Weather men are alarmist *******

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Not really sure how much we got but I do know that if I didnt have that 8N with a 6' back blade,I wouldnt be at work today.
8"-12" predicted here (N. of Topeka), and got 9" officially. I'd say they where spot on. Sure they over dramatize's TV. Yet for all that, people still get caught in bad situtations, some even get killed. So what would you do??? downplay everystorm system that rolls through so that more people are out and about when they hit. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who have no clue about how to handle "rough" situations. While there are others who handle those same situations with ease. It's good to be part of the latter. Use your own common sense in those "situations".
8"-12" predicted here (N. of Topeka), and got 9" officially. I'd say they where spot on. Sure they over dramatize's TV. Yet for all that, people still get caught in bad situtations, some even get killed. So what would you do??? downplay everystorm system that rolls through so that more people are out and about when they hit. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who have no clue about how to handle "rough" situations. While there are others who handle those same situations with ease. It's good to be part of the latter. Use your own common sense in those "situations".

osage: i understand where you're coming from, and its sad that people NEED to be told "go stock up for 3 or 4 days just in case" ... i agree that they overblow it for TV purposes and "make news out of nothing" ... but its still stupid to say "these storms are producing dangerous winds" when its blowing 40MPH.. i mean, DUH! its a thunderstorm, in kansas
Yes, there are the sensationalist I use the National Weather Service info on the web, and working for an electric coop, we use utility weather sources. However--weather is the second most difficult thing to predict, with human behavior first. Atmospheric conditions change by the minute--so when you heard snow yesterday, could be ice or sunshine today. I'd hate to try predicting something several days out that changes every time someone breathes out warm air.

BTW, we had 8 inches of snow--over 1/4" ice--that's -3inches on the grass and 8 feet in the ditches!
+1 on National Weather Service, look at forcasts for your area by typing in your zip. Then scroll down and read the forcast discussion. It's a bit technical, but they often talk about the uncertainty in making predictions of things like "snow amount" generally right up to the time the snow starts falling.
Funny reading the Milwaukee Sentinel the past few days, all the posters making fun of the weather people the day before the storm and now they're all amazed that it was as bad or worse than forecast. Now the one's who didn't take it seriously are scrambling to get there cars off the streets or face $105. tow fees so the city can plow.
osage: i understand where you're coming from, and its sad that people NEED to be told "go stock up for 3 or 4 days just in case" ... i agree that they overblow it for TV purposes and "make news out of nothing" ... but its still stupid to say "these storms are producing dangerous winds" when its blowing 40MPH.. i mean, DUH! its a thunderstorm, in kansas

I have to agree with you there, 40 mph wind is just kind of an average blow here in Ks.

Just be glad it wasn't the 32" of snow we got a year or 2 ago.
we got just 1" of ice over top the snow that hadn't melted yet. its fun busting your @ss getting out to the barn..i would rather have the snow.
so, i live in kansas right. We get told last week 10-14 inches of snow where we live, more to the east and oklahoma is supposed to get more. THEN monday rolls around: 100% chance of snow... it FINALLY started to flurry just a little about midnight. THEN these ******* tell us we're still getting like 12" of snow. Yesterday morning there was MAYBE an inch, and by the time its all said and done 3 inches tops. I will give them the fact they were right about the winds and the drifts sucked like hell and the blowing snow didn't make things to fun.

So... this IS wood related... i went out and brought about 1/3 of a cord of hedge up close because it was ALSO supposed to be -5 for the lows... well guess what, my house was 88 this morning because it DIDN'T get that cold, the roads were clear ALL the way to work because the snow didn't stick to them and the drifts were probably broken with 1 snow plow pass at 7am this morning.

If i was as wrong at my job as weathermen i'd be fired... i have TONS of wood up here by the house though... alarmist bastards...

Who else got the unfortunate task of hauling wood and not getting the blizzard they expected?

I have a son that is retarded, and I agree that most of these news and weather people aren't as smart as he is......................but then again, neither are you for using words like that to belittle someone on a website without any reguard for anyone who might actually be a retard or have one in their family. I haven't seen you post the N word or other racial slurrs............but retard...........that's ok.

