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Today I did 2 storm damaged Boxelders. It was almost all log. 3 yards of chips max, and we stuffed all that would fit in that ol 250XP Bandit. BUT..... The mini jammed every bit of 5 face cords of LOG (24DBH) into the back of the international. I have a 12ft bed with 6 and half ft tall sides. The truck was over weight, but the job was an hour away, and I wasnt going back for another load. POINT IS, 2 guys, 3 hours on the job, $1000 job, One guy a beat thin short 50 yo, me, bum shoulder, TRY GETTING THAT OUT OF THE BACK YARD AND ONTO MY CHIPTRUCK WITH A GODDAM LAWNMOWER!!!!!!!! All this BS from a guy that had to ask what a mini was..... The only thing my mini CANT do that you POS can , IS MOW A FREAKIN LAWN!!!! GO TO THE HOMEOWNER FORUM!!!!! THIS IS A PLACE WHERE SEASONED TREE MEN WHO SPENT YEARS BEATING THEM SELVES TO GET WHERE THEY ARE, AND MAY NOT BE WHERE THEY WNT TO BE COME TO SHOOT THE ####. WE DONT WANNA HEAR FROM SOME GREEN HORN STARTUP ABOUT HOW GREAT YOUR POS IS, MY MINI COST LESS THAN YOU PAID FOR THAT THING!!!! WE ALL KNOW YOUR KIND, YOU COME AROUND WITH A VAN FULL OF EX-CON DRUG TRASH, AND UNDER BID US AFTER WE FOUGHT TO GET WHERE WE ARE. NOW PISS OFF!!!!!!
Attended a dedication for Habitat for Humanity, where ten families were handed the keys to their new homes.....then a BBQ lunch for all the people and a few VIP's, MLA, city alderman etc...

Then more or less at the end of lunch some non volunteer doofus tree planting landscaper punctured a gas line with a hydraulic tree spade so we had to evac, fire dept came etc, so that put an end to the festivities and the work day. You would think they would have located the utilities first?? Planted a few tree in my day.

Back at er tomorrow.

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sounds like a chevy chase movie lol
Attended a dedication for Habitat for Humanity, where ten families were handed the keys to their new homes.....then a BBQ lunch for all the people and a few VIP's, MLA, city alderman etc...

Then more or less at the end of lunch some non volunteer doofus tree planting landscaper punctured a gas line with a hydraulic tree spade so we had to evac, fire dept came etc, so that put an end to the festivities and the work day. You would think they would have located the utilities first?? Planted a few tree in my day.

Back at er tomorrow.

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Kudos to ya for helping out in your community.

Would have totally sucked if the landscrapers who hit the gas line would have caused an explosion and destroyed the new houses.
sure wish that was true here in the USA. Obamacare has saddled us with all the bad of government intervention, without the heathcare benefits that folks take for granted in Canada. winners are the insurance and drug companies.

a bad accident in the US is almost guaranteed to bankrupt vs folks in Canada get what ever medical care without losing almost all your assets in the process.

Yeah that's just not right!
Man, a cool shower feels great after a long hot day! We had an hour and half left on a big job tonight and said screw it we can finish it it the morning. The heat this afternoon about killed us! We would of been dead by 11 this morning if we didnt have my mini. Have I said how much I love my mini lately!
Today I did 2 storm damaged Boxelders. It was almost all log. 3 yards of chips max, and we stuffed all that would fit in that ol 250XP Bandit. BUT..... The mini jammed every bit of 5 face cords of LOG (24DBH) into the back of the international. I have a 12ft bed with 6 and half ft tall sides. The truck was over weight, but the job was an hour away, and I wasnt going back for another load. POINT IS, 2 guys, 3 hours on the job, $1000 job, One guy a beat thin short 50 yo, me, bum shoulder, TRY GETTING THAT OUT OF THE BACK YARD AND ONTO MY CHIPTRUCK WITH A GODDAM LAWNMOWER!!!!!!!! All this BS from a guy that had to ask what a mini was..... The only thing my mini CANT do that you POS can , IS MOW A FREAKIN LAWN!!!! GO TO THE HOMEOWNER FORUM!!!!! THIS IS A PLACE WHERE SEASONED TREE MEN WHO SPENT YEARS BEATING THEM SELVES TO GET WHERE THEY ARE, AND MAY NOT BE WHERE THEY WNT TO BE COME TO SHOOT THE ####. WE DONT WANNA HEAR FROM SOME GREEN HORN STARTUP ABOUT HOW GREAT YOUR POS IS, MY MINI COST LESS THAN YOU PAID FOR THAT THING!!!! WE ALL KNOW YOUR KIND, YOU COME AROUND WITH A VAN FULL OF EX-CON DRUG TRASH, AND UNDER BID US AFTER WE FOUGHT TO GET WHERE WE ARE. NOW PISS OFF!!!!!!

