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Just make sure you pre-hab. Got to be in good shape going in and you'll be fine after the surgery. If it's only the mensicus you'll probabaly feel like a million bucks soon after. I tore my ACL too but it was only partial so left it, but he did cleanup some scar tissue at the same time. Felt awesome afterwards pretty damn quick. Found a good excercise bike on CL and did my own rehab, I couldn't stand to be in there just to stare at the rehab girls and listen to them quack:msp_w00t:
I talked to 3 different docs and glad I didn't listen to the first 2 that wanted to replace my only partially torn ACL, whacky guys.
It was my 15th Anniversary. Cant believe she stayed this long, I would hit the road a long time ago!

Otis and Gus are surviving (baby squirrels), the Pomeranian (Daisy) has taken them as her own!
3 days on regular client's horse farm/estate. I think these are Clydesdales? They are huge.

or those Belgians, we have a couple around here that breeds them, freaking monsters!!!! They are like, literally! GIANT HORSES!
Look like same exact horses. Real friendly!
or those Belgians, we have a couple around here that breeds them, freaking monsters!!!! They are like, literally! GIANT HORSES!
Look like same exact horses. Real friendly!

That is what they are then I guess. Def. friendly and came right over to say hi. Owner is out of town so I haven't talked to him but my guess is he is breeding them.

How bouts a pict of the squirrels feeding on a dawg? lol
Pruned 7 trees at a residence. Wraptored it up all the way and nailed a full clean up. Picked up a nice load of chips and a little firewood. Nothing really new or exciting happened though, just a nice casual day with the sun beaming down and the 200T deafening the neighbors.
Took my girls to see Disney princesses on ice, we had a blast. Went and got a little more orientation with my new harness/climbing setup. The sequioa's floating bridge is making climbing and maneuvering around so much more easier and graceful, almost to easy. Spent an hour or two playing in a oak tree. Really like how much easier I can swing from one spot two another and have the freedom of movement in my legs to be able to kick my leg up over a limb or twist/ rotate my body to accommodate my landing after a 10/15/20' swing. Going from my old harness to my new one, was like going from a taunting//blakes to a split tail vt hitch setup. Maybe it just seems that way to me for climbing on a weaver basic saddle previously.
What did I do today? Nothing good. Looked at a vista pruning job this morning, told the people it will have to wait until after everything is in leaf. Had it out with a long time client over the maintenance end of their work. I didn't like doing it, but the work was easy enough and they paid. They just canned me for that stuff and hired this local scum bag that very few people I know actually like. So I'm dealing with the fallout from that. Did some writing for a letter to the editor of the local rag. Yesterday we did pull a 5 hp chipper shredder out of a pile of junk, gonna work on it next week. Also did some more investigating into a trucking job for next week. Gonna drive down to the city for a client to pick up an antique fountain and bring it up to her place. Just now I was trying to find an old AS member who I haven't heard from in quite some time, turns out he died about a year ago, willing to bet the farm it was an OD. Also heard that the friend of a friend is back in jail again... BAD drunk that one (did 2 years for DWI)... not my friend, but I knew the guy.
So I was in the surgeon's office today going over the proceedure for my knee. Its for a torn meniscus. I have had X-rays and MRI's of my knee throughout the years but nothing ever showed up. I have to say I am looking forward to a better life after having this operation... if I don't die on the table that is.
Anyway, I was watching a video of the proceedure, it was in digital format, animation in black and white. I was standing up watching the things they stick and there, the cutting, pulling, drilling and was thinking about it being done to me.
I was sure glad both the doc and the nurse were standing close enough to help me sit down because I was headed to the floor pretty fast. I apologized for being such puss and asked they what they meant by " the proceedure is done with local anesthetic".
When the surgeon came back it I advised, for his safety and my sanity, that I just be put down completely. He assured me they would have me suffeciently doped up and it wouldn't be a problem and that was Ok that I was such a puss. I am still not convinced of either.

Hey buddy, I have had 3 surgeries on my right knee all being torn meniscus. I had the cartilage repaired the first time and the recovery was absolutely horrible. The second and third time I just had the torn parts removed and it is so much better. One of the surgeries was for a dislocated knee cap along with torn cartilage so the recovery was a little longer.

It is a scary thing to be put under and get cut on. It scares me every single time and I have been put under for various surgeries 7 times. Holy crap I did not realize that until now. Just have faith that the doctors know what they are doing and they do it all the time. Cartilage repairs and removals are very easy for them to do.

My best advice to you would DO YOUR REHAB!!!! I did not do the rehab one of the time and ti was tough to get full motion back. Some of the things they make you do seem like it is not helping or it is just pointless but believe you me, it works and it helps. It is amazing what 20 minutes of someone just pushing on your knee cap will do to your pain.

I just got results back from a MRI recently and I'm due for surgery #1 on teh cartilage of my left knee. It has been torn for about a year or so now so it is time to get it fixed. Starting to keep me up at night now but the time out of working at 100% makes me keep puting it off.

Anyhow, best of luck and if you have any questions, I'm no doctor but hit me up. I've been through it before.
That is what they are then I guess. Def. friendly and came right over to say hi. Owner is out of town so I haven't talked to him but my guess is he is breeding them.

How bouts a pict of the squirrels feeding on a dawg? lol

Well, unfortunately, Otis and Gus fell in battle against the A#$ hOLE puppies, daisey the mom, got them out of the cage and the puppies started playing with them, it killed them :msp_angry::msp_sad::msp_angry::msp_sad::msp_angry::msp_sad:
Took my girls to see Disney princesses on ice, we had a blast. Went and got a little more orientation with my new harness/climbing setup. The sequioa's floating bridge is making climbing and maneuvering around so much more easier and graceful, almost to easy. Spent an hour or two playing in a oak tree. Really like how much easier I can swing from one spot two another and have the freedom of movement in my legs to be able to kick my leg up over a limb or twist/ rotate my body to accommodate my landing after a 10/15/20' swing. Going from my old harness to my new one, was like going from a taunting//blakes to a split tail vt hitch setup. Maybe it just seems that way to me for climbing on a weaver basic saddle previously.

I with ya on that, I tried WT's set up, same as you have, coming from the same as your old! Big freaking difference! Did you get those plastic rollers for the biners? They make a big dif too!
I've been down all weekend with a +/- 100* fever, WTF, two viruses in a month! hopfully this one goes away as fast as the last one.

Anyone up to tutoring in Sentential Logic?