Where does Wal Mart "Super Tech" 2 stroke oi come from?
I was taught when I was young to pick a good oil, and stick with it. At least on the brand, if I run out I don't use another brand of oil, and I wont use someone else's gas. I use my gas, and oil mix evry time. And the same oil. Something like that walmart brand you will never know 100 percent, of what you are getting. The fact that was mentioned of chaging of oil company hand's already, would make me stay very clear of it. If it was from a reputable maker for a long period of time, might be different.
I googled this and got the following from jay_merrill on iboats.com :
Walmart 2 cycle oil
August 29th, 2009 07:35 PM #4
Vice Admiral jay_merrill
Default Re: Walmart 2 cycle oil
The info that I have is that Walmart's Super Tech 2 stroke oils are provided to it by Warren Distribution, Inc. Warren Distribution is an Omaha, Nebraska company that manufactures and distributes automotive aftermarket parts. They also distribute oils and chemicals as private label products. The company began as Warren Oil Company, in 1922.
In, addition to the private label brands that it supplies to companies like Walmart, Warren Distributors also has its own brand of oils. They are sold under the names Accel, MAG1 and Polar.
While Warren apparently does blend its own oils, it has no refining capability, so it has to be getting its raw stock from someone else. Just who that is, is the 50 dollar question. My guess is that they get it from whatever source is the least expensive at the time.
Even if they are getting the stock form SOPUS (Shell Oil Products, US), which includes the Pennzoil, Quaker State & Shell brands, to say that the Super Tech Oil is the same as any of those brands, would be a stretch.
The best thing we might be able to do, in order to come up with opinions of the quality of Super Tech products, is to find some independant testing on them. If anyone finds such testing on the net, I suggest putting a link to it here.