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I nitpicked 2 large prunes today. Spent way too long in those trees, My groundie says I'm a perfectionist... Did three smaller prunes including one Crepe Myrtle and one small removal (Black Locust :( ).

Anyway, the woman's face lit up when she came home. She said the trees look marvelous, just what she was wanting. Gave me a $25 dollar tip. :)

That's what does it for me. ;)
I nitpicked 2 large prunes today. Spent way too long in those trees, My groundie says I'm a perfectionist... Did three smaller prunes including one Crepe Myrtle and one small removal (Black Locust :( ).

Anyway, the woman's face lit up when she came home. She said the trees look marvelous, just what she was wanting. Gave me a $25 dollar tip. :)

That's what does it for me. ;)

Yeah did you give her a tip:poke: I like when there is enough tree that the beauty of our practice can be seen. Some trees are so out of whack a good shape is hard to get.
Looked at a few nice jobs with a friend. Got 1 of them as of right now, should produce quite a bit of wood. The lady is tight on money, so rather than climb and rig this one big ash behind the house, and chip all the brush from these other trees, we are gonna bomb everything into the woods, slice off the brush and haul out the logs.
I finally can get some screened topsoil, stupid rain! So today, I am doing winter call backs, filling up all the stumps we ground. YAH!!!

it's been so wet here it sloshes where ever you walk and I got a list of maybe 20 big stumps to do from winter. big rainfall tomorrow. we need some leaves on and a blow to tip some over.
I finished a three day job yesterday cleaning out three rows of evergreens, 50 altogether. They had a grove of wild plums I cleared too. Man I love my mini, I couldnt have done the job without it. I could pay half my mini off with what I made on that job!
I finished a three day job yesterday cleaning out three rows of evergreens, 50 altogether. They had a grove of wild plums I cleared too. Man I love my mini, I couldnt have done the job without it. I could pay half my mini off with what I made on that job!

I stuck a 5 foot York rake on mine , with that we were able to chip a truck load of vines and wild rose today. The rake rolls the brambles into bales that go right throuh the chipper. We are cleaning out overgrown land with rotten deadfall and thick rotten ground cover. I am raking that into piles then loading it with the mini.
The machine is the right size for what we are doing, we are not taking out all the trees and we are leaving some native shrubs. The vines are insane, its nice to be able to pull them tight and it order with the loader , cut from behind then drag out to the chipper.
Finished carting out the wood from the big pine I did last year. 4 pieces of wood created 2 loads in the dump truck. Second load could have been made a little smaller for safety, but I wasn't about to go back for 1 more piece.
I stuck a 5 foot York rake on mine , with that we were able to chip a truck load of vines and wild rose today. The rake rolls the brambles into bales that go right throuh the chipper. We are cleaning out overgrown land with rotten deadfall and thick rotten ground cover. I am raking that into piles then loading it with the mini.
The machine is the right size for what we are doing, we are not taking out all the trees and we are leaving some native shrubs. The vines are insane, its nice to be able to pull them tight and it order with the loader , cut from behind then drag out to the chipper.
Sounds kinda like the stuff I cleand up. I chipped the evergreen stuff. Where the plums were there was alot of rotton wood. I draged the plums with my grapple to where the farmer could burn them then used the bucket and pushed all the rotten stuff into a pile and loaded it into my dump trailer. That rake would of been nice, I coulda left a lot of dirt.
Hey Tree,
I just sold my LR3 and replaced it with a newer truck outfitted with an ALC 50-55. You're the first person out of all I have talked to to say they liked the ALC the least. Can you explain, I'd like to hear your thoughts purely out of curiosity.

And nice truck Chris!
Well in my case I have owned 2, 1 45/50 and the other is a 50/55 , the 45/50 was a complete basket case because it was a air over hydro system and I got the truck direct from Nelson and systematically every small air line blew and not the easiest to replace and when one leaks the boom would creap down . I had the packings done on both outriggers cylinders and a shive crack , I also don't like how they are mounted , its seems they are so far back that you hit things that my LR3 wouldn't .... They should have the lower boom cylinder mounted in the center of the boom so that wand wouldn't stick out so far ...
Kinda struggling with that issue right now. I DON'T want to lower my prices but I keep looking at trees, like, "DAMN, that's gonna be a cakewalk with the bucket." I gotta rethink my bidding strategy a bit but I don't plan on coming too far off my normal price, simply because my overhead just got bumped up quite a bit. It'll be a learning curve, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

The truck takes the danger outta trees and the question , but lowering your prices isn't a smart idea the productivity only offsets the overall cost of the truck and insurance ..
Got ready for tomorrow's 3 Red Oak take downs and bought a bucket truck. It's a 79' Ford 600 with a 56' High Ranger, laugh if you will, but I couldn't pass up the price/condition. Just stumbled upon it a few days ago.
Got ready for tomorrow's 3 Red Oak take downs and bought a bucket truck. It's a 79' Ford 600 with a 56' High Ranger, laugh if you will, but I couldn't pass up the price/condition. Just stumbled upon it a few days ago.

