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I hear you about those hilly jobs Rope. Felled a leader next to the house and it hit a hard spot launching a 4' piece up from the middle missing the window air conditioner but smacking the vinyl siding and taking out the window pane, I still scratch my head about it missing that ac unit.

Fun day today on a 4 headed monster of a Silver Maple, three down one more to just chunk and chuck over the well head, better not screw up my mismatch cuts. Help was trying to beat me with the spar using the Porty: it would have helped if they ran the rope through it right so it would run smooth:bang:

Did see good news that Yuengling is gonna be in Ohio by this fall, save me the trouble of a PA beer run!:rock:
I sure wouldmiss my mack if I parted with it lol:)

I have tricks for that you have got to have a few in the hills. Worse thing you can do is small firewood sections without a barrier. Nuthing worse than dropping something perfect only to have a bad bounce and gravity make you look like hap hazard:) I sometimes snub them to keep em firm on the hill or build wood and brush barriers, that spar is a problem with the crook, it can want to bounce especially in hard ground found in the hill tops.

I have built a barrier against the brick pool house wall of the roped pieces, some of which are quite large. It's bounce and kinetic energy that concern me most. The roof of the pool house is quite low on the tree side due to the steep slope it's on. I left the drop for in the morning so we are all fresh.
Are you eighteen? I'm 0n 26 th or so:)

Rope, there hasnt been a nado' within an hour drive of me worth going to since before I got into the game. Checked out Ithica when it happened but we were busy and it was too early. Im not in the 'alley', we dont get em here like you do. This was an F-1 baby, but it hit a densely populated (small) area. All the flies on #### are on it. I love working next door to Mini-soda cash raiding door knockers. They have 7 retards and next to no equipment. There climber is spiking from the ground and not using a climbing line. Im in a bucket or climbing smart(and right)with a 3 man crew and going down the same street doing 3 times the production. Already had several of there customers drop em' after watching us next to each other and hire us. Im not happy about all these down primaries, I keep poopin my pants wondering if Com-Ed is gonna fire up the wrong line while Im standing on one.....---oh, and the best part is these idiots dont realize the city is going to pick up the debris! There filling there one tons and asking me where the dump is! I had my homie run to the public works building and find out how to get the contract to pick up the piles with our clam. Its good to be me.
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Good on you Prentice. You have the home field advantage plus you have equipment, leverage that.

Make hay while the sun shines brother because there is always the lull after the storm. Storms always bring in a bad element and they tend to camp out. Really not the greatest thing when it happens in you backyard. Everyone will be scared of the trees around their houses and there will be a frenzy to remove them. That will create a future void.

Put money back! Invest it wisely! You can really leverage this to your advantage bud.

Best of luck!
Good on you Prentice. You have the home field advantage plus you have equipment, leverage that.

Make hay while the sun shines brother because there is always the lull after the storm. Storms always bring in a bad element and they tend to camp out. Really not the greatest thing when it happens in you backyard. Everyone will be scared of the trees around their houses and there will be a frenzy to remove them. That will create a future void.

Put money back! Invest it wisely! You can really leverage this to your advantage bud.

Best of luck!

Thanks MD, and trust me , I know. Back in 07' the same area got hit, but the storm went to the North Shore(Chicago) area. We made bank like you wouldnt believe. The maggots shown up from all over. Mostly Iowa that time. Raggety pickups with ropes and saws all over. Lucky us, at the time, they didnt know where they were. If you werent known, they didnt want anything to do with you. We did Lake Forests city work for 30 years, so we had referals up the wazoo. This times diff,. We never had Mt prospect. I cant wait till this is cleaned up. Im going to take a well deserved break! PS.... Saw my boss from last year while out estimating. He all but begged me to come back! I wish I could, I kinda liked it there, just to far to drive for only 40hrs per week....
Dropped the Big wood today ...

Here's what was left of the tree over the Pool House:


I got a skid steer to help the little Steiner with the heavy lifting:


I'll bring whatever I need to do the job in the best way I can.


