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Respectible bid. Course question is if you get job or if somebody underbids you and does for half of that.

well I may get underbid but not by that much. It is a prevailing wage job and you requiring you to pay your employees $26 hr with benefits, plus you have to show WC and INS.. So low ballers cant even bid.
well I may get underbid but not by that much. It is a prevailing wage job and you requiring you to pay your employees $26 hr with benefits, plus you have to show WC and INS.. So low ballers cant even bid.

Now that is my kind of bidding!! One where the employees get treated fairly, where laws are followed, and where the bottom feeders are kept out.
Happy Fourth of July All ~ I'll start the Fireworks!

After working 12 and 14 hour days for the last couple of weeks I'm going on a Holiday weekend with my wife. It actually started today, I did one local estimate and landed a trivial $400 job taking down two small Pines to thin out a row of them. It's about 4 miles from my house so I gave them the "neighbor" rate. They are senior citizen (like me) and I also gave them a break for that.

I've been working on my aluminum flatbed trailer, refurbishing it somewhat with four new tires and wheels as well as a new galvanized receiver on the tongue, the old one was a sliding unit with a cylinder to apply the brakes on the trailer. It was frozen stiff and therefore inoperable, so I eliminated it. Looks real sharp.

But my best part of the day was a barn find tandem axle dump trailer! I got it really cheap and plan to restore it to better than original condition this thing is going to be a great addition to my newly mechanized forwarding operation. I won't ever take it on the road, but attached to my tractor I'm going to haul a lot of wood with it.

This being the Fourth of July weekend, I'll start the fireworks early by posting a photo of my new implement. I'll caution you that this is the before picture, and I plan to do a little work on it before I bring it on the job. It's a little rough right now but here it is:

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Lol I tell you what if I did'nt have the 192 that remarkably is still going and its caps even function I would be reduced to the fanno:) I liked the 200 while it was running but compare it too a m80 short but sweet. I'm holdoing out for the t540xp:poke:

Rope, I'm waiting for it as well...
Any idea what it will cost in the US? Looks good, but looks aren't everything. Went to a buddies job for some ash firewood, watched his climber botch the notch, drop the 290, and then CRUNCH! chunk killed the saw on impact! I geared up, grabbed the 460 and finished the job. Nice load of wood and wallets a little fatter.
Any idea what it will cost in the US? Looks good, but looks aren't everything. Went to a buddies job for some ash firewood, watched his climber botch the notch, drop the 290, and then CRUNCH! chunk killed the saw on impact! I geared up, grabbed the 460 and finished the job. Nice load of wood and wallets a little fatter.

Probably 5 to 6 hundy like the 200 was but I think it will last me much longer. I also believe it will out perform the 200. It has air injection so it will be like my other huskys all work, no working on it like the stihls seem to be cursed with.
My little 192T, angry mosquito, just wont die. I still love using it for pruning and small removals. Carb troubles with the 200T but it is an older saw. May buy a new one but that Husky has me thinking>:tongue2:
Probably 5 to 6 hundy like the 200 was but I think it will last me much longer. I also believe it will out perform the 200. It has air injection so it will be like my other huskys all work, no working on it like the stihls seem to be cursed with.

How many attempts has husky made now at a climbing saw to match the ms 200? (015, 020, 020T.....192 is garbahge)

I guess it is like watching Cincinnati sports....you are always willing to believe they are going to put out a winner cause that's all you got.

Never happen tho. Husky small saws suck and always will.
Got smoke checked yesterday, weather man screwed up, hit 101 with index of 110, add in 2 55-60ft, VERY THICK, Blue Spruces, it was bad! I was covered in sap, add the heat, rough day! Had to stop, one guy dropped others looked like they were not too far behind, so I thought that I better play it safe and get outa there. I feel like I lost 100 pounds and I only weigh 135!Heading back out this am to finish in the cooler air. Another cool I-phone app I have-the thermometer!
Has anybody here tried echo's new 360t ? More CCs than the 200,1/2 the price.
I looked at one but didn't have the 3 bills to HOPE it would be an adequate climbing saw.I just grinded my teeth and put out the 6 1/2 for a new 200.The old one has been a great saw but decided to run lean on me for some reason after 18 mo.and yes ,it has one of the tanks that want to go thru flippy caps for some reason.
Brian13 is looking at it and hopefully can get it back into shape for a backup.
Would like some input about the new echoEven if it dont match up to the 200 ,it may out do the lil 192 for lite trimming .
Has anybody here tried echo's new 360t ? More CCs than the 200,1/2 the price.
I looked at one but didn't have the 3 bills to HOPE it would be an adequate climbing saw.I just grinded my teeth and put out the 6 1/2 for a new 200.The old one has been a great saw but decided to run lean on me for some reason after 18 mo.and yes ,it has one of the tanks that want to go thru flippy caps for some reason.
Brian13 is looking at it and hopefully can get it back into shape for a backup.
Would like some input about the new echoEven if it dont match up to the 200 ,it may out do the lil 192 for lite trimming .

