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Sorry you were treated like that.Good thing you were able to back out of the deal.I don't know if it should detract you from the brand though.I could understand the dealer,but I understand you don't have many choices in your area for other vermeer dealers.
#1 reason there are not too many things I will agree to buy sight-unseen.

Right, I agreed to buy it as is if it was everything that I was told it was. A solid machine, ready to go with a motor with under 400hrs. I elected to hold it and have a look, and then be able to bring it home yesterday if everything worked out. It was the only option I was given really.

Vermeer - SC665a - Stump Cutters - Vermeer Midwest

It needs more than tail lights...I promise.

I know it's a solid company with awesome products, but this all but ends my future dealings with this dealer, and especially the salesman over my area.

Other dealers and salesmen have the potential to be different and evansville is a great example of that. The guy they sent down to start up evansville, is from up here originally, and started at this dealership. It's noteworthy that there are competing brands at equipment dealers in that area as well. I saw a nice rayco at work on my way around evansville. My goal is to make my rounds in the next few weeks and discuss what it might take to bring brush bandit and/ or the other top brands into this area at various equipment dealers. If I have to go to indy or chitown in the meantime then I'll gladly make that sacrifice, but if I can get someone to see that they can compete with vermeer I'll be happy to see someone keep them honest at least...literally. There are a few dealers in the area that are capable and might be interested. Can't hurt to ask. Wouldn't mind if they considered getting some climbing and rigging gear in from another outlet than sherrill while they are at it. Nothing against sherrill at all, looks like vermeer and them have an exclusive deal going is all.
Well, I'm waking up from a 12 hour round trip yesterday learning all about my vermeer salesman.

Got down to evansville about lunch time. And there she sits, my beloved 665a. Good grief that's a big mother.

I look her over, plenty of superficial needs, but nothing bothers me. I get to the wheel and find two serviceable teeth, about 6-7 missing carbide, and the rest rounded to worthlessness. Ok, no biggy, it's not a good sign, but these are consumables and I want yellow jackets anyway.

Mech comes out to greet me and tells me they washed it up for me, but doesn't act too happy that I'm there, but he's not rude. He tells me they found the relative source of the engine oil leak. Engine oil leak? What engine oil leak?? There is a distributor and a pulley shaft coming out of the same area. The pulley turns a belt that spins the alternator. He says from somewhere in there and then the pully flings it. I asked how bad and he just looks at me. What will it take to fix that? He's not sure what all. He said she smokes too. Really?? So he fires it up and it's happy to smoke for us ....and fling engine oil. I ask how long does it smoke like that, he said I was welcome to let it run as long as I want.

We talked a bit about how it really didn't look like a relatively fresh motor, nor act like one. A bit about the pros and cons of wiscons and the carb system. I pulled the stick, it was down a bit with solid black oil. The filter was faded and oxidized. It also turned the wheel at idle while disengaged and the belt was junk. Tires didn't look to be wanting to make the trip home. the fenders had been welded to the framework cracked, re welded and cracked. The more I looked it over the more I found and the more I felt to be looking at a piece of scrape iron.

I'm getting pissed. I wasn't expecting something great, but at least something serviceable.

I call my bank and talked with my vp and we stopped payment on the check that my salesman said he would hold until I made certain it was what they said it was. He also said he would be out golfing, but to call if there was an emergency. I called and left a brief message. Never heard back. Went in to see my point of contact (a manager, not a salesman) who proceeded to explain to me what I had just found and that he told my salesman all of this yesterday while we were calling from my driveway. This reaffirms why my ex salesman walked a distance from me once he started getting answers.

Now I'm livid. But I’m cool. Evansville told me the truth and I appreciate that. They were just as disgusted, but not near as mad.

I was told that a couple teeth had chips, but the rest were serviceable, might need sharpened some, but that it was ready to go and they'd have it washed up for me. According to evansville, they told him everything and not to send me clear from Champaign-Urbana to look at it because it needed alot of work and that it was not serviceable. I remember my ex salesman responding with things like, "that's ok, this guy's a good mechanic." True, but I'm expecting a serviceable grinder that may need this and that along the way like we discussed, not something that needs a complete overhaul.

I lost a day for no reason and a responsible and respectable salesman would have disclosed what he was told, not send me on a wild goose chase. They have the monopoly in this area and I guess could care less. Well, me too then. Vermeer is a good product, but as long as I live and build a company in this area, I'll drive twice the distance for a bandit, mobark, rayco, etc. (This officially solves the which chipper debate.)

Thanks Vermeer of Central Illinois. I learned my lesson the first time here, no need to start an account now. I may have lost a day, but looks like I saved thousands of dollars and countless days. Maybe you'll get a christmas card....ummm…let me think..probably not.

Wow, that sucks, I feel the same way about the Vermeer dealer in my town, the sales guys is real shady, always trying to pull wool over the eyes. Also why I drive to Chicago to go to Alexander equipment for a Morbark, even tho I could just drive a cross a bridge to get to Vermeer, it would cost me more in the long run.
Sorry to hear the stumper didn't work out for you. If you did buy another brand Vermeer would likely support you on it. I bought a Bandit 90 XP about 4 years ago and my Vermeer dealer serviced it for me the first time for free. The said they wanted my business and future work on it. Still had to order parts from Bandit but Vermeer did all the work on it.
Sorry to hear the stumper didn't work out for you. If you did buy another brand Vermeer would likely support you on it. I bought a Bandit 90 XP about 4 years ago and my Vermeer dealer serviced it for me the first time for free. The said they wanted my business and future work on it. Still had to order parts from Bandit but Vermeer did all the work on it.

