What should I upgrade to?

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Well, Im a bit biased towards a 7901 or 6401 conversion, because blue saws cut faster. Y'know.

On a serious note, the 7900 is the saw to own. But ive got the dealer support should I need parts.

Stay away from the 441. Its overweight, bulky, underpowered (compared to 7900, 460, 372), next to unmodifyable... I wouldnt purchase one with such better saws availiable. Stratochaged motor < Normal 2 stroke.

On that note, if youre set on stihl go for a 460.
No realistic other option, unless your thinking 660 or 880.

Used 440 is an honorable mention.
Stay away from the 441. Its overweight, bulky, underpowered (compared to 7900, 460, 372), next to unmodifyable... I wouldnt purchase one with such better saws availiable. Stratochaged motor < Normal 2 stroke.

Nobody who owns one or has used one extensively thinks any of that. My experience with a 7300, 372 or 460 left me longing for my 441.

It's got a broader powerband than a 372 or 7300 and runs a bit more rpm in the cut than an 046.
Find a ms440(5,4 HP 13.9LBS.) if the stuff is mostly big. Run the ms361(4.4HP 12.3LBS) if the stuff is mostly under 2ft. Get 2 bars for the saw one 18 and one 24 and be done with it. Either will work just depends on the average tree size. You may want to go with the 440 and use the 250 as your limbing and smaller clean up saw. If you were open to other saws I would buy the 7900(6.3hp 13.6 lbs) tough to beat that power to weight ratio. That is what I am going to buy for my next big saw. Good luck....
Nobody who owns one or has used one extensively thinks any of that. My experience with a 7300, 372 or 460 left me longing for my 441.

It's got a broader powerband than a 372 or 7300 and runs a bit more rpm in the cut than an 046.

Yeh but a DP 460 will eat it alive.

Keep it simple, stupid.

Why go with the added hooplah on the 441. Its EPA engine, wannabe husky filtration, antivibes so you can balance a glass of water on a running saw. All unnessicary.

Furthermore when did the 7300 come into play?
Thanks for all the advice guys I will update sometime later with my choice.
I would just say I would go with a 75cc-92cc saw with what you are looking at to do.
Since you are looking at Stihl.
I wouldnt go no less then Stihl 460.
Husky 372/375xpw 74.6cc
Dolmar 7900 79cc would be my first choice in 70cc sized saws stock.
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If you're like almost everyone else on the planet, you won't mess around modifing a saw.. so just get the 441.. your arms and hands will thank you at the end of eveyday.
If you're like almost everyone else on the planet, you won't mess around modifing a saw.. so just get the 441.. your arms and hands will thank you at the end of eveyday.
Yea but after a while they just can't help themselves.Pretty soon they get some wild idea that 70 cc saw can be made to outcut a 100 cc bruiser for days on end.It becomes a sickness that posseses them .Evidently there is no cure in sight,sad to say.:hmm3grin2orange:
That little bit of intended humor aside,about any modern saw in the range of 60 to 80 cc's will do you quite nicely.
I say go down to your dealer and start handling the saws and pick up the 361 the 441 the 460 the 660 and a 440 if he has one and see how heavy of a saw you can live with and which one feels best. Then decide what average size trees you will cut with the saw if you can get away with a smaller saw than it will save you some cash and will be easier on your back. I would think a 361 or a 441 would be the best bet for your needs the 460 is a darn good saw too I like the powerband but it is an older design so it will depend on which one you like best and what deals you can swing, the 361 will do the job but is a little underpowered for 3' dia trees and a 660 is overkill for the smaller trees. If you like Stihl and are used to them than buy one but it doesn't hurt to shop around even if it is to barter for your new Stihl. If you have a good dealer get extra chains carrycase and extra oil in the deal if you can.
I am in your boat with hundreds of trees to cut here. And a 250 (really an 025). I use the 025 for thinning smaller trees and limbing with. I use the 361 for the modrate size and bigger trees. I typically run an 18 inch bar on it, but I have a 24 inch bar and it will drop the really big trees. It is slower than the 460, or the 440/441, but if you do not have that many big ones, it is lighter and easier to manage, and will do just fine. Nothing here on this property that the 361 cannot drop, in my view. It is a big step above a 250 (maybe 2 steps). If you have bigger stuff to cut, a 440 or 460 is good choice. They are prone to more vibration and wear and tear on you though. I have posted some threads on cutting with the 460 here on AS. If I was cutting more bigger stuff I would venture to suggest a Dolmar 7900, which is probably what I will get if we start dropping some of the big trees here.
Yeh but a DP 460 will eat it alive.

Keep it simple, stupid.

Why go with the added hooplah on the 441. Its EPA engine, wannabe husky filtration, antivibes so you can balance a glass of water on a running saw. All unnessicary.

Furthermore when did the 7300 come into play?

Most people will never mod their saw at all, so they don't care which is more moddable.

The added hooplah adds up to a nicer saw. As I stated it has a better powerband than ANY other comparable saw I've used. Better on fuel and the anti-vibe is just an added bonus to me. I also use a 009 and 041, so vibes don't matter much to me.

The 7300 is more comparable than the 7900 as it's nearly the same displacement. IMO, the 7900 competes more with the 385 and 650.
The 460 gets it done. I recently bucked a 36" diameter tree with a 024 with a 20" bar and a new chain. It did it, but my 460 would have done it a lot faster. Staying with the same brand saw is a lot easier to move chain and bars from one saw to the other.
This guy isn't a logger, for the amount of cutting he'd be doing I'd say a Stihl 390 would be right up his alley. You guys always suggest a pro saw for a consumer, and while he is doing more cutting than the average consumer, he isn't going to be using this saw every day to make a living. The 390 has the same power output as the 361 and costs $100-150 less.
This guy isn't a logger, for the amount of cutting he'd be doing I'd say a Stihl 390 would be right up his alley. You guys always suggest a pro saw for a consumer, and while he is doing more cutting than the average consumer, he isn't going to be using this saw every day to make a living. The 390 has the same power output as the 361 and costs $100-150 less.

The 390 will not cut with the 361, whatever the specs say - it has a much less effective power band......

....and it is really too close in price to be interesting at all.:buttkick: :popcorn: :givebeer:
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The 390 will not cut with the 361, whatever the specs say - it has a much less effective power band......

....and it is really too close in price to be interesting at all.:buttkick: :popcorn: :givebeer:

Hmm.. not so sure about that... Ever used a 390? But yes, at the price I wouldn't buy one.
Yea but after a while they just can't help themselves.Pretty soon they get some wild idea that 70 cc saw can be made to outcut a 100 cc bruiser for days on end.It becomes a sickness that posseses them .Evidently there is no cure in sight,sad to say.:hmm3grin2orange:

ah... the sane among us just start "collecting" the old monsters instead of shaving aluminium on the skinny new saws.;)
Hmm.. not so sure about that... Ever used a 390? But yes, at the price I wouldn't buy one.

Actually yes, but it was new and had a .325 RM chain on it - like they sell them here - heavy chunk of plastic, anyway - feels totally different to handle, vs the nimble 361.....

Last year they offered the 390 at MS250/Husky 345 price level, but I didn't want it, and didn't bite - what should I have used it for?

They are rated at 3.4kW/4.6hp here, as is the 361.
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