I like to clear a grand a day here too. It just seems like a nice number. Of course that doesn't always happen, but that's generally the goal.
Tree guys were supposed to make some bucks, the way it used to be around here anyway. I can remember steering a friend onto a $4500 tree (he did it on the side, with no ins. and a borrowed big saw too) probably 20 years ago. Seems like these days some ####### would've probably put $1200 to $1800 on it. Sad really.
Tree guys were supposed to make some bucks, the way it used to be around here anyway. I can remember steering a friend onto a $4500 tree (he did it on the side, with no ins. and a borrowed big saw too) probably 20 years ago. Seems like these days some ####### would've probably put $1200 to $1800 on it. Sad really.