Weather men are alarmist *******

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Arguing??? Is that what we were doing?
I thought I was preaching to you.
I just want to know, would it be alright for them to keep your chainsaw since their version of right and wrong was different than yours? Answer that and I'm done.


If they thought they needed it bad enough to take it i guess it would be alright. i wouldn't be happy about it, i wouldn't like it, but i wouldn't do much about it. I can see we have a differing of opinions no matter what be it "*******" politics, business, religion, ect ect ect. forever, so i was saying i'm going my way, you go yours and we'll (hopefully) both be happy. BTW i do respect your opinion and I actually do have sympathy for you and your family. I hope you are a nice enough person to meet your handicapped childs needs instead of just institutionalizing them and not giving a #### like some people do.
If they thought they needed it bad enough to take it i guess it would be alright. i wouldn't be happy about it, i wouldn't like it, but i wouldn't do much about it. I can see we have a differing of opinions no matter what be it "*******" politics, business, religion, ect ect ect. forever, so i was saying i'm going my way, you go yours and we'll (hopefully) both be happy. BTW i do respect your opinion and I actually do have sympathy for you and your family. I hope you are a nice enough person to meet your handicapped childs needs instead of just institutionalizing them and not giving a #### like some people do.

My son is taken care of. He'll be 27 soon, and is sitting on the coutch just across the room from me. Thanks for your concerne.
You're right, our opinions on everything are different, but I like to consider myself a man of my word, so I'm done.

You're both using the wrong word. The PC word is handicapped. Heck, 'disabled' isn't the correct word anymore... it's 'other abled' or some such nonsense.

That said, I use the word "tard" or "retard" a lot but refrain around folk that I know are personally affected just out of respect.

Hey jingo,

Why don't you take your hate words and put them in the hedge pile next to the house? Then maybe get down on your knees and thank your deity of choice that you have the good fortune of not having a chromosonal disorder.

Or maybe you do....
Who else got the unfortunate task of hauling wood and not getting the blizzard they expected?

Unfortunately, we now have three gallons of milk, five loaves of bread, and enough eggs to last until this ice age is over! But that is the wife's way of of preparing for the storm!

Weatherguy here stinks too, hasn't been right except maybe 1% of the time...
Bet he owns stock in milk, bread, and eggs!!

Scott (fire the bastids) B
a lot of people live in the city because they dont have the common sense to live and make it in the country. there lies the issue in Chicago...that said .... enough bs about political correctness. its all bs....say what ya want when ya want and to who ya want...if they dont like tell them to kiss your is too short to be politically correct and worry about "if i say this he might get mad".... well some things just need to be said the rest of ya deal with it and get over it....just be glad your not neighbors and go on with your lives.:buttkick:
Maybe we can generalize into two basic types of people. Those that use their own experience, common sense, and hard work to get things done. These people take weather forcasts for what they are worth, prepare for what could happen within reason. They sit by a nice warm fire during a blizzard using wood they cut themselves, eating venison chili from the deer they shot in the fall. When the storm is overe they start up the tractor and clean out the snow in the drive, sometimes on the road too, and go back to work. These people pay less money but work more for what they have. A lot of these types of people post on this site.

The other type doesn't really pay much attention to things like weather, they pay $1000's for their heat, don't go to the grocery store before the storm, they go during the storm pay lots of money on processed nacho cheese and chips, get stuck on the way home because the snow is too deep and their mustang can't manuever in it. And then pay to get their car towed. I saw the weather forcast for
chicago 2 days in advance, yet hundreds of people had to abandon their cars on a heavily traveled road. It looked like a trafic jam during rush hour. But in the middle of a "blizzard". Common Sense, self sufficiency, and good work ethic are traits that are becoming more rare IMO.

If you are a person that provides your own heat, grows your own food, works on your own equipment and generally takes care of yourself and your family with whatever may come at you. Then I say relax, drink some of your homemade brew by the fire and enjoy the pride that comes with being self sufficient. Just give a head shake in for those poor souls that cry wolf with everything, and for those poor souls that don't have the sense to prepare for anything.

That sir was very well said imo. P S I even wear boots & pants in the winter instead of flip flops & shorts. A C