Mine is based on a percentage. Works good for me.
LOL, I couldnt even watch that......I thought he was gonna climax over the thing!!!
yeah, I thought TreeCo inadvertantly posted some of his gay ####.
O I love to hear the talk of " how much per day". Ain't that right fellas? Duti? Right?
Don't believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.
Dan, if you want to run a full time 3 plus person crew with full insurance, and multiple pieces of heavy equipment, then you need to have an idea as to what you need to make on the hated "day rate". You must know that, so why does it bother you so much?
I work in and around Boston. I have storage bills, tolls, DOT to deal with on a regular basis. You can't work around here without some type of financial plan in place. I fail to understand why setting a number as a goal to gross daily is such an odd/terrible concept to you.
There is a big difference between doing business successfully, and climbing trees. Just because you're an ace at one, doesn't mean you are at the other. Certain individuals on this board have the ability to perform both at the same time, some obviously don't.
And PS, I have the photos of the big commercial removal job I just contracted if you'd like to see them....
You bet yor ass I want to see them! And what it is about the rate quandary is the same thing I find so amusing about the " how much wood is in a cord " conundrum that has been around since the dawn of time.
Grasshopper ( Duticourse), I was the first to answer this question for you when you asked it. Now all you must to is be able to understand my answer and then you will be on your way to becoming a master.
This is one of the better threads on this topic. Blakes made some great general points and combine them with what Sunrise thinks along with other realities it disrupts the spreadsheet program on Windows plus the question is so God dam " :newbie: " I guess everytime I hear it asked I get annoyed and want to see why it was asked.
Funny, I just charge what its worth and I am getting all that I can.
You bet yor ass I want to see them! And what it is about the rate quandary is the same thing I find so amusing about the " how much wood is in a cord " conundrum that has been around since the dawn of time.
Grasshopper ( Duticourse), I was the first to answer this question for you when you asked it. Now all you must to is be able to understand my answer and then you will be on your way to becoming a master.
This is one of the better threads on this topic. Blakes made some great general points and combine them with what Sunrise thinks along with other realities it disrupts the program on Windows plus the question is so God dam " :newbie: " I guess everytime I hear it asked I get annoyed and want to see why it was asked.
Funny, I just charge what its worth and I am getting all that I can.
Seems a bit an arcanum response!
If you've been on this forum for a good while, you come to understand that so many just blow smoke, on here. They post these rates and/or make statements like, "Man, I'm only getting $4000 per day, now, and I can't keep making ends meet if this keeps up!" Knock a zero off, and you might be close to the actual $$ these guys are taking in, daily. Just figure it out, and you'll arrive at more truthful figures. Sure, some days you might pull in $3-5 G's, but daily? Not unless you're in on the Big O / Big Green sweetheart contracts with municipalities and their surrounding utilities. I have pm'd some of the guys posting larger daily takes, and when you start questioning them with prosecuting attorney type interrogatives, they knuckle under and/or end up telling me that they can't discuss particulars. That's because they are true bs artists up until they can't keep pumping it out. One guy, one of the more truthful fellows on here, openly admitted to me that he posted highly inflated figures just to intimidate others on here. With that in mind, take some/most of the posted figures in here as the output of blowhards and little else.
I have a goal that I like to hit everyday, but I don't. Some days are awesome while others suck. Not so much worried about the daily as I am the month. You get into some jobs and something happens that slows ya down, profit goes down, other days, things couldn't go any better, makin da do! So I average my days over a month, have a set goal for net profit, if I hit that, then I am good. I have had $4000 days and $400 days. I am a small op, me and 2-3 guys, we go as hard as we can, make as much as we can.
One day I made 4g's in 4 hours! Couldn't believe it, I was SO HAPPY! Next day we got a skidloader stuck, and paid 3 guys a full day to get it out. Didn't hit any goal that day!
Jealous much?
The mystery is unfolding. Got some real good points and veiws for once on the take. I appreciate some fellas seeing it how I see it.
The mystery is unfolding. Got some real good points and veiws for once on the take. I appreciate some fellas seeing it how I see it.
You wanna see those pics or not?
Yeah, come on dano, get hot with the pic resizing for yer boy ducatti there. We got twelve to twenty inches of snow just starting. I need some entertainment!
LOL, I'm sitting here on the Water in Nahant at the Tides watching the Pats waiting for this supposed storm to pop off!
Jeezus.. I guess they don't call it pittsburg for nothing!
I was at $800 ten years ago. I might have to go back to it by the looks of things lately though.. really show those bastards.. get them trucks out there rolling! lol.
How much you guys supposed to get up there?
Went to pull the damn tractor in the shop, so I could do the yard here when its over.. friggin hyd. line for the steering went. Fancy line with metal ends and flat faced O-rings, not something you can just run out to any parts store for. Thankfully I got a buddy with a plow anyway..
Every whack job in the entire northwest corner is out at the supermarkets and flooding the gas stations. Everybody seems to have these annoying little gas cans their filling up, like its ####ing snowmageddon coming or some ####.. baah! at least christmas is over anyway!