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Collecting some serious dough today (finally). Time to pull the rest of it together and maybe think about laying it down for the winter. Not so sure though, it would be nice to at least keep my account hovering around where it's at for a change. Getting a little tired of sitting around all winter watching it dwindle away, but I really do hate the cold. I guess I'll just let the phone figure that one out for me.

I have a tentative estimate set up for later on this am too. Guy says he's been a cop for nineteen years, so I'd better be on the up and up. I really do think most cops are #######s. Just thinking out loud here.

Did he really say " you better be on the up and up"? What's that mean anyway? I would have hung up on him.
Did he really say " you better be on the up and up"? What's that mean anyway? I would have hung up on him.

Not his exact terms. Guy actually seemed pretty cool (far as Pigs go) talking about hunting etc. I told him 3k to take down some ash trees (wood stays). It probably should've been a bit more, cuz its all climbing, but screw it, work is work this time of year. Sounds like he just wants to wait till after Christmas.
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Not his exact terms. Guy actually seemed pretty cool (far as Pigs go) talking about hunting etc. I told him 3k to take down some ash trees (wood stays). It probably should've been a bit more, cuz its all climbing, but screw it, work is work this time of year. Sounds like he just wants to wait till after Christmas.

Yea it's tire kicking season now , except the older folks .
Ouch I'm in pain grrrrrr. Was trying to finish up a cord of wood for sale with the tw6 and I knew it was piling up, so its my own damn fault but a huge half split chunk slipped out of my hand while trying to reposition and pinned my knee hard between it and the splitter! I never bruise but I did this time, I heard a crack noise but hope it was not my knee. Took me 30 mins to get up. Bad day:(
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Ouch I'm in pain grrrrrr. Was trying to finish up a cord of wood for sale with the tw6 and I knew it was piling up, so its my own damn fault but a huge half split chunk slipped out of my hand while trying to reposition and pinned my knee hard between it and the splitter! I never bruise but I did this time, I heard a crack noise but hope it was not my knee. Took me 30 mins to get up. Bad day:(

Yeah, a nice wack to the knee can make you not get up in a hurry and leave you in regret for years. Hope its OK.
Maybe. Not sure there's that much rhyme or reason to any of this anymore. You sure do seem to have it figured out though.. :)

I used to fall prey to all the hype myself but you if you write your own poetry you can make it mean whatever you want.

I got to use Ole Mossy today and it was a thrill. I had popped the barrel off , taken out the cartridge limiting dowl , thumbed 5 rounds into him then stuck him next to my toolbox. When the two necks came to pick-up the salt spreader I listed on CL I told my peeps to stay upstairs. The guy said he was only able to get 250 out of MAC and he would get the rest tomorrow.
I used a Mossberg 472 .30 for that sort of stuff and that's who I sleep with but it suddenly dawned on that I need more firepower.

I was out with 2Trees down in Kennet Spuare on Friday. For a "money" section there are a lot of cheap tree services and I think we might have been one of them. The was - Cheap Tree Service- and - Cheap's Tree Service- spray painted on plywood and nailed to every pole there was.

2Tree had sent pics of what he called a maple and from them it didn't look like to much. When I got there it took me awhile to realize it wasn't a maple but a 85 foot muli stemed ash with long, horizontal, stringy limbs just over the roof . The trunk was bigger than his 88, went up a few feet to 6 leaders I had to use my 25 inch 44 on.

We about killed ourselves along with our self respect trying to get a throwline in it but we managed to get his Wraptor set up enough for me to try not to run it into a branch as I flew up.

I was in about 4 hours swinging onto the GRCS then hacking with my 26 for awhile til I was starving and cranky, I was getting annoyed with the newbie, poor guy. Nothing more than him just taking long tying things on and doing it ass backwards.

I felt better after eating a couple granola bars and was happy to hear about 2Tree wanting to do what I was thinking which was to start Murphing #### for real. I cut one leader I thought was going to barber chair onto my lanyard. I screwed up the notch with my 44 but was able to clean it up, I cut it deep then ripped into the backcut full steam ahead. The hinge made a wretched noise as it bent and boy did it go kerplunk. I thought we might have cracked the septic 20 feet away.

