What Kind of Pine/Evergreen Do You Burn?

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Drama Queens.
Who's counting posts or 'seniority' ?
Hey, do any of these PP's ( Putdown Pros ) need to demean anyone ?
We're talking wood heating fercripssake; not "mine is bigger than yours" .
Maybe SlowP (whoever she really is) will love us Fru-Fru, Hommies. :wtf:
I for one don't find people's opinion of me on the internet worth losing much sleep over, but conversely I don't see the point of spending my free time on an internet form where everyone just ignores or shuns whatever I say.

I agree. With that being said, it does take a little time for people to "get to know" someone in an online sense. Just like it does in a regular social environment.

Why would causing little facebook-y mini dramas on a forum about wood and chainsaws bring anyone any sense of enjoyment? Quite possibly the dumbest use of time I could possibly conceive.

I don't know. Fortunately there are only a few on here that do that.
Drama Queens.
Who's counting posts or 'seniority' ?
Hey, do any of these PP's ( Putdown Pros ) need to demean anyone ?
We're talking wood heating fercripssake; not "mine is bigger than yours" .
Maybe SlowP (whoever she really is) will love us Fru-Fru, Hommies. :wtf:
I was trying to defend/complement you in case it was misinterpreted.....
FWIW, I don't disagree about not liking to be talked down to by know it alls, whether they genuinely have their professional credibility or just want to pretend they do. I just don't see getting worked up about it. If someone bothers you, just ignore 'em. And there is even a setting on here where the computer can ignore them for you.

By the by, what did pulp say in the F&L forum that was frowned upon?
And there is even a setting on here where the computer can ignore them for you.

Yes, but what would be the fun in that? Lot's of good information in here but also great entertainment. It would be a pretty quiet place around here if we didn't have the opportunity to watch slowp take the devils advocate in every situation and hear how great all of CTyank's tools work..... ;)
So start talking about firewood.

Wood wood wood, I love wood. How much moisture should be in my pine when I burn it for free in Ohio after splitting it with a 6 lb ( or is it 8) maul while scrounging it from the PNW?
So start talking about firewood.

Wood wood wood, I love wood. How much moisture should be in my pine when I burn it for free in Ohio after splitting it with a 6 lb ( or is it 8) maul while scrounging it from the PNW?
You cant burn pine. I will cause a chimney fire with all of that creosote and burn the place down...

If you do, I suggest the 30# maul we saw a few weeks back.
Should I use stihl suspenders when scrounging my creosote or 32:1 huskvarna chaps on my chipper?

Sorry, gotta take a break here. I got mulit-thread-inanity-itis.
Dude, you are a stick to the topic kind of guy. You told us what kind of pine/evergreen you burn. Why you still here? The guy who started the topic is screwing around as much as anyone.
FWIW, I don't disagree about not liking to be talked down to by know it alls, whether they genuinely have their professional credibility or just want to pretend they do. I just don't see getting worked up about it. If someone bothers you, just ignore 'em. And there is even a setting on here where the computer can ignore them for you.

By the by, what did pulp say in the F&L forum that was frowned upon?

Read the last bit of the sticky, what to do if you get hurt in the woods. Some poor advice was given. Some of the folks disagreeing with his advice have actually had EMT training and experience. Most all have had first aid training, which is required in my fair state (don't move here) if you work in the woods.

And yup, I'll get defensive when inaccurate info is given. That needs to be pointed out, And yup, I've been wrong a few times too. I've never ever been told to give diabetics insulin shots. The only creatures I've given shots to are horses and cows.

Anyhow, decide for yourself, I need to go for a walk. I've been horking up my lungs since Christmas and am finally starting to feel normal.
Can I get that in writing?

e-writing is all I can manage. Just don't want to be banned before I find out once and for all what the best 2stroke oil is and what ratio I need.

Slowp, a good bracing walk will do wonders for ya. Enjoy!
I'm cutting more Norway pine this weekend. When you cut it green in below freezing temps there is zero sap to worry about. I just need to remember not to stack it in the rack on my deck until it is seasoned so I dont have drips all over the deck once the summer sun shows up.
Only on AS could a thread about burning pine start a war:dizzy:
Or really anything about firewood in general.

Back to the topic, I burn (or used to, again, homeless at the moment, house I am heading to has a pellet stove which I hate) lots of white pine. My theory to avoid the dreaded creosote was to burn it hot and mix about 1/3 pine to 2/3 hardwood over the year. Now I wonder, does it make more sense to mix my hardwood and pine in the same load, adjusting the ratio to desired heat output, or to burn straight pine when I can and straight hardwood when I need more heat? Does it make any difference do you think?
Here at the southern end of Alaska's Kenai peninsula our primary burning wood is spruce, accounting for prob 90% of the local trees. Interestingly, get 70 miles north and spruce is in the minority, replaced by vast stands of birch. (We Homer-oids suffer terrible woodpile envy when we go up the road.)

About a dozen years ago the spruce bark beetle infestation devastated the old growth, taking countless acres/miles of forest, altering the region's landscape.
Although it is sad to see how much beauty was stripped from the area, it was a boon for the many wood burners. We're now at the tail end of harvestable beetle kill though, having to work for our firewood again.
The stuff is a bugger to split, but on the upside, that knottiness helps compensate for spruce's relatively low BTUs.

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