That is very typical of folks that do not like any opinion that is not the same as their own. They folks are many times referred to as ignorant and if you believe that is an insult you should look up the definition of the term. Just because you ignore facts and form your own based on misinformation does not mean the facts do not exist. If a tree falls in the woods and you are not there to hear it does it make a sound? Well not if you ignore it.But know this, I've punched your "Ignore" button and from this point forward, I will no longer see any of your posts... sure-fire way of making you permanently disappear.B-bye
As for your dog in post #554 I offered an alternative explanation. I di not offer it as fact just as an alternative. I would be really interested in hearing from any vet that says a dog has a toe tumor from 2-4-D exposure. By nature dogs feet are VERY tough and resilient. Any infection there had to have a open source to allow the infectent to enter the body.
Of course since you do not want to read anything I post you will not even see this but that is fine. Others will and they can disagree,agree, or ignore. That is why on this Memorial Day we must be so very thankful of all the men and women who have sacrificed so much so we have the ability to freely banter with each other without fear of tyranny.
Well off to kill some more flowers and trees. The wind is gusting good so it should be a great time