tree service you could drop off all the hard woods for free at my house im in lebanon,pa

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I've gotten stuff from tree companies. I have no problem with that. Theres a company down the road that will deliver grapple truck loads to my house $200 a load all hard woods. I enjoy scrounging. If I look at it I could have two truck loads dropped at the house and save money in the long run plus ware and tare on the truck and myself. I've cleaned up messes fly by night tree companies left behind and just enjoy chasing wood. Like @sirbuildalot said everything I've ever seen gunny post is about wanting free delivered wood.
The problem is Gunny wants everything for free and I’d be willing to bet he has expectations on type of wood, size of wood, and likely has a yard with a teeny driveway full of crap with no room to dump the wood. Around here tree service companies that don’t sell logs or make firewood would simply chip the hardwood logs. They wouldn’t drive out of the way to risk ruining someone’s driveway or lawn to unload a log truck. Too much liability, and I can’t imagine any of them going to my house and unloading primo hardwood logs. Seems too good to be true, and unlikely at best. If this were really a thing, don’t ya think everyone who burns wood would flood the want ads and craigslist with wanted ads and get wood then post on here about the score? Also the fact that gunny has posted this kind of ad several times tells us he isn’t getting many takers.

I occasionally get wood from the local tree service. I have a deal with him that 'if he can't find anyone else, dump here'. Got a couple cords of black locust year before last. I have about 1/2 acre to dump in, easy access, easy turn around and only 4 miles outside of town.

I already have around 80 cord of wood (mostly black locust) CSS that I probably won't livelong enough to burn - especially if I keep cutting.
We had a farmers market we would whole sale wood to. If we were in a part of town where he was out of the way we had a list of people. We needed a place big enough to back our F600 dump into, 12' bed with 6 ' sides. Preferably paved, because if it was a mud swamp when we got there we just backed up as far as we could, pulled the button on the dump, and let her rip. One lady said, "Oh I didn't know three cords was sooo much". It might still be blocking her drive, and I retired in 86. As far as gifts for the drivers. We did not care if they got a tip, or some beer, BUT, if he was a couple hours getting back to the job for a 20 minute run, he got a pretty $20 bill for his taxi and an invitation to come out to the house to pick his last check up in person. If it was the last run of the day and everybody was heading in, and the driver got to talking to the customer, that was not a big deal. If he came in and said , "Hey Boss, got to jawing with the customer and he gave me a case of beer for the guys." Dad would tell him to go split up the beer and pay him the OT. Good relations. If he came in late and said nothing, and Dad found out he was talking on OT, he got one of those shiney $20's. Be kind to the driver, but remember when he's in that truck, he belongs to someone else.
I set aside an acre for tree services to drop wood. It filled up in one summer. I've been heating with an OWB for 7 years now, and I've never had to go looking for wood. However, I also get a lot of big and ugly stuff too. Most of these guys have 20" chippers, so all the really nice stuff gets turned into chips.

Instead of posting on a website that's dedicated to cutting and processing trees, you might have better luck driving over and talking to a few of your local tree services. If they're in your area with a load, they'll drop it
Hey, guys - remember this old useless thread from earlier this year that on one has commented on in months? So does old CB!

I think I planted the seed when I brought up an old gunny post in the picture forum yesterday. Guilty as charged, your Honour. Wherever gunny is, I hope that he is doing lots of ass-paddlin and getting lots of free split and seasoned wood that he can then on-sell in cardboard boxes for $8 a pop. Even if it is syickamore.
I think I planted the seed when I brought up an old gunny post in the picture forum yesterday. Guilty as charged, your Honour. Wherever gunny is, I hope that he is doing lots of ass-paddlin and getting lots of free split and seasoned wood that he can then on-sell in cardboard boxes for $8 a pop. Even if it is syickamore.

I had a few pints in me last night when I wrote that, but even still it was all in good fun. Yesterday was a long day...
I brought back the thread because there's been talk about Gunny lately (now banned, I believe), and I've enjoyed his frolics on here. Syickamore, selling wood in banna boxes, ass paddling scool teechrs, it's kinda quiet & dead without him.
I was up on the farm when all of the excitement went on. When I got home he was gone. He had several post about explosives and blowing stuff up. I can see in this day and age you can't let some one do that. Next thing you would be liable if he turned out to be a real wacco. He was given a lot of latitude, so I assume, he went too far.
Im in Fredericksburg Va and i have about 6 local tree services drop loads off here yearly , its a plus since i burn for heat , and what i dont need i split and sell


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I see a lot of posts on Facebook marketplace for free wood, but you have to go pick it up. The tree services leave it by the road for easy access. I have yet to find anyone willing to deliver it to my doorstep for free.
Yeah im always on market place and see free wood , but its never huge piles i have a big dump trailer and if I cant fill it going out and picki g up its not worth the gas going to get it , plus alot of people around here have junk wood that has been setting for years in end and just want soneone to come clean up their un wanted wood for free
I see a lot of posts on Facebook marketplace for free wood, but you have to go pick it up. The tree services leave it by the road for easy access. I have yet to find anyone willing to deliver it to my doorstep for free.
I was up on the farm when all of the excitement went on. When I got home he was gone. He had several post about explosives and blowing stuff up. I can see in this day and age you can't let some one do that. Next thing you would be liable if he turned out to be a real wacco. He was given a lot of latitude, so I assume, he went too far.
Yikes. I remember he was looking for "dinomit" or some such. Yeah, you never know when harmless-crazy turns into dangerous-crazy.
right up there with the post “my neighbor is burning railroad ties”!
My neighbor was burning railroad ties in his OWB...fortunately, eventually, the place where he was getting them from found out what he was doing with them and cut him off...but not until after it went on a couple years! He had to buy carbide rescue chains to cut the ties...and I heard he couldn't sell the OWB because it was totally coated with a thick layer of goo inside. o_O
Boy, I sure don't miss that's smell! Oooh that smell! :laugh: