whadja do today?

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Another tornado damage day yesterday at my town's private country club. This signature oak on the 17th rough fell apart and another huge oak yesterday a week after the storm. The second oak fell apart within 10 feet of a group playing golf.

We worked all day, the second day cutting up one giant oak in a creek bed with 48" bar on 090 and moving it out with Bobcat and still not done.

Lots of winter work coming from this. My camera is crapping out but 3rd pict is deer, they walk around my n'borhood in broad daylight here now. Dumbest animal alive along with pigeons.
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I still have that damn banshee voodoo high priest, dancing out on top of a barn, west of town,shaking his rattles and staff, warding off any storms that come my way, the get about 30 miles out, sirens go off, then storm putters out! EVERY TIME! I'm gonna find this guy and when I do....................
Tree doesn't seem that big in the picture...I guess they never do. I started up at 8:15 am and got down at alittle after 4:30. I am gonna drop the spar in the morning. Also have another oak half the size of this one that we will do tomorrow. I have to admit...I am alittle tired.

Yeah, it looks big enuff in the pic with that groundie standing by the trunk. You goin back for the little dead guy next to it?
Its always dark before the light. Got my foot in the door of a HO association. They sent out an e-mail about me doing some work and Ive booked around 7K of Oak removals in there so far, and the calls havent stopped yet. Im fairly certain I can do all of em in about 4 days. Going back out to bid some more. LATER!!!PS now I really need a clam truck!!!---P.P.S., add on! Call me James Coburn cuz I am IN LIKE FLINT!!! Booked another $1050. Looks like next week is going to be very nice! Anyone have any experience with Specailized Hydraulics in Indiana? I it stays like it has been this month, I am going to have to A. Buy a bucket truck, or B. Hire another climber. (one with a DL)
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No dropn spar today.:msp_mad: I was sitting on front steps this morn lacing up my boots and heard thunder from out over Lake Erie. Checked weather on my phone and HOLY CRAP there was a heck of a storm coming. This baby was not only a mass of red but it had purple in the middle (radar). I thought it would just graze us and stay east of my job but...NO...it shifted west and freakn HAMMERED down between about 8:40 till about 10:30. Hail and lots of lighting. There was a nice minature pond where I wanted to drop spar.:( Not what I had in mind. Plus I need to be at my daughters gymnastics show at 5:30. I still have another oak to take down and a maple that needs a quick trim and gotta drop that toothpick dead ash. There was no way I could get done n make it to gymnastics show. We will finish on Friday.
Went this morning with 3 guys to bang out the smaller of 2 hickory trees that got screwed up last week. Got everything set to go, figured get the wood out today, stack the brush behind the house and deal with it tomorrow... friend had my chipper all day today.

Start taking the tops out, no major troubles to speak of, though my groundie did give me a couple of rides. Start logging the sticks out, 1 pie just happened to clip a piece of slate on the way down, broke a piece off that was cemented in. Then when I'm almost done with the last stick, one piece bounces off the spar, hits the railing on the brand new deck behind me. Client comes out within 30 seconds... not happy.

Sure wish I had the crane there. Tomorrow is supposed to be upwards of 90, hot and humid, and I have to hit the bigger of the 2, rigging everything, and still chip the brush.

Hope to G-d I get paid.
Same Storm a couple of hours later ...

No dropn spar today... there was a heck of a storm coming... I thought it would just graze us and stay east of my job but...NO...it shifted west and freakn HAMMERED down between about 8:40 till about 10:30. Hail and lots of lighting... We will finish on Friday.

Here in Pittsburgh I was in certainly the same front, if not the same cell today. We got an early (for me) start of 9:00 and was hoping for a "miss" to the south. I set a rope in one of the trees and ascended to take a look. They were two big Locusts with damage that was to be trimmed out.

One look to the West let me know today was going to be a wash out. Within minutes of getting out of the tree a light rain started falling and we heard the first distant thunder. By 11:00 we had just packed up when the first hard rain started.

At that point I had bagged the day as I would have been paying and feeding a two man ground crew until the storm front passed.

Not long after the storm passed I got a call from a totally freaked out Facilities Manager who had just watched in horror as the storm caused a severe thrashing of the small Maple that had grown out to the fiber optic cable that was a backbone link for their Corporation's facility.