I sent out a couple less enthralling leaders to make room for the one big one leaning towards the house. I had made a point to skin a little off of it before I came down for a break. We pulled it 180 degrees from the lean and past the septic tanks and while I was about to make the backcut I thought, " Ok, now if 2Tree don't floor it I should live through this". When I got on the ground he was like," Dude, I had all six tires spinning and my foot on the floor!" My 200 wasn't cutting for #### but my 44 was. God Bless America, God Bless Mossberg and God Bless Mr Stihl.
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Ouch I'm in pain grrrrrr. Was trying to finish up a cord of wood for sale with the tw6 and I knew it was piling up, so its my own damn fault but a huge half split chunk slipped out of my hand while trying to reposition and pinned my knee hard between it and the splitter! I never bruise but I did this time, I heard a crack noise but hope it was not my knee. Took me 30 mins to get up. Bad day:(

dang it ol ropey lad your havin a bad run thee wish a change off luck git the wind on yer back for awhile

Sat nite 50th bday for mate in a grungy pub on the bad side of town,, was great time he plays in 3 bands so sets from all blue grass, elvis to sex pistols covers..

your today my yesterday, I got some time off building a large car port at home went shootin at ma club range and it all came together for once my reload grouped so sweet i could hardly stop puttin shots on next to or in the same holes from my no1v223 @ 100m back to 300 twas a wee rushed as things to be done @home but still a PB high score.:msp_smile:

today my today, dropped no 1 son off his ADF cadet parade then on to air port no2 daughter off to Alice springs its almost dead set heart of OZ she's then 3 hrs on to aboriginal community for a week of immersion in another world 30.000 year old culture and life style. Told she'll come back a wee changed and wiser about our land "just dont git married to to an elder" all I asked. On way back to git son still bad timing ment we missed the march n ceremony oh well.

restin awhile as now diggging drainage trench to pick up roof to home storm water pipe

At ma gun club was shown 2 trees needing to be dropped, one is quite tricky & will need some thought n sum balls. 65 foot gum bent broken still hooked up in tree beside it could be a candidate for slabbing / barba chair out as I cut so will plan for an keep in mind 2 git out fast and tag rope its head to be sure goes just one way. may get some pictures.
Well I'm up and walking without much effort so think just gonna be sore a bit! It hit the inside of my knee joint sore to the touch but not so bad walking now. Bruise went away fast turned my usual red I don't want to hit the same spot for a while but believe I'm ok.
dang it ol ropey lad your havin a bad run thee wish a change off luck git the wind on yer back for awhile

Sat nite 50th bday for mate in a grungy pub on the bad side of town,, was great time he plays in 3 bands so sets from all blue grass, elvis to sex pistols covers..

your today my yesterday, I got some time off building a large car port at home went shootin at ma club range and it all came together for once my reload grouped so sweet i could hardly stop puttin shots on next to or in the same holes from my no1v223 @ 100m back to 300 twas a wee rushed as things to be done @home but still a PB high score.:msp_smile:

today my today, dropped no 1 son off his ADF cadet parade then on to air port no2 daughter off to Alice springs its almost dead set heart of OZ she's then 3 hrs on to aboriginal community for a week of immersion in another world 30.000 year old culture and life style. Told she'll come back a wee changed and wiser about our land "just dont git married to to an elder" all I asked. On way back to git son still bad timing ment we missed the march n ceremony oh well.

restin awhile as now diggging drainage trench to pick up roof to home storm water pipe

At ma gun club was shown 2 trees needing to be dropped, one is quite tricky & will need some thought n sum balls. 65 foot gum bent broken still hooked up in tree beside it could be a candidate for slabbing / barba chair out as I cut so will plan for an keep in mind 2 git out fast and tag rope its head to be sure goes just one way. may get some pictures.

Wait a minute! You took your daughter where and dropped her off with who!!??

When I am dealing with a potential barber chair I start forming a notch by making the base cut of the notch very slow and deep as I can. If the saw gets pinched it can be tied off ( or take the power head off) then do something else. I have never got one pinched but if it does you still have options... usually. After I get a deep notch I just lay into the back with all I got till I feel the saw getting yanked , then I pull it back keeping all my thoughts and attention on whether or not I need to stick is back in if you know what I mean. I don't use saw lanyards when climbing and if I see the chair coming and i still have the saw I am gonna use it to cut my lanyard and swing away on my TIP.

I don't trust the backstrap of a bore cut to hold very much. In one of Murph's videos you can see why. And when I am pulling leaners I like to increase the pull as I cut rather than set the thing off with cutting the backstrap.
Maybe. Not sure there's that much rhyme or reason to any of this anymore. You sure do seem to have it figured out though.. :)

I am along for the ride anymore , when I think I have something nailed down , seems to throw me for a curve ! #### it right ! Laugh and try harder tomorrow !
he likes boys , them singing is just window dressing ! You'll have a good time , I mean I enjoy seeing my kids enjoy something it's one perk of being a dad ! LOL I am taking mine in JUNE BTW !

