitivity: a controlled study. Ann Intern Med 119: 97-103 (1993).
61. Ziem G, Donnay A. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity: overlapping disorders. Arch Intern Med 155:1913 (1995).
62. Davidoff R. Migraines: Manifestations, Pathogenesis and Management. Philadelphia:FA Davis, 1995.
63. Hagstadius S, Orbaek P, Risberg J, Lindgren M. Regional cerebral blood flow at the time of diagnosis of chronic toxic encephalopathy induced by organic solvent exposure and after cessation of exposure. Scand J Work Environ Health 15:130-135 (1989).
64. Callender T, Morrow L, Subramanian K, Duhon D, Ristovv M. Three-dimensional brain metabolic imaging in patients with toxic encephalopathy. Environ Res 60:295-319 (1993).
65. Callender T, Morrow L, Subramanian K. Evaluation of chronic neurological sequelae after acute pesticide exposure using SPECT brain scans. J Toxicol Environ Health 41:275-284 (1995).
And who do I send the bill to?
41. Callender T, Morrow L, Subramanian K, Duhon D, Ristovv M. Three-dimensional brain metabolic imaging in patients with toxic encephalopathy. Environ Res 60: 295-319 (1993).
42. Heuser G, Wodjani A, Heuser S. Diagnostic markers in chemical sensitivity. In: Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: Addendum to Biologic Markers in Immunotoxicology. Washington:
National Academy Press, 1992;117-138.
43. Fiedler N, Maccia C, Kipen H. Evaluation of chemically-sensitive patients. J Occup Med 34:529-538 (1992).
44. Meggs W, Cleveland C. Rhinolaryngoscopic examination of patients with multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome. Arch Environ Health 48(1):14-18 (1993).
45. Buchwald D, Garrity D. Comparison of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple chemical sensitivities. Arch Int Med 154:2049-2053 (1994).
46. Romano T, Stiller J. Abnormal cutaneous perception in primary, secondary and post-traumatic fibromyalgia patients. Arthritis Rheum 31(Suppl 4):S99 (1988).
47. Russell IJ, Vipraio GA, Michalek J, Fletcher E. Abnormal T cell subpopulations in fibrositis syndrome. Arthritis and Rheum 31(Suppl 4):S99 (1988).
48. Goldenberg D, Simms RW, Geiger A, Komaroff A. High frequency of fibromyalgia in patients with chronic fatigue seen in a primary care practice. Arthritis Rheum 33:381-387 (1990).
49. Klimas N, Salvato FR, Morgan R, Fletcher MA. Immunologic abnormalities in chronic fatigue syndrome. J Clin Microbiol 28:1403-1410 (1990).
50. Cotton P. Treatment proposed for chronic fatigue syndrome; research continues to compile data on disorder. JAMA 266:2667-2668 (1991).
51. Cheney P. Proposed pathophysiologic mechanism of CFIDS. CFIDS Chronicle, Spring 1994;1-3.
52. Bell IR. White paper: neuropsychiatric aspects of sensitivity to low-level chemicals: a neural sensitization model. Toxicol Ind Health 10:277-312 (1994).
53. Goldstein J. The evolving hypothesis. CFS: Limbic encephalopathy in a dysfunctional neuroimmune network. CFIDS Chronicle, Fall 1991;19-24.
54. Davidoff L. Symptoms and health status in individuals with multiple chemical sensitivities syndrome from four reported sensitizing exposures and a general population comparison group. Arch Environ Health 51:201-213 (1996).
55. Hafler D, Fox DA, Benjamin D, Weiner HL. Antigen reactive memory T cells are defined by TA1. J Immunol 137:414-418 (1986).
56. Simon G. Question and answer session 3. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Low-Level Exposure to Chemicals and Neurobiologic Sensitivity, 6-7 April 1994, Baltimore, Maryland (Mitchell FL, ed). J Toxicol Ind Health 10:526-527 (1994).
57. Baker GP. Porphyria and MCS symptoms overlap--another chemical connection. Townsend Letter for Doctors 144:72-73 (1995).
58. Donnay A, Ziem G. Protocol for Diagnosing Disorders of Porphyrin Metabolism in Chemically-Sensitive Patients. Baltimore, MD:MCS Referral & Resources, Inc., 1995.
59. Kappas A, Sassa S, Galbraith RA, Norman Y. The porphyrias. In: The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, 6th ed. (Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, Valle D, eds). New York:McGraw-Hill Information Services Company, 1989;1305-1365.
60. Simon G, Daniell W, Stockbridge H, Claypoole K, Rosenstock L. Immunologic, psychological and neuropsychological factors in multiple chemical sensitivity: a controlled study. Ann Intern Med 119: 97-103 (1993).
61. Ziem G, Donnay A. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity: overlapping disorders. Arch Intern Med 155:1913 (1995).
62. Davidoff R. Migraines: Manifestations, Pathogenesis and Management. Philadelphia:FA Davis, 1995.
63. Hagstadius S, Orbaek P, Risberg J, Lindgren M. Regional cerebral blood flow at the time of diagnosis of chronic toxic encephalopathy induced by organic solvent exposure and after cessation of exposure. Scand J Work Environ Health 15:130-135 (1989).
64. Callender T, Morrow L, Subramanian K, Duhon D, Ristovv M. Three-dimensional brain metabolic imaging in patients with toxic encephalopathy. Environ Res 60:295-319 (1993).
65. Callender T, Morrow L, Subramanian K. Evaluation of chronic neurological sequelae after acute pesticide exposure using SPECT brain scans. J Toxicol Environ Health 41:275-284 (1995).
And who do I send the bill to?