Well who's got a summer plan?

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Oh man... whatever guess I'd make would likely be way, way off.
Actually the bar is damn close to 30 years old, when I say 22 years that's just the current saw... it was used on an 024 for a few years before I traded it for the 026.

Let me tell you how that went... in the 80s I bought a near-new-lookin' 028 with a 20-inch bar from a guy who's truck had broken on the road and had it towed into our shop. He and his crew ended up spending a few days at the motel while we fixed it... by the time they paid the bill(s) they'd run out'a cash. He (they) needed gas money to get home... I'd spotted the 028 in the box and asked about it. He walked over and pulled it from the box, started it on the second pull, shut it down, set it at my feet and said, "Hundred bucks?"
So after I'd used' it for a year or two dad borrowed it one day, hooked a fence, and promptly broke the crank. I hauled it into the saw shop and traded it for another 028 wearin' the 16-inch bar, and I kept the 20-inch also. A few years later ('92 or '93) I traded the 028 power head for a lighter, brand new, first year, 026 power head... (i.e., I kept both my used 16 and 20 inch bars).

That 16-inch bar has cut a lot of wood... there ain't one single speck of paint left on it and it's worn down to the point where the drive links almost bottom-out in the groove.
It's time...
Safe to say you are well in the triple digits then?

I'm retiring my 16" bar shortly also...it cuts crooked. The rails wore out long before the replaceable nose did.
I cut lots in the summer so I just plan my cutting depending on the weather. If it's hot as heck I cut in the shade in the bush during the hot times. cut off the limbs early in the morning or later at night. I cut close enough to my barn that I can set up lights and split safely in the dark when it's cool. I also have a big portable garage I put up to stay out of the sun and still have the breeze. Sooner or later it will rain and that's always a good time for the physical jobs.
I buy a new bar every few years. I have no idea why I do this..
I don't either... but... some people trade cars every year (shrug)
Dad won't flip his bar over because havin' the letterin' upside-down bothers him (shrug)
My wife buys a new pair of shoes (seems like) every time she drives to town (shrug)
I can't drive by a gun shop without stoppin'... and spendin' money (shrug)

Hey... we all have our little "things". If yours is a new bar every few years... it-is-what-it-is :D
I am planning on dropping a bunch of trees in the next few weeks. Then once it firms up, I'll go out & skid them out to split & stack. I would like to be done by June, no later than the 2nd week at the latest.
There are worse ways... no doubt :laughing:
Everything is relative. I don't think twice about spending $40 on dinner or a good bottle of whiskey but I shop around for two weeks to find the lowest price for a bar. In reality the whiskey will last a few days to weeks, dinner tides you over for 12 hours, but a bar will last for years on a homeowner saw if mishaps are avoided. So we all should be buying Tsumura and Sugi then, right?
I would like to be done by June, no later than the 2nd week at the latest.
Other than a storm bringin' somethin' down... mid-June is pretty much my cut-off point to makin' firewood.
After that the heat, humidity, weeds and bugs make it a miserable job... my firewood makin' tools go into storage during summer.
So we all should be buying Tsumura and Sugi then, right?
Well... considerin' my Stihl bar lasted near 30 years... I flat can't justify the extra cost of a Tsumura or Sugi.
I mean... heck man... I don't even know if I'll still be above ground in 30 years‼
My summer plan is the same as the previous years summer plans wood wise. Cut, split, stack, rinse and repeat.

The ONE thing I am happy about is that this year I already have an ok jump on this winters wood. I have the nice weather to thanks for for.

My tromping around in the woods has not not found any good Sugar Maple blowdowns. Oh well.

I don't either... but... some people trade cars every year (shrug)
Dad won't flip his bar over because havin' the letterin' upside-down bothers him (shrug)
My wife buys a new pair of shoes (seems like) every time she drives to town (shrug)
I can't drive by a gun shop without stoppin'... and spendin' money (shrug)

Hey... we all have our little "things". If yours is a new bar every few years... it-is-what-it-is :D

Hey now.....I consider those "investments." Nothing wrong with that.:D
I have access to a woods that was logged a few years back and there are just tops laying EVERYWHERE... Big tops... Many of them start in the 20" range and a few are even bigger. Far more tops of GOOD stuff than I will get cut before they go bad. White oak, locust, red oak, beech, ash. Plus like every other woods around me there are a bazillion standing dead ash. My girlfriend says we are gonna cut all summer long so I don't have to drag her out in the cold next winter.
I consider those "investments."
I always say... if it all ever does hit the fan, it won't be gold and silver that will get ya' through.
Ya' need something that people will always trade for... no matter how bad it gets.
There's three things that will always have value... alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.
Why do ya' think the government put those three (seemingly unrelated) things under one bureau? :laughing:
As I said I was gonna'... I went to the saw shop yesterday mornin'.
My pocket is 151 dollars and change lighter.
I strenuously voiced my disappointment that the guide bar only lasted 2½ decades... it didn't get me a discount, only a chuckle.
Well except for premix and bar oil you should be set for a few years then.

I like having several chains in the rotation. It makes it seem like you rarely need to buy one.
Got a lovely little vacation in TN in July with the whole family (except my ugly brother), a house to build, a rental to finish rehabbing, a deck to build, a bathroom to remodel, and a million other small jobs. In my spare time I'm going to snag as much wood as I can before it gets really hot, but the prospects for hardwood aren't too good right now. Plenty of softwood I can use for selling, though.

Oh yes - and a wedding to pay for in August. Oldest daughter is getting hitched.