Bring your ear plugs, But you were right, it was great to watch my daughter have such a good time.
Gotta look cleaned up for Tuesday. Managers meeting and golf day. New pics to update our web site. I never played golf before, so it should be interesting.

Dude, forgot about that, what time is it, I have a 9 at CampPen, FREE DUMP SITE!!!! I have been rebuilding a territory. Most of my guys suck, have been trained very poorly or dont care about doing good work. I now totally see what ya mean about the reputation. Met Steve the saw meckaneck, took him like 20 sumtin saws, said I would like 3 good 200's back, gave him a halfway decent 192t and a bunch of echo stuff, they all seemed real cool, so hey, double thanks for the hook up on that deal. We are moving in today, but gotta meet the Fire extinguisher dude to today in my yard, as we had safety down from corporate and we where destroyed. That dude you sent my way, V, never came back after I gave him a piss test paper, lol, you didn't miss anything, me and my GF met him, seemed like a tweaker. Meeting the your buddy (truck mechaneck) later this week to get that going, my dude is a moron, had one of my 250's in and out several times trying to fix a hyd problem with electronics. So going to get set up with Wendall. If you have any more talent calling, and you don't snatch them up, send them my way. Gotta do the paper trail thing first and give them the chance to step up, but they are going to start dropping like fly's soon, have 5 guys that are safe, all others will be put on notice, step up or your gone. Bandit just partnered with Bobcat on Mira Mar, so we are going to take all equipment there from this point forward. New 355's seem good but y AGF had the trigger stick on his a couple times, had that yet? Still getting them all re geared, they have been working with junk and climbing on systems from the stone age. Pushing the SRT for palms.

BEASTY!!!!! I NEED YOU! sure ya don't wanna move a bit south? Would love to bring ya aboard. It sounds like ya gotta good thing going , so I understand it you don't, but, if ya do, LETS TALK! That goes along with any of you hackers! I need talent , FREAKIN BAAAAAAAD, tired of guys who are there just to do the bare minimum or have no clue, I need Jedi! Not talking bout u fellas way out da area, looking for folks that are from SoCAL, its like a different country here, so I need peeps that understand the culture.

Hiya fellas!, no, me and Jeff have not met up yet, when we talk, we are usually passing each other on the highway going from this place to the next. I stopped and watched one of his crews, and they are ON IT! Was really impressed with the talent and the no BS'ing around attitude they had, nice clean equipment and they do good work. My op has some major work to do to catch up. THAT IS A FACT. Still working at least 13-14 hours a day, everyday, to get a hold of this monster and tame it. Its been 30 days now and I have had enough time to do a assessment, not good. But I can fix it and the the guys upstairs are behind me. I still live in Da Hood, but finally we are moving out of this hell hole.....TODAY! Got us a real nice little pad with a badaas yard. Still driving a little Ford Focus (feel free to tear me up on that, believe me, I know) Going to letter my F-250 and start driving that as soon as my son figures out what he wants to do, its pretty sad when my 19 y/o is not impressed with most of my guys and has more knowledge than some one who has been in the biz for years, he has 2 summers under is belt and I have more faith in him than I do them. He still has no interest in climbing and still wants to do the Certified Water Auditor thing, which I agree, but I need his ground skills badly right now, setting the example and giving them a idea of the pace I expect. My oldest is already talking about this summer and coming aboard, cant wait. He really loved the rope and was learning the way of the Force really quick, but still very much a padawan. I only have 2 Jedi on board, my GF and AGF, but they have never had any real authority and where constantly over ruled by a salesman or the DM, that stopped right away, but the authority don't mean **** when ya got guys who could not give a F, they actually say it!
Gotta apologize to Big D and the other Mods, I know that I have not been doing my fair share and they have been on bunch. I will be back to normal as soon as I get this thing going in the right direction. This territory was so far off the reservation that they forgot that they are supposed to be learning how to be Jedi and have fallen to the dark side of the force, hopefully, they will value their jobs and decide they want to keep it. If not, they will be deemed Sith and be terminated.
When I get in the new place and get set up, hopefully I can hang for a day and catch up with yall, good to see Danno is still very much..........Danno, and Danno, gotta ask, what color was the toenail polish?
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Not too much to talk about today. Picking up my wood splitter guy in a few. Got a couple warm days in a row, might as well get something done. I'm gonna force myself to razor up every saw on the truck today. Gonna cut enough wood to keep that moron busy for a long time (I use the term moron, with love, lol), and just be done with it.