I recruited my wife as ground man and was there in 15 minutes, the were thrilled to pay $600, and I was out of there inside of an hour.

Not only that, but when I got home there was an email from the customer that one of the large Locusts had dropped a major limb on the neighbor's shed. One less limb I'll have to rope around that thing. So a weather bust day turns golden. I guess some clouds do have silver linings. I finish up with the Locusts tomorrow.
Went this morning with 3 guys to bang out the smaller of 2 hickory trees that got screwed up last week. Got everything set to go, figured get the wood out today, stack the brush behind the house and deal with it tomorrow... friend had my chipper all day today.

Start taking the tops out, no major troubles to speak of, though my groundie did give me a couple of rides. Start logging the sticks out, 1 pie just happened to clip a piece of slate on the way down, broke a piece off that was cemented in. Then when I'm almost done with the last stick, one piece bounces off the spar, hits the railing on the brand new deck behind me. Client comes out within 30 seconds... not happy.

Sure wish I had the crane there. Tomorrow is supposed to be upwards of 90, hot and humid, and I have to hit the bigger of the 2, rigging everything, and still chip the brush.

Hope to G-d I get paid.

You know if you are out in the 90 plus humid weather every day it gets easier. If you stay in for a day or two it is like hell.

Round here you can get top dollar at some barbque places for hickory wood.
trimmed out 7 red maples, put a dead one out of it's misury, and sweat my arse off with a high of 103 degrees, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! 103 FRIGGIN DEGREES!!! it's the begining of June for pete sakes!!!
plus side a sold 150 cords of the quickest burning wood i can find to two state parks to be delivered between now and October
Calling for 97 degrees here today:msp_ohmy:. Thats a bit hot for us, esp my eldest worker, ya know.....the guy with the DL..lol. But its all good....been setn up estimates for today since Friday. Kinda worked out pretty darn good. I think I can get most if not all of em done and still get kids by 4:30 and head up to the city pool. Real nice facilty, just built last year.
I'm getting slammed. Took out a 36" elm on the main drag on Saturday. Had 4k lined up then, but now I've lost count, phones ringing, people stopping on the jobs, at the bank, at the store....hope it stays like this till the end of the season. Stumps are selling like hotcakes too.

Gotta go finish a job that ran late yesterday, sold tree work all morning.
I hear ya Bigus,

Did a small Sugar Maple wedged between a fence and a deck. Total Disney, Train set, plants, all the hanging crap decor you can think of. Did a few estimates, a drop and leave Red Oak hanger of death. Was gonna run to the insurance office, but got a wind damaged hanging Hickory in a high end area, homie is on the scene, told em $1250, and the fish bit. Gotta run. Sux, if his desciption was accurate, Ill be busy till dark. C-YA
Tree doesn't seem that big in the picture...I guess they never do. I started up at 8:15 am and got down at alittle after 4:30. I am gonna drop the spar in the morning. Also have another oak half the size of this one that we will do tomorrow. I have to admit...I am alittle tired.

Nice job, looks to be 90ft. or so....i would be tired to, just spent 5 hours cutting down some live oaks today....hot here in nor cal.

Four big dead balsams. Dry, crispy, and painful. One BIG balsam uprooted and leaning into a birch, and two small balsams. Chip all the branches and pile the wood. The contractor we worked for gave us two guys to help with the carrying. Thank God, doing all the carrying myself in this heat would have killed me for sure. Gimme -10 any day over this ****.

Though it was stinky hot, we were saved by cloud cover and a steady breeze. And I think we're about to get smacked with a thunderstorm. (More work maybe. We picked up almost $2000 in work from the last heavy storm.) :msp_thumbup:

Our weather: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/alerts/wwcaqc0039c/caqc0363/weather?ref=warnings_citypage
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went and eyeballed a chipper and chip dump, not as big a truck as I want, but hey..it'll git er done...without going into hock...

yesterday..scrangy little white pine...had trouble isolating a crotch high enough and stable enough to take the top..got er done though...good convertible ride...bloody hot...coudn't stay up too long..customer loves me, got hit up by a couple people at the day job...might pick up a few grand out of that..maybe scored an $800 drop and chop for next week or so..