The problem is the price of preferred chemicals and the use of alternate cheaper chemicals... thanks Joe and the rest of the Green Goons running our government. This is the result of out of control environmental activist, the result, they poison the very environment they claim they are protecting.
Ignorant people making decisions without the knowledge of knowing the results. There is a reason the preferred chemicals were used, less environmental damage.
I don't see what "green goonies" and Joe have to do with what chemical a farmer needs for his crop.
How are "out of control environmental activist" poisoning the environment when it's the farmers using the poison?
"Ignorant people making decisions without the knowledge of knowing the results" - Who? the farmers?
I'm sorry, but I'm not getting the drift (pun intended) of what you're saying here... are you blaming green goonies and Joe Biden for the increased price of the "preferred chemicals," which you say cause less environmental damage? And because of the higher price the farmers are buying the cheaper chemicals that cause more damage?
If that's the case, that's an invalid argument. Others here have already pointed out that chemical trespass and general environmental damage are NOT the chemicals fault, since the product functions as designed, and that any adverse reactions from the chemical application is the fault of the applicator and the applicator ONLY. In other words, if there's a problem it's because the applicator didn't follow the directions on the package label.
High-dollar, or inexpensive chemical, shouldn't matter since they have ALL been approved by the government for use by the public.
(I'm not saying I agree with this claim, but it is what the majority do claim)
The problem is, we need farming more than ever now with the in world turmoil. Starvation is ever present possibility and if our clueless government gets in the way starvation of some will be the result. Sorry for the damage to everyone property but farming has to be protected.
Also sorry this seems Political but the truth has to be exposed.
Think about this for just a minute.
Yes, we need farming now more than ever, but do we need more chemicals, corn, and soybeans? No, we don't.
I just did a quick search on "field corn" because I know I never see it, or soybeans in the grocery store.
- Only one percent of corn planted in the United States is sweet corn.
- 99 percent of corn grown in Iowa is “Field Corn”. When Iowa’s corn farmers deliver corn from the field, it’s “Field Corn”. Not the delicious sweet corn you might enjoy on the cob or in a can.
- Field corn is the classic big ears of yellow dented corn you see dried and harvested in the fall. It’s called “dent corn” because of the distinctive dent that forms on the kernel as the corn dries.
- While a small portion of “Field Corn” is processed for use as corn cereal, corn starch, corn oil and corn syrup for human consumption, it is primarily used for livestock feed, ethanol production and manufactured goods. It’s considered a grain.
- Sweet corn is what people purchase fresh, frozen or canned for eating. It’s consumed as a vegetable. Unlike “Field Corn”, which is harvested when the kernels are dry and fully mature, sweet corn is picked when immature.
- a small portion of,It's considered a grain.
So all that "corn" isn't going to help one single starving person on the planet.
Do a search for "nutritional value of soybeans" and everyone is boasting of the great protein source they are.
Problem is, 98% of them are fed to pigs and cows. of soybean,an alternative to petroleum oil.
No starving people getting any relief from soybeans either.
All that land and all those resources being wasted on animal feed.
If everyone stopped eating pigs and cows, no doubt there'd be enough land to grow food fit for human consumption for everyone on the planet.
And that's my Green-goonie spiel of the day.