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An old guy I worked with long ago said if it taste tangy its no good and we wasnt talking about spinach!
Sorry, no pics but we dropped about 40 trees into lakes for some better fishing. One was actually a 41"dbh white pine that popped off the stump and slid down the hill 15ft into the lake..... thank goodness cause noway were 6 of us gonna move that sumabitch with manual log haulers

Maybe I am regional, but that sounds not right,,,I did not say 'Dumb", If you plan on making a mess, you should have a plan to clean up your mess,
How many fish did you get during that op? :eek:
No, it was about DOT cops, and if yer not splicing tenex YER LOSING MONEY!

Right. And if you're not buying 55 gallon drums of bar oil from BJ's, retipping stumper teeth, making your own chains, and whatever else bored cheap bastards stress about, you're also losing money. Me, I can live with losing a little at that rate. lol
Right. And if you're not buying 55 gallon drums of bar oil from BJ's, retipping stumper teeth, making your own chains, and whatever else bored cheap bastards stress about, you're also losing money. Me, I can live with losing a little at that rate. lol

I've been thinking of getting my very own 55 gal drum of oil. You don't!? Don't have a tank of offroad diesel at the shop!?
Had my first firewood complaint of the season. New couple moved into town and ordered 5 cords. They texted later that night accusing me of selling them green wood when it's been sitting split for 11 or so months.

Not a total bummer since they'll know that they're full of it when they burn this stuff

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