I have a son that is retarded, and I agree that most of these news and weather people aren't as smart as he is......................but then again, neither are you for using words like that to belittle someone on a website without any reguard for anyone who might actually be a retard or have one in their family. I haven't seen you post the N word or other racial slurrs............but retard...........that's ok.


Andy: I have no issues making fun of anyone. If you get offended by it just move on along and get over it. I probably WOULD use racial slurs if i wouldn't get banned. You manage to get retard on said list and I'll think about not saying it. And how is retard the same as a racial slur? are you voting for sarah palin? its just like using "***" or "thats gay" maybe you should watch south park and see that they can make (fake) 4th graders understand such concepts
Well jimbo, maybe you'll have a retard in your family some day. Then you wouldn't watch southpark either..............No, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
You're one of those guy's that does whatever you can get away with. Dosen't matter what's right or wrong, or who you do or don't offend as long as you think you're lookin' cool. Dime a dozen on the internet, not so much in person.
No jimbo, you just keep doin' what you want. Some people have integrity and some don't. I just thought I'd call you out and see what kind of man you are. Now I know.

Oh yeah, What would Sara Palin have to do with anything?

8"-12" predicted here (N. of Topeka), and got 9" officially. I'd say they where spot on. Sure they over dramatize's TV. Yet for all that, people still get caught in bad situtations, some even get killed. So what would you do??? downplay everystorm system that rolls through so that more people are out and about when they hit. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who have no clue about how to handle "rough" situations. While there are others who handle those same situations with ease. It's good to be part of the latter. Use your own common sense in those "situations".

Very sad, but true.

Our numbskull local officials blew beaucoup bucks on tornado warning sirens. No figures were ever presented showing places with sirens have fewer deaths than those without. Yes, I would like a warning if there was any real predicting when a tornado was coming. They form and tear through their path of destruction in minutes. If you are alive to hear the siren, it means it missed you, just like thunder. I think we had our last tornado here about 40 years ago. They may wear the sirens out before the next.

Now they are crying wolf for every severe thunderstorm warning.

People are paying less and less attention to them. I am not about to go hide under the bed whenever there is a chance of bad weather. I was working outside last spring as were several of my neighbors when the sirens went off. I could already tell heavy weather was coming. I more or less hurried up to get as much done as I could before it come in. My neighbors? The same.
Well jimbo, maybe you'll have a retard in your family some day. Then you wouldn't watch southpark either..............No, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
You're one of those guy's that does whatever you can get away with. Dosen't matter what's right or wrong, or who you do or don't offend as long as you think you're lookin' cool. Dime a dozen on the internet, not so much in person.
No jimbo, you just keep doin' what you want. Some people have integrity and some don't. I just thought I'd call you out and see what kind of man you are. Now I know.

Oh yeah, What would Sara Palin have to do with anything?


Just because your version of "right and wrong" and my version don't agree doesn't mean either of us is right. I don't find the word "retard" offensive, you do, oooh ahhh. Why you must take this so serious is beyond me? what race are you? I'm sure I'll think up a racial insult, or where did you go to college, or do you wear glasses? I'll replace my ALL encompassing "retard" with the slur of choice that is socially acceptable to you. Besides that, I'll bet 90% of the people that read the title to my thread went YUP. Sarah Palin came in to it because she goes way overboard when someone says retard as well, also because of her child that has downs syndrome (i think).

Have a nice day, sorry you're offended. :)
Maybe we can generalize into two basic types of people. Those that use their own experience, common sense, and hard work to get things done. These people take weather forcasts for what they are worth, prepare for what could happen within reason. They sit by a nice warm fire during a blizzard using wood they cut themselves, eating venison chili from the deer they shot in the fall. When the storm is overe they start up the tractor and clean out the snow in the drive, sometimes on the road too, and go back to work. These people pay less money but work more for what they have. A lot of these types of people post on this site.