Still waiting on the new pickup. They said maybe around Thanksgiving.. WTF!! There's gonna be nothing left to that Camry by the time I'm done with it!! I'm still amazed that thing shifts at 6500 RPM's!! Lol.
Dude, forgot about that, what time is it, I have a 9 at CampPen, FREE DUMP SITE!!!! I have been rebuilding a territory. Most of my guys suck, have been trained very poorly or dont care about doing good work. I now totally see what ya mean about the reputation. Met Steve the saw meckaneck, took him like 20 sumtin saws, said I would like 3 good 200's back, gave him a halfway decent 192t and a bunch of echo stuff, they all seemed real cool, so hey, double thanks for the hook up on that deal. We are moving in today, but gotta meet the Fire extinguisher dude to today in my yard, as we had safety down from corporate and we where destroyed. That dude you sent my way, V, never came back after I gave him a piss test paper, lol, you didn't miss anything, me and my GF met him, seemed like a tweaker. Meeting the your buddy (truck mechaneck) later this week to get that going, my dude is a moron, had one of my 250's in and out several times trying to fix a hyd problem with electronics. So going to get set up with Wendall. If you have any more talent calling, and you don't snatch them up, send them my way. Gotta do the paper trail thing first and give them the chance to step up, but they are going to start dropping like fly's soon, have 5 guys that are safe, all others will be put on notice, step up or your gone. Bandit just partnered with Bobcat on Mira Mar, so we are going to take all equipment there from this point forward. New 355's seem good but y AGF had the trigger stick on his a couple times, had that yet? Still getting them all re geared, they have been working with junk and climbing on systems from the stone age. Pushing the SRT for palms.

BEASTY!!!!! I NEED YOU! sure ya don't wanna move a bit south? Would love to bring ya aboard. It sounds like ya gotta good thing going , so I understand it you don't, but, if ya do, LETS TALK! That goes along with any of you hackers! I need talent , FREAKIN BAAAAAAAD, tired of guys who are there just to do the bare minimum or have no clue, I need Jedi! Not talking bout u fellas way out da area, looking for folks that are from SoCAL, its like a different country here, so I need peeps that understand the culture.

Hiya fellas!, no, me and Jeff have not met up yet, when we talk, we are usually passing each other on the highway going from this place to the next. I stopped and watched one of his crews, and they are ON IT! Was really impressed with the talent and the no BS'ing around attitude they had, nice clean equipment and they do good work. My op has some major work to do to catch up. THAT IS A FACT. Still working at least 13-14 hours a day, everyday, to get a hold of this monster and tame it. Its been 30 days now and I have had enough time to do a assessment, not good. But I can fix it and the the guys upstairs are behind me. I still live in Da Hood, but finally we are moving out of this hell hole.....TODAY! Got us a real nice little pad with a badaas yard. Still driving a little Ford Focus (feel free to tear me up on that, believe me, I know) Going to letter my F-250 and start driving that as soon as my son figures out what he wants to do, its pretty sad when my 19 y/o is not impressed with most of my guys and has more knowledge than some one who has been in the biz for years, he has 2 summers under is belt and I have more faith in him than I do them. He still has no interest in climbing and still wants to do the Certified Water Auditor thing, which I agree, but I need his ground skills badly right now, setting the example and giving them a idea of the pace I expect. My oldest is already talking about this summer and coming aboard, cant wait. He really loved the rope and was learning the way of the Force really quick, but still very much a padawan. I only have 2 Jedi on board, my GF and AGF, but they have never had any real authority and where constantly over ruled by a salesman or the DM, that stopped right away, but the authority don't mean **** when ya got guys who could not give a F, they actually say it!
Gotta apologize to Big D and the other Mods, I know that I have not been doing my fair share and they have been on bunch. I will be back to normal as soon as I get this thing going in the right direction. This territory was so far off the reservation that they forgot that they are supposed to be learning how to be Jedi and have fallen to the dark side of the force, hopefully, they will value their jobs and decide they want to keep it. If not, they will be deemed Sith and be terminated.
When I get in the new place and get set up, hopefully I can hang for a day and catch up with yall, good to see Danno is still very much..........Danno, and Danno, gotta ask, what color was the toenail polish?

One foot is blue, the other pink.