Good point. I remember hearing a guy talking about fixing a bandit and ordering parts the last time I was there. At least they've always let me in the shop and even handed me a wrench and put me to work on the 1400 I had when I was on the ROW. In a pinch I could handle that, but I don't want to give them any more business than I have to if their sales guys are like this. Which is part of the reason I'd like a deere in my next chipper, so I can deal with deere directly on engine issues. The rest of the chipper I can handle in house.

Wow, that sucks, I feel the same way about the Vermeer dealer in my town, the sales guys is real shady, always trying to pull wool over the eyes. Also why I drive to Chicago to go to Alexander equipment for a Morbark, even tho I could just drive a cross a bridge to get to Vermeer, it would cost me more in the long run.

Yeah, at least I have a long weekend to party this experience into proper perspective. The last time I was in at east moline I wasn't impressed at all. I've been thinking about paying a visit to Alexander's. Now I have a really good reason. Anyone in particular you might recommend? I know vermeer has good stuff, but if this is how they have to be to sell it, it doesn't say much for the stuff after all. It's part of the worth or worthlessness of the product...and like you said, will only cost you more in the long run.
My vermeer dealer helped me out with my Bandit too, I was suprised when they offered to work on it. I'm glad they did because the place I bought it from is a Bobcat dealer and was looking for anything except the real problems. Wanted to change my blades and anvil for around $900! WTF they were doing even looking at my blades I don't know but they'll never look again.

Looking at used eqpt. like that is what makes me want to buy new, the monthly payments are usually less of a hassle than dealing with breakdowns a few times a year on top of regular maintenance.
How many attempts has husky made now at a climbing saw to match the ms 200? (015, 020, 020T.....192 is garbahge)

I guess it is like watching Cincinnati sports....you are always willing to believe they are going to put out a winner cause that's all you got.

Never happen tho. Husky small saws suck and always will.

My experience is all I shall need the 192 is still going the 200 is not my first husky 335 would still be going if I had not had to let it drop 60 foot to concrete. I will say durability wise echo 3000 was better than the 200.
All the Echo saws I have used have been solid mechanically and have run forever. They just don't have the ass of a 200T.

I'm looking to buy an Echo backpack blower in the next week but my saw choice is still Stihl. :)
My vermeer dealer helped me out with my Bandit too, I was suprised when they offered to work on it. I'm glad they did because the place I bought it from is a Bobcat dealer and was looking for anything except the real problems. Wanted to change my blades and anvil for around $900! WTF they were doing even looking at my blades I don't know but they'll never look again.

Looking at used eqpt. like that is what makes me want to buy new, the monthly payments are usually less of a hassle than dealing with breakdowns a few times a year on top of regular maintenance.

Yes in theory but the facts are the new **** breaks down all to much too.
Sorry to hear termie hell get a 110 stumps and call me lol I will drive up there grind em @ 20 per stump or so if they ain't all over creation lol:) Depending on mileage I get 7 mpg lol. U charge em 50 and sit back and laugh at my dusted azz:)
I pulled an Echo 3000 out of the storage shed last week to get it going to train the newbie on. That thing has been sitting since 06'-07', fired on the second pull with the stale gas in it. Ran it dry, filled it halfway with fresh mix, and cut firewood with it till it was empty again. Those 3000's never die, they just get thrown to the side cuz dey' aint gots no balls! Those 672's are nice lil stumpys Jeff. The guy that works the counter at Alexander is a snakey ####er. Dont belive a thing he says.
I pulled an Echo 3000 out of the storage shed last week to get it going to train the newbie on. That thing has been sitting since 06'-07', fired on the second pull with the stale gas in it. Ran it dry, filled it halfway with fresh mix, and cut firewood with it till it was empty again. Those 3000's never die, they just get thrown to the side cuz dey' aint gots no balls! Those 672's are nice lil stumpys Jeff. The guy that works the counter at Alexander is a snakey ####er. Dont belive a thing he says.

I will take less power and long life cheap over a three month expensive pos screamer any-day. I am thinking the t540 will give both and not be a rubix cube either. I will then make a video of me running the 200 over with a case dozer :laugh:
My little 192T, angry mosquito, just wont die. I still love using it for pruning and small removals. Carb troubles with the 200T but it is an older saw. May buy a new one but that Husky has me thinking>:tongue2:

Put a new carb on the 200T and it will be as good as new. I have one that just got new carb last summer.
Although I bought a brand new one last fall, they both sit on truck side by side. One with new carb will do as good a job as new one all day long.
Put a new carb on the 200T and it will be as good as new. I have one that just got new carb last summer.
Although I bought a brand new one last fall, they both sit on truck side by side. One with new carb will do as good a job as new one all day long.

How much did the new carb run you?
thanks im sure im not the only tree guy on this site who has been left, i know about 5 in Pittsburgh, just trying to stay focused support my kids and stay outa the bottle/bar. the other day i realized how guys become alcoholics when there wife leaves quiet ass house nothing to do but sit there in think where you went wrong, not a good thing. Boss said hope it doesn't affect my work, the only time im not thinking bout her is when my feet leave the ground, what a mind clearing experience climbing is kinda therapeutic, to bad its the weekend of the 4th and i have 3 days with no work