The other type doesn't really pay much attention to things like weather, they pay $1000's for their heat, don't go to the grocery store before the storm, they go during the storm pay lots of money on processed nacho cheese and chips, get stuck on the way home because the snow is too deep and their mustang can't manuever in it. And then pay to get their car towed. I saw the weather forcast for
chicago 2 days in advance, yet hundreds of people had to abandon their cars on a heavily traveled road. It looked like a trafic jam during rush hour. But in the middle of a "blizzard". Common Sense, self sufficiency, and good work ethic are traits that are becoming more rare IMO.

If you are a person that provides your own heat, grows your own food, works on your own equipment and generally takes care of yourself and your family with whatever may come at you. Then I say relax, drink some of your homemade brew by the fire and enjoy the pride that comes with being self sufficient. Just give a head shake in for those poor souls that cry wolf with everything, and for those poor souls that don't have the sense to prepare for anything.
Just because your version of "right and wrong" and my version don't agree doesn't mean either of us is right. I don't find the word "retard" offensive, you do, oooh ahhh. Why you must take this so serious is beyond me? what race are you? I'm sure I'll think up a racial insult, or where did you go to college, or do you wear glasses? I'll replace my ALL encompassing "retard" with the slur of choice that is socially acceptable to you. Besides that, I'll bet 90% of the people that read the title to my thread went YUP. Sarah Palin came in to it because she goes way overboard when someone says retard as well, also because of her child that has downs syndrome (i think).

Have a nice day, sorry you're offended. :)

Hahahahahaha. jimbo I think you need to quit worrying about the inteligence of weathermen and such, and start worrying about your own.
Versions of right and wrong. Hahahahaha. What's your version if someone decides to take your chainsaw and tells you to kiss their ass. You'd think it was wrong, but they wouldn't care. According to what you said above it would be ok for them to keep taking your stuff and telling you to kiss their ass because their version of right and wrong was different than yours. If you had the brains to pour piss out of a boot you might see that since people who are close to someone who is mentally retarded find it offensive that it might behoove you to think before you speak (or post). But in your own words it is beyond you to understand.
In reality what you need to be doing is thanking God, or your lucky stars, or whatever you thank that you are not the one who was stricken with retardation. It's just a roll of the dice, son.
My race is American. We are a melting pot, Heinz 57.
I went to college at Cooke County in Texas.
Yes, I wear glasses (it may catch up to you when you're older too).
And I have a big chip on my shoulder when it comes to young punks throwing the word retard around, and then saying I'm sorry your offended. I know they're lying because they then say they don't care and they are going to keep using it.
I really hope you never understand the things I do. But I also hope you grow up a little. It's not all about you.

Hahahahahaha. jimbo I think you need to quit worrying about the inteligence of weathermen and such, and start worrying about your own.
Versions of right and wrong. Hahahahaha. What's your version if someone decides to take your chainsaw and tells you to kiss their ass. You'd think it was wrong, but they wouldn't care. According to what you said above it would be ok for them to keep taking your stuff and telling you to kiss their ass because their version of right and wrong was different than yours. If you had the brains to pour piss out of a boot you might see that since people who are close to someone who is mentally retarded find it offensive that it might behoove you to think before you speak (or post). But in your own words it is beyond you to understand.
In reality what you need to be doing is thanking God, or your lucky stars, or whatever you thank that you are not the one who was stricken with retardation. It's just a roll of the dice, son.
My race is American. We are a melting pot, Heinz 57.
I went to college at Cooke County in Texas.
Yes, I wear glasses (it may catch up to you when you're older too).
And I have a big chip on my shoulder when it comes to young punks throwing the word retard around, and then saying I'm sorry your offended. I know they're lying because they then say they don't care and they are going to keep using it.
I really hope you never understand the things I do. But I also hope you grow up a little. It's not all about you.


Andy: I already wear glasses, have for years and years. You're just missing the boat, so I'm done arguing with you.
Andy: I already wear glasses, have for years and years. You're just missing the boat, so I'm done arguing with you.

Arguing??? Is that what we were doing?
I thought I was preaching to you.
I just want to know, would it be alright for them to keep your chainsaw since their version of right and wrong was different than yours? Answer that and I'm done.
