This is WEIRD!

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"I think she likes me"

Woody, calm down that woody....she prob dresses out @ 350, one eye in the center of her forehead, speaks with a heavy lisp and "her" real name is Arnold.........:clap:

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HA...somebody should email her about her leather jacket...."is that the jacket you are selling or a representation of a jacket that is similar to yours?" That should make her morning. :)
I got 'ya covered!

"Esquire, is this the real jacket, or is this a representation?" :chainsaw:
I got a reply.

"Hello My "Traditional-Toolworks" Friend,Ha-ha-ha! You have a GREAT sense of
humor!! This is NOT a representation of the jacket(Brand, Size)... THIS IS
"THEE" ACTUAL JACKET however, the photos are from the previous Seller's
listing. Although EXACTLY as described in the former listing, the jacket is
just too heavy for me even without the zip out liner!! This jacket is truly
designed for riding! As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you
have any additional questions or comments. Colleen"
So the LISTING is copied, even if the PICTURE is not. How unbelievably unoriginal this seller is.

You would think that she would at least offer refunds, which, you know, is a way of paying with someone else's money.

Well done! She made it right, and I think she got the point.

I think further harassment might be bordering on "bullyism" though...
So the LISTING is copied, even if the PICTURE is not. How unbelievably unoriginal this seller is.

You would think that she would at least offer refunds, which, you know, is a way of paying with someone else's money.

Yeah, the thing that bothers me is that she says it's "New", but how can it be new if it was purchased and worn? She admits to it being worn...seems it's "Like New", but who am I to say...

edisto, I agree, not trying to harass her, but if anyone would know how to split the crapola hairs, it's a lawyer...:rolleyes:
edisto, I agree, not trying to harass her, but if anyone would know how to split the crapola hairs, it's a lawyer...:rolleyes:

I think it's great that you asked about the jacket! A nice 'final touch' (or final touche).
Just been reading this, it's Great!
You know Binghamton is only 1 1/2 hours away from me. Maybe I should look at them and meet this Colleen.
I forget what my old Mac used 40 to 1 0r 50 to 1, I'm sure Colleen will know!
MotorSeven I'm sure she likes you.... I can see it in the way she dots her iiii's
Two things. #1 I am not sure if Ebay links are "live" so if the original photo is changed that it gets changed in her listing. That could be fun. Swap out the photo with something a little less appropriate.

#2 I just added her to my list of watched sellers. She is onto you guys messing with her on this listing, but next time I see something interesting I will be sure to bug her with lots of questions. Time to drive her a little nuts. If you cannot upload a photo to Ebay, and/or at least admit it is not a photo of the actual item, then you need to go home. Ebay makes listing so easy a moron can do it.......proof positive: I have two items listed right now. :)
Has anyone bid on defense lawyer,Colleen Bollander,ESQ saw yet?I think I will bid if it is indeed in as fine of shape as the one pictured.Hey stinkbait,what condition is your saw in?
Has anyone bid on defense lawyer,Colleen Bollander,ESQ saw yet?I think I will bid if it is indeed in as fine of shape as the one pictured.Hey stinkbait,what condition is your saw in?
Do you really want to deal with a defense attorney if it isn't?

You make your sleep in it...
Whoa, she has a 100% positive feedback. She made a mistake and got called on it. I think the point has more than enough been made. Unless you are going to chit chat & try and get a date, I'd leave it alone.

Whats an "esquire" doing selling chainsaws om ebay anyway? I'd thought "esquires" sat around in riding pants sipping perrier or mint juleps while holding a little drop kick dog named Paris. Speaking of Paris are there any French chainsaws. That'd be even better than a Chinese one

Dont be hating on the French...
Thanks guys. I have enjoyed all the comments. I haven't checked the thread since Friday night. I can't believe that it has reached 7 pages.
Guys, time to give it a rest.

There is a fine line between pointing out someone did something that was silly and berating them. I can recall several times people have posted "Google" images to threads here, as examples of a project they were working on.

If her saws are as nice as she lets on, they would be nice scores for someone. Plus I'm sure many potential bidders will shy away after all the chatter in the comments. Hell you might even pick em up cheap :)

BTW, the fact that she is a Lawyer...hell I'm tempted to give her #### just because of that fact. Fargin Lawyers!

Y'all do know why Lawyers do not partake in Shark fishing? Professional courtesy.
Since she is sellin your saw...

I found this listing on ebay and noticed that the picture they are using to sell their saw is mine. Check it out.

That is a picture of my Pro Mac 700 and 7-10A that I have posted on here before. Isn't that false advertisement. I mean he is using a picture of my 7-10A to sell his 7-10A, if it even exist.

I noticed the bar wasnt included in the sell....How much for the orig. Mcc. bar since the saw is gonna be gone??? LOL!!! :)
I noticed the bar wasnt included in the sell....How much for the orig. Mcc. bar since the saw is gonna be gone??? LOL!!! :)

If you are truely interested the bar is for sale along with a new loop of .354" chain and sprocket to convert your 10-10 or 7-10 to .354 pitch chain. If you don't want the .354 chain and sprocket the bar is hard nose and will easily run 3/8" chain. I have since bought a new 18" mcculloch sprocket nosed bar and converted the saw to a 3/8 floating rim sprocket. PM me if you are interested.