Very interesting read as I can relate very closely with your situation. I have taxes taken out of my pension and social security so don’t have to make quarterly tax payments.
We purchased a 40 acre woodlot and I sell excess firewood also.
I don’t know how all of the tax implications work but since the government wants me to claim the small amount we make annually we’ve also been able to deduct the cost of equipment such as saws, winches, trailers, and vehicles.
Personally I feel the tax laws are so screwed up it becomes just a matter of what flies by them and if they want, they can lower the boom on anything they decide they want to.
When I was in college many years ago, I remember a professor telling me the only way to make good money in accounting is to sign your name on some pretty suspicious dealings.
I believe this year will be the first where we actually have a profit as other than fuel, no purchases were made.
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