whadja do today?

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It was a beautiful day, for sure.

Been working at the Santa ana botanical gardens in Clairmont for the last 3 days. One of my favorite all time places to work. Its dedicated to California native trees and plants. Lots of Phd types doing stuff there makes for an interesting work day. It's surprising how how much work goes into making everything look natrual. We were removing hangers from some Torry pines and taking the mistletoe out of some oaks. Removed a few dying trees here and there.
Tomorrow I have an interesting trim job on a big leaning pine over the neighbor's house. But that is for tomorrow.
Well, snow finally stopped coming down, so had to get my butt up in a tree today, dead wooded a Silver maple. Took the puppy in for it's 3rd round of shots, looked and booked another job for next week. 3 big cheques arrived from jobs I did last month $$$ Treestuff.com order coming tomorrow!:msp_biggrin: Good week for not doing too much!:rock: Nice to have an easy week for once!
What a day. Started early working for this one guy. He likes to start at 7, which is really early for me. I show up to the job at 7, he's running late and doesn't show until 7:25 with his bucket truck and mexicans. All I had to do was get this one spruce down. I start up the tree, and soon he leaves to get the chip truck and chipper. His mexicans did just fine dragging brush. When it came time to lower the wood I asked for a block, they sent me up one that was almost brand new... nice aluminum one, price still clearly visable in marker, only problem was no sling, they gave me this POS hank of blue streak maybe 16' long??? so while I'm in the tree I had to make up a sling for the block and lower wood with some 1/2" true blue. I'm getting my cuts set up and the dumb bastards are messing with the rope. I told them to knock if off, they didn't. Then I started yelling at the top of my lungs that if they didn't knock if off I'd just dump logs on their heads. Meanwhile we are working on main street with people walking by constantly. I get down low enough to where we can dump the stick, the guy's 394 wasn't cutting for ####.

So after that disappointment I went with some friends up to the sawmill to grab some lumber that had been cut up for a few projects, had fun and came back to unload what I am told is ~1100 bd ft of spruce. Went to another sawmill later on to drop off some nice cherry that is going to be kilned before I take it to a carpenter customer of mine to be turned into a coffee table for my mother. Made a new friend I think.

Got a call from a friend, he got into an accident this morning. Apparently he and his guys were working on the side of the road, had cones out, and 1 guy directing traffic. Some kid came flying up the road in his little car, plowed right into the front of my friend's chip truck. Nobody was hurt, but my friend's truck is a little banged up, and the kid's car is totaled.
Collecting some serious dough today (finally). Time to pull the rest of it together and maybe think about laying it down for the winter. Not so sure though, it would be nice to at least keep my account hovering around where it's at for a change. Getting a little tired of sitting around all winter watching it dwindle away, but I really do hate the cold. I guess I'll just let the phone figure that one out for me.

I have a tentative estimate set up for later on this am too. Guy says he's been a cop for nineteen years, so I'd better be on the up and up. I really do think most cops are #######s. Just thinking out loud here.
We are swamped with work. Going to set up the guys on a big job this morning then get a hair cut and check out a new free dump site.

Thats what im doing today, meeting a guy that has a ravine. I will have to build the road alittle better but its in town and free. My two guys are working overtime today doing some bushs. No hair cut for me untill march.
Someone hold me and tell me Ill be okay.

Like just about everyone here I will do anything for my kids. But my resolve is being tested, taking my 13 year old daughter to this tonight.


Lucky enough to have scored some VIP Sky Box tickets free from a friend... $250 a seat for bad seats is way too much for me.

Someone HOLD ME.

Well Im guessing I may run in to MDS there... I hear he likes boy bands.
Like just about everyone here I will do anything for my kids. But my resolve is being tested, taking my 13 year old daughter to this tonight.


Lucky enough to have scored some VIP Sky Box tickets free from a friend... $250 a seat for bad seats is way too much for me.

Someone HOLD ME.

Well Im guessing I may run in to MDS there... I hear he likes boy bands.
he likes boys , them singing is just window dressing ! You'll have a good time , I mean I enjoy seeing my kids enjoy something it's one perk of being a dad ! LOL I am taking mine in JUNE BTW !