I love double A. While you guys whine about the struggle to get work, call him a low baller and that market is in the crapper he goes out and buys a 15k garden tractor, in your face . Truth is this site is just the right fit for double A. I hit up AS for a good laugh and to keep it casual. Why you guys get worked up over a guy like this is beyond me. Most likely you like being the big fish in a small pond. Move along if you want a site for seasoned tree men.
I meant to bring cam today dern it, made two money shots one yesterday before getting down poured on then one between homes with 8 foot room I used open face and laid it through the uprights lol. All chipped up by 1200 1500.00 I love days like this lol. I twisted my back with a big limb through the chipper I have alm,ost forgot what chipping is:) Anyway I'm sore, ain't the first time nor will it be the last. Got two small wraptor jobs and a cut and leave I plan for Friday, then next week I start twenty acre disaster clean up. I got the job, I'm calling in a friends track hoe, 12 k prolly four days work About 60 trees and root balls going to be 105 degrees oh boy:)
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I meant to bring cam today dern it, made two money shots one yesterday before getting down poured on then one between homes with 8 foot room I used open face and laid it through the uprights lol. All chipped up by 1200 1500.00 I love days like this lol. I twisted my back with a big limb through the chipper I have alm,ost forgot what chipping is:) Anyway I'm sore, ain't the first time nor will it be the last. Got two small wraptor jobs and a cut and leave I plan for Friday, then next week I start twenty acre disaster clean up. I got the job, I'm calling in a friends track hoe, 12 k prolly four days work About 60 trees and root balls going to be 105 degrees oh boy:)

PS: 89% good hardwood too nothing over 30" most around 20" dia perfect tw6 material!
Oh, is that so ...

Again please video tape this event! <snip ~ mindless drivel for which a citation is needed>... I almost feel sorry for you wasting your $$$ on that pile of crap that can't even hold a couple sticks of wood, nah...

Today was clean up day and the final payment on the job. The customer added an extra hundred which made it $6k for four trees. We did use the Bobcat to load the big wood after the Steiner delivered it over ground the Bobcat couldn't handle. Got done early and bid two jobs totaling $5k one an Angie's List customer, and one referral from a customer who raved about my service. Both should be a slam dunk.

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I love double A. While you guys whine about the struggle to get work, call him a low baller and that market is in the crapper he goes out and buys a 15k garden tractor, in your face . Truth is this site is just the right fit for double A. I hit up AS for a good laugh and to keep it casual. Why you guys get worked up over a guy like this is beyond me. Most likely you like being the big fish in a small pond. Move along if you want a site for seasoned tree men.

You, Mr holden my ####, are an employee minded fool. I had a guy like you working for me for the longest time. You talk major trash constantly, like you know all there is to know about not only tree work, but how to run a biz. You will no doubt soon go out on your own, just to fall flat on your face , just like he did. Hopefully, your old employer will take you back before your in backruptcy or foreclosure. You dont need to ask around about me, I'll strait tell you. Im a nobody. Son of the biggest baddest tree co there was once upon a time. It made me slightly jaded. Its kinda hard to grow up with 3 clam trux and 2 buckets , a forestry mower , 3 stump grinders and a chipper with its own grapple and over a 1000 cords of split wood in the back yard (not to mention all the state and private contracts in the world) just to have the old man sell it all and say,"I started with nothing boy, now its your turn." #### you holden, your a pimple on my ass. You and dirty should go start your own site. Call it 'lifetime employee I think I could Tree Guy . com
Dang it, I got a LIL distracted. I just got back from an estimate, you guys should get a kick outta this. It was a referal. She heard my name and was talking it over with the nieghbor before I got there. She noticed there was a 'SKI' and straigt up told me she didnt know if she wanted a polock taking her tree down! I thought it was hilarious. Anyway, booked it. Drop and leave in the poorest part of the county I live in. Before the economy tanked I used to lie to the people that live there when theyd call. Told em it was too far to drive. Its the type of place where you tell em 1500 and there like, WOAW DUDE!!!, I thought itd be like 400. Stone dead trees stand untill they fall there. Its called Wonder Lake, but everyone who doesnt live there calls it Wonder Tucky to give you an idea of how it is. Lots of toothless cracked out billies out there.
wait wait wait!!!!! MY MISTAKE!!!!! I was reading the waring stickers on my mini today. It said not to drive a load accross a slope!!!! AA, Can I hire you out ? Ill put the logs in your bucket with my mini, and you can dump em' in the street. Deal?
Will work for Zlotys ...