Two more to bring down over the weekend and I'll wrap this job up. Maybe I'll have a pool party to celebrate gettin'r'done.
Made a Vermeer run this am, upgraded and expanded rigging gear, grabbed some silky hand saws, and a core filled 8' Jameson. Talked with my salesman for an hour, looking at a '87 665a stumper with a newer wiscon for purchase next week, and discussed chipper upgrade options in a couple of months. Thinking I might stair step to a 1000 and then on to a 1500 next year. Got back to the jobsite about 2pm, a nasty 60+ black oak splitting into two all the way to the base. Half the dz was clear, the other half of the tree loamed over the 3 car garage. Work is pouring in, falling behind a bit, especially with the work that 80+ winds brought in the other night. Oh don't worry, I was safe in a brick tavern when it hit. :cheers:

Still have no time to finish up the Super Duty project, but I did get a call from a welding buddy that is going to mount the winch bumper next week. Should have it ready for its July license plate party. When you have to spend that much on plates you might as well christen it.

Getting my embroidered polos back next week. New flyers and cards put up. Updated radio commercial. Secured a trailer park for late fall/early winter work. It has just been constant demands, lots of removals, and everybody wants their stumps gone. :msp_thumbsup:

The only thing not working to our advantage is that we have to move to a new place by next april because the landlord's son is getting married and needs the farmstead. Not a big deal, but it's hard to find a place that can house a big family and a tree service. lol. Word's getting out, so I'm sure we'll find the best place possible.

Do any of you guys have a separate place of business? What's your setup and how's it working out for you? I'm thinking about buying or renting a building just for the business.
Here's what was left of the tree over the Pool House:


I got a skid steer to help the little Steiner with the heavy lifting:


I'll bring whatever I need to do the job in the best way I can.


Two more to bring down over the weekend and I'll wrap this job up. Maybe I'll have a pool party to celebrate gettin'r'done.

Nice you buy the skid?
Hazard assessment this morning, lunch with a friend. Looked at 2 or 3 jobs, and dealt with a client. Grabbed the RG100, did 2 easy jobs right around the corner from one another, a ~20" tulip, and a ~30" hickory? Then did a job a few miles away that was maybe 10 ash and 1 dogwood... took just over an hour with all the moving around. Last job, got there 7:35... kind of amazed I actually got it done. 5' cottonweed, stump was left around 3' high by the contractor who did the job. Client agreed that I could just grind it and push the chips into this low area.. so I said F messing with a saw and logs, I'll just grind the whole damn thing. Machine was back on the trailer and I was heading to dinner by 8:50. That dozer blade sure is nice!
####ed off today... I'd like to tell you all the fun I had but I'd probably get reprimanded... :yoyo:

What do you know, I had three previous bids come in today... Gonna be a good week... Climbing a big pine and two medium hardwoods in the morning.
BobCat is on loan for the weekend...

Nice you buy the skid?

No Rope, I borrowed it from a landscape contractor. I honestly wouldn't trade the Steiner for one, despite the naysayers here, the little tractor suits my needs quite well. If I need big iron I'll bring it in. The stump cutter and dual wheel kit came in yesterday. Grinding out the stump from that one will be it's test.

Here's video of the drop, it went real smooth despite my fears of it bouncing onto the pool house. Overnight rain softened the turf. The tractor did a great job of pulling, with the dually's on it it will do even better ~ eight wheel drive!

No Rope, I borrowed it from a landscape contractor. I honestly wouldn't trade the Steiner for one, despite the naysayers here, the little tractor suits my needs quite well. If I need big iron I'll bring it in. The stump cutter and dual wheel kit came in yesterday. Grinding out the stump from that one will be it's test.

Here's video of the drop, it went real smooth despite my fears of it bouncing onto the pool house. Overnight rain softened the turf. The tractor did a great job of pulling, with the dually's on it it will do even better ~ eight wheel drive!


I see you snubbed it lol, I prefer to do it if there is any chance of hinge not holding .:)

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