What's your reward?

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Nothing beats sitting by my big bay window with my lab on my lap hot coffee in my hand and the great blessing of hearing the big diesel oil delivery guy going down our road to refill my neighbors tanks once Again . ..I just smile and wave as he thunders past my house
death and taxes.

seriously though, it's being able to stay warm with the best feeling heat and is part of my goal to become as fully self sustaining as possible.
after blocking 5 cords of red oak yesterday it was a big bowl of bean soup and a large hunk of ham that simmered in the same pot from Christmas! washed down with my favorite can of pepsi soda.... after a good meal with time to rest and set the meal is good ole apple pie(not the kind you have to chew)....
The one thing you will never hear about hot water is worse on your body than smoking . I can flat out prove it . You can do whatever an not believe it . The first problem will be a plug nose an arms an hands going a sleep when you sleep if you can sleep . Then your immune will flat line will pick up every germ with no fight . Go a head enjoy your comforts .


Do you take cold showers?

Why bother heating your house at all? Wouldn't it be safer for you to be cold?
The one thing you will never hear about hot water is worse on your body than smoking . I can flat out prove it . You can do whatever an not believe it . The first problem will be a plug nose an arms an hands going a sleep when you sleep if you can sleep . Then your immune will flat line will pick up every germ with no fight . Go a head enjoy your comforts .
!! don't tell that to the "ritie's brothers", if they can make a fist their liable to come over an punch your nose to the left and right!! especially "arth"........ lol
If I lean my chair back from our kitchen table, I have a clear view of my wood stacked in the shed. The wood is a sign that even though I'm no longer young, I'm still strong and able to work hard, that my family will be warm no matter what the weather, and that I saved a couple thousand dollars in heating fuel. Also, in an age when too many people know more about computers than Nature, we are the custodians of a way of life and skills that are fading away. These are my rewards.
my reward after a day dealing with wood or a 12 hr shift at work a hot shower then i eat something then dive in my lazy boy recliner and grab a cold tea and use the lap top.
the hell with tv through isn't nothing on except commercials.
The one thing you will never hear about hot water is worse on your body than smoking . I can flat out prove it . You can do whatever an not believe it . The first problem will be a plug nose an arms an hands going a sleep when you sleep if you can sleep . Then your immune will flat line will pick up every germ with no fight . Go a head enjoy your comforts .
What in the hell are you talking about ??
I get in my hot tub every night, have a couple of windsor n seven's,,,,,,,,,, I've been doing this for 10+ years.......... So I should be dead,,,,, right??
I might get a cold once a year,,,,,, so, anyday now I can expect my immune system to flatline huh ???

Oh, and guess what else..............I smoke cigarettes and watch TV in my tub too !!!!!
What in the hell are you talking about ??
I get in my hot tub every night, have a couple of windsor n seven's,,,,,,,,,, I've been doing this for 10+ years.......... So I should be dead,,,,, right??
I might get a cold once a year,,,,,, so, anyday now I can expect my immune system to flatline huh ???

Oh, and guess what else..............I smoke cigarettes and watch TV in my tub too !!!!!
Now everybody knows that TV isn't good for you. :lol:
Careful! You know that leads to Heroin addiction, armed robbery of 90-year-old grand mothers, baby eating, psychosis, homelessness, and every other TRUTH they explained in the great truth telling movie "Reefer Madness". It is still classified as a narcotic. Highly addictive! Run for the hills! Stop the madness! Save yourself while you can.

......uhhhhh unless you live in CO or WA. Then it's cool. Party on Wayne!

Careful! You know that leads to Heroin addiction, armed robbery of 90-year-old grand mothers, baby eating, psychosis, homelessness, and every other TRUTH they explained in the great truth telling movie "Reefer Madness". It is still classified as a narcotic. Highly addictive! Run for the hills! Stop the madness! Save yourself while you can.

......uhhhhh unless you live in CO or WA. Then it's cool. Party on Wayne!


I'm not hangin out with Keith Richards or Rush Limbaugh yet.
Careful! You know that leads to Heroin addiction, armed robbery of 90-year-old grand mothers, baby eating, psychosis, homelessness, and every other TRUTH they explained in the great truth telling movie "Reefer Madness". It is still classified as a narcotic. Highly addictive! Run for the hills! Stop the madness! Save yourself while you can.

I'm gonna get serious here for a minute about the hemp issue. I've had skin problems on the back of my neck for a long time that was very likely some sort of cancer. I've spent many years working outside in the sun, and the back of my neck got the worst of it. I wear big cowboy hats now. So I started developing badly itching sores and bumps that stayed on my neck and didn't go away. I did some research about it on the net. I'm a very stubborn person and extremely suspicious of doctors - I've seen them fail too many times with other people I know. I go to doctors mostly just for trauma or broken bones, the rest of it I figure I can fix it myself. And if I can't, I'm already 65 and outlived a lot of my peers already. Nobody lives forever. So I read that hemp oil is an excellent anti-cancer agent, and I buy a lot of hemp oil (legal) on ebay and apply it very heavily on the back of my neck and upper back at least six times a day. The oil is around 20 bucks a pint. I've ruined a bunch of undershirts and shirts but so what? After three months of treating myself like this, my skin problems have completely gone away. No more whatever it was on the back of my neck. Big deal, it was an oily mess back there. I got it fixed. The hemp plant is one of the most, if not *the* most useful plant on the planet. It's a real crime that it's been outlawed due to government corruption. Much more research needs to be done.
What in the hell are you talking about ??
I get in my hot tub every night, have a couple of windsor n seven's,,,,,,,,,, I've been doing this for 10+ years.......... So I should be dead,,,,, right??
I might get a cold once a year,,,,,, so, anyday now I can expect my immune system to flatline huh ???

Oh, and guess what else..............I smoke cigarettes and watch TV in my tub too !!!!!
Jefferson soak his feet in ice water to prevent colds look it up . Your very lucky