I have not run the 360T but I do have the 330t and though it cuts decent its a kind of junk. The chain tension device is cased in plastic and can be easiely torqued causing it not work properly. I guess if they fixed that they would have a decent saw for the money.
Not all that glitters is vermeer, or is that the other way around?

Well, I'm waking up from a 12 hour round trip yesterday learning all about my vermeer salesman.

Got down to evansville about lunch time. And there she sits, my beloved 665a. Good grief that's a big mother.

I look her over, plenty of superficial needs, but nothing bothers me. I get to the wheel and find two serviceable teeth, about 6-7 missing carbide, and the rest rounded to worthlessness. Ok, no biggy, it's not a good sign, but these are consumables and I want yellow jackets anyway.

Mech comes out to greet me and tells me they washed it up for me, but doesn't act too happy that I'm there, but he's not rude. He tells me they found the relative source of the engine oil leak. Engine oil leak? What engine oil leak?? There is a distributor and a pulley shaft coming out of the same area. The pulley turns a belt that spins the alternator. He says from somewhere in there and then the pully flings it. I asked how bad and he just looks at me. What will it take to fix that? He's not sure what all. He said she smokes too. Really?? So he fires it up and it's happy to smoke for us ....and fling engine oil. I ask how long does it smoke like that, he said I was welcome to let it run as long as I want.

We talked a bit about how it really didn't look like a relatively fresh motor, nor act like one. A bit about the pros and cons of wiscons and the carb system. I pulled the stick, it was down a bit with solid black oil. The filter was faded and oxidized. It also turned the wheel at idle while disengaged and the belt was junk. Tires didn't look to be wanting to make the trip home. the fenders had been welded to the framework cracked, re welded and cracked. The more I looked it over the more I found and the more I felt to be looking at a piece of scrape iron.

I'm getting pissed. I wasn't expecting something great, but at least something serviceable.

I call my bank and talked with my vp and we stopped payment on the check that my salesman said he would hold until I made certain it was what they said it was. He also said he would be out golfing, but to call if there was an emergency. I called and left a brief message. Never heard back. Went in to see my point of contact (a manager, not a salesman) who proceeded to explain to me what I had just found and that he told my salesman all of this yesterday while we were calling from my driveway. This reaffirms why my ex salesman walked a distance from me once he started getting answers.

Now I'm livid. But I’m cool. Evansville told me the truth and I appreciate that. They were just as disgusted, but not near as mad.

I was told that a couple teeth had chips, but the rest were serviceable, might need sharpened some, but that it was ready to go and they'd have it washed up for me. According to evansville, they told him everything and not to send me clear from Champaign-Urbana to look at it because it needed alot of work and that it was not serviceable. I remember my ex salesman responding with things like, "that's ok, this guy's a good mechanic." True, but I'm expecting a serviceable grinder that may need this and that along the way like we discussed, not something that needs a complete overhaul.

I lost a day for no reason and a responsible and respectable salesman would have disclosed what he was told, not send me on a wild goose chase. They have the monopoly in this area and I guess could care less. Well, me too then. Vermeer is a good product, but as long as I live and build a company in this area, I'll drive twice the distance for a bandit, mobark, rayco, etc. (This officially solves the which chipper debate.)

Thanks Vermeer of Central Illinois. I learned my lesson the first time here, no need to start an account now. I may have lost a day, but looks like I saved thousands of dollars and countless days. Maybe you'll get a christmas card....ummm…let me think..probably not.
Sorry you were treated like that.Good thing you were able to back out of the deal.I don't know if it should detract you from the brand though.I could understand the dealer,but I understand you don't have many choices in your area for other vermeer dealers.
#1 reason there are not too many things I will agree to buy sight-unseen.
Climbed my ass off the last couple of days on a big job. A lot more next week too. It's been a while sinse I had to go at it all day like that (six wheel bucket truck). I gotta say, all the years of experience don't just fade away, that's for sure! Feels good to know I can back up all the smack I'm always talking around this piece! lol.

Kinda nice to just leave the bucket back at the shop for a bit... gets me back to my roots and reminds me how I got this far in the first place. Nice having a 23 yard chip truck now too, so I can just keep going... no more annoying stopping to dump all the time, just when things get going good.

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