how did your saw swing around your head twice? if youve got a two foot lanyard i don't understand the physics of the saw swinging around your head twice unless you keep it clipped to the top of your head.
Quit hacking on X, lots above to comment on. Bottom line, X did things I,we, don't like, he is ok, good, live and learn.clearance said:Usually I push the top with one hand and hold the saw with the other, if it is a big top, or a top that needs a good push, I cut with one hand and as I complete my cut/start to get pinched I drop my saw, idling of course behind me, and quickly use both hands. I kind of hit it, if you know what I mean to get it going. My saw is at about my boot level when it is hanging from my lanyard, good place.
this musta been a ride!coydog said:how did your saw swing around your head twice? if youve got a two foot lanyard i don't understand the physics of the saw swinging around your head twice unless you keep it clipped to the top of your head.
first off why are you banned, anyways you dont realy need steel core you need to put your buckstrap above your rigging, second what are using up on the top i like a small delta link with a .5 inch whoopie 5/8 kong rescue pulley, this reduces the swinging do you have a handsaw? dont go aloft without it there not just for pruning anymore. why do you have another rope for escape where is your climbing line. what is happening that you are being physically trapped in the tree is the groundie not able to lower? btw a figure 8 wont help the groundie lower you. spikes kicking out? yeah need more info how does grondie lower what is his friction, how do you lower what is your hardware . i guess the fishing pole is how you felt not the lowering style. hang in there ex everybodys got good stuff coming for you and price a topper into the next job willya? 0200, 335-338 the echos got one for 250.00 as well,141 belongs on da ground for mixing drinks.xtremetrees said:After being banned from M.B.'s site by MB himself I realized I probably am to extreme even for this character. Its hard living up to my name but I try.
I took a top yesterday (on the rope) and I just about bit the dust.
Or more correctly my saw about bit my face. Heres why.
I take big pieces dont all C.A.'s take big pieces?
There was no room to let it run so he let it run 5 feet then stopped it hard. I didnt have time to set my saw into the 8 inch ring and it dangled at the 2 foot lanyard, needless to say it swung around my head about twice.
The ground man yelled "Are you ok?" He's been roppin logs for about 4 years and got the hang of it well. I yelled, "Yeah, are you ok?"
Thank goodness I had time to hit my chainbreak because my ole husky 141 is about wore out and vibrates bad and idles almost wide open.
Secondly or maybey fourthly. And probably my most important step when rigging large tops is these steps I take to stay alive.
A.) Rigging trees puts alot of weight on a rope, this rope can cut your arm off can cut other rope as well, be on a steel core or die dude.
1.) Be sure your safety is below your riggin point. This ensures your safety wont flip off during violent spar bucking. Because your rigging gear will lay over your safety, sometimes traping it to the tree.
2.) Tie an escape route with another rope and attach a fig 8. Have it ready to bail, make sure your groundman knows how to lower you.
3.) Do not stand on the lowering side of the top or the back side, stand to the side of the spar and let the movement be to your left and then right.
I've found my spikes dont kick out near as much when I started standing to the side. Also I am less apt to bust my jaw by standing to the side.
I know I am not a pro at this but I've done alot of it I hope this helps you brother
whoa easy , dude got rocked outtta his spikes, X is reaching out, take er down a notch and lets see what we can do to helpRedlineIt said:Soooo, let's see...
You PLAN to have your safety trapped by your rig...
You KNOWINGLY climb with a saw that idles near redline...
You're too STUPID or LAZY to figure out that if you climb ten more feet, that gives your excellent groundie ten more feet to apply brake...
You're UNPREPARED for the dynamics involved in a situation YOU CREATE.
The word IDIOT hardly covers it.
never knew it ,about the eight thanks tree co jTreeCo said:It sure can. All the groundie has to do is hold the end of the rope and pull to stop descent and allow some slack to allow descent.
I agree it's great that Xtreme has brought up what happened to him in this tree. It takes courage to open oneself up to peer review.
hey redline buck has one where the ring cinches tight with the paddle biner you can slam that in farily quick and the lanyard breaks away at 200 lbsRedlineIt said:xtremetrees,
jmack and Begley are quite right, just slagging you off doesn't add anything to the discussion. I consider myself properly smacked.
Edit my post in your head, because I'm, frankly, too STUPID and LAZY to do so myself.
So here's something constuctive,
Do you have a quick way to rack that saw? I work with one guy who uses a tiny brass clip to rack his saw, he's always fumbling for it and using two hands to get it clipped, he never gets that saw racked in time!
Petzl make a wide mouth wire-gate 'biner with a flat back that is designed to slip behind your belt webbing, the flat back and a piece of rubber clipping keep it always oriented out, so it's in the same place everytime, all easy quick and slick.
There are other, even more robust belt mounted saw clips out there, but I've never found them in any North American dealers list, the Petzl wire-gate is pretty common.
Oh, that does feel better, after all!![]()