... I just got back from an estimate, you guys should get a kick outta this. It was a referal. She heard my name and was talking it over with the nieghbor before I got there. She noticed there was a 'SKI' and straigt up told me she didnt know if she wanted a polock taking her tree down! ...

And I just delivered a quote to a Mr. Cyprowski, at first I told him I wasn't sure if I wanted to take down his giant Maple tree, him being Polish and all, but in the end I quoted him $2800, but U.S. dollars, not Polish Zlotys.
You, Mr holden my ####, are an employee minded fool. I had a guy like you working for me for the longest time. You talk major trash constantly, like you know all there is to know about not only tree work, but how to run a biz. You will no doubt soon go out on your own, just to fall flat on your face , just like he did. Hopefully, your old employer will take you back before your in backruptcy or foreclosure. You dont need to ask around about me, I'll strait tell you. Im a nobody. Son of the biggest baddest tree co there was once upon a time. It made me slightly jaded. Its kinda hard to grow up with 3 clam trux and 2 buckets , a forestry mower , 3 stump grinders and a chipper with its own grapple and over a 1000 cords of split wood in the back yard (not to mention all the state and private contracts in the world) just to have the old man sell it all and say,"I started with nothing boy, now its your turn." #### you holden, your a pimple on my ass. You and dirty should go start your own site. Call it 'lifetime employee I think I could Tree Guy . com

P.M. me little buddy and I'll give you a personal pep talk. Sorry you got it rough ,I just don't get why you gotta hate on guy and his little tractor. Maybe your real short and ugly or daddy didn't hug you enough and you climb like ****, but don't rain on my parade. Sorry If a old man mobbing around on a little tractor pisses you off but it brings a smile to my face. Keep em coming double a.
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You, Mr holden my ####, are an employee minded fool. I had a guy like you working for me for the longest time. You talk major trash constantly, like you know all there is to know about not only tree work, but how to run a biz. You will no doubt soon go out on your own, just to fall flat on your face , just like he did. Hopefully, your old employer will take you back before your in backruptcy or foreclosure. You dont need to ask around about me, I'll strait tell you. Im a nobody. Son of the biggest baddest tree co there was once upon a time. It made me slightly jaded. Its kinda hard to grow up with 3 clam trux and 2 buckets , a forestry mower , 3 stump grinders and a chipper with its own grapple and over a 1000 cords of split wood in the back yard (not to mention all the state and private contracts in the world) just to have the old man sell it all and say,"I started with nothing boy, now its your turn." #### you holden, your a pimple on my ass. You and dirty should go start your own site. Call it 'lifetime employee I think I could Tree Guy . com

So your last name is Asplundh?:)
P.M. me little buddy and I'll give you a personal pep talk. Sorry you got it rough ,I just don't get why you gotta hate on guy and his little tractor. Maybe your real short and ugly or daddy didn't hug you enough and you climb like ****, but don't rain on my parade. Sorry If a old man mobbing around on a little tractor pisses you off but it brings a smile to my face. Keep em coming double a.

I' actuall tall, 6'1", skinny, 162LBS, Male model looks, hopefully that dont get you off, cuz if you intrested, I dont go that way, and I can out climb most on this site, I just really dont like doing it, but daddy never , ever , ever once played catch with me, or took me fishing. He did beat me when he was drunk if I didnt load the truck with firewood fast enuff tho. Does that count you ####rag?
All it takes is intent and a little true grit ...

... to have the old man sell it all and say,"I started with nothing boy, now its your turn." ...

Take heart prentice, I started with nothing but intent at age 60 and four years into it, my hard work and due diligence has begun to pay off. My reputation for quality service has spread and now the customers are flocking to me. I think it's because I'm such a nice guy. You should try it.

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