Hopefully it doesnt throw a rod like mine did . those things had the crappyest motors. Used to get blow-by so bad theyd blow out there own gaskets and seals. 330-361-39?. bad family of illegitimate children. I saved another 30 year vet whos in over his head today. "I thought the bucket would reach it". Whata bonehead. I havent climbed anything that big in a long time. Deadest Burr Oak Ive ever been in. So dead the groundies didnt need a saw, ya dig? One piece broke off, and dang near killed Jim. Thank god he had a helmet on. Cant kill jim, if he dies I wont get paid. Caught my pinkie on sumthan, bled for evah. Hey look Im leaking! I must admit, this tree was so dead, I was scarred. Some trees your like hey , if i die today, so what. This was one of those, I really dont wanna die for this thing trees. effer was huge. Trunk alone had over a thou worth of firewood. Shame you couldnt get a clam to it, woulda made a nice floor. Niehbor came over, had a squirl incident in his yard back in o7. Made a cut and felt a bounce on my foot. hit a hollow spot and sliced a squirll, she jumped out of the backside and hit my foot on her way to the nosedive. Guy remembered. shame, wife was po'ed. Didnt matter, guy wants us back. booked another 750 quickie. Was whineing 2 weeks ago, now heads spinning with work, fone rang off the hook last 2 days. Its hear gentlemen, its just up to those who want it. More than I thought isnt going too cheap either. Even joe billy realizes that gas aint cheap.:sucks:
Hopefully it doesnt throw a rod like mine did . those things had the crappyest motors. Used to get blow-by so bad theyd blow out there own gaskets and seals. 330-361-39?. bad family of illegitimate children. I saved another 30 year vet whos in over his head today. "I thought the bucket would reach it". Whata bonehead. I havent climbed anything that big in a long time. Deadest Burr Oak Ive ever been in. So dead the groundies didnt need a saw, ya dig? One piece broke off, and dang near killed Jim. Thank god he had a helmet on. Cant kill jim, if he dies I wont get paid. Caught my pinkie on sumthan, bled for evah. Hey look Im leaking! I must admit, this tree was so dead, I was scarred. Some trees your like hey , if i die today, so what. This was one of those, I really dont wanna die for this thing trees. effer was huge. Trunk alone had over a thou worth of firewood. Shame you couldnt get a clam to it, woulda made a nice floor. Niehbor came over, had a squirl incident in his yard back in o7. Made a cut and felt a bounce on my foot. hit a hollow spot and sliced a squirll, she jumped out of the backside and hit my foot on her way to the nosedive. Guy remembered. shame, wife was po'ed. Didnt matter, guy wants us back. booked another 750 quickie. Was whineing 2 weeks ago, now heads spinning with work, fone rang off the hook last 2 days. Its hear gentlemen, its just up to those who want it. More than I thought isnt going too cheap either. Even joe billy realizes that gas aint cheap.:sucks:

The day YOU save a 30 year vet.....I'll retire :poke::laugh:
The day YOU save a 30 year vet.....I'll retire :poke::laugh:

Well in that case you mustve given up years ago:laugh: Pick one. Theres several old doggers around that are to old and broken to climb. Way I feel right now, chances are I'll be there too soon myself, but I started way to early. Sux being 29 with 15 years experience.
Well in that case you mustve given up years ago:laugh: Pick one. Theres several old doggers around that are to old and broken to climb. Way I feel right now, chances are I'll be there too soon myself, but I started way to early. Sux being 29 with 15 years experience.

Those ole timers likely have forgotten more than you'll ever know giving the illusion they are having trouble climbing while getting done faster and making more money than you dream of.

True, some old guys never should have gotten into it but others never need to get out of it. It get so much easier when you do it smarter. Even Blakes finally wised up to a bucket.

Kills me how some of you guys claim years of experience while still in diapers. You probably have 6 or so years of actual experience....if that.
Got ready for tomorrow's 3 Red Oak take downs and bought a bucket truck. It's a 79' Ford 600 with a 56' High Ranger, laugh if you will, but I couldn't pass up the price/condition. Just stumbled upon it a few days ago.

Even know that you took a cheap shot at me a few years back hiding behind old dirty vagina , I am happy to see that you got a truck that will hopefully make ya some money I am happy for guys who have sucess , my first truck was a 68 chevy Quaker City Tree 45 ft with a six cylinder 286 retireree and it was a real money maker my second truck was a 76 F 800 with a 427 with a 45 ft ALC and I made alot of scratch with that truck too , theres a part of me that wants to buy the bucket on ebay now that lettered WOOSTER TREE SERVICE ....
Those ole timers likely have forgotten more than you'll ever know giving the illusion they are having trouble climbing while getting done faster and making more money than you dream of.

True, some old guys never should have gotten into it but others never need to get out of it. It get so much easier when you do it smarter. Even Blakes finally wised up to a bucket.

Kills me how some of you guys claim years of experience while still in diapers. You probably have 6 or so years of actual experience....if that.

Oh stop .....

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