The water from the well is at the right temp with a lot less problems.What???
Do you take cold showers?
Why bother heating your house at all? Wouldn't it be safer for you to be cold?
The water from the well is at the right temp with a lot less problems.What???
Do you take cold showers?
Why bother heating your house at all? Wouldn't it be safer for you to be cold?
Jefferson soak his feet in ice water to prevent colds look it up . Your very lucky
The water from the well is at the right temp with a lot less problems.
They also used to put leaches on you to suck out the bad stuff. They had all sorts of witch craft before they knew about modern medicine.
Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NevermindJefferson soak his feet in ice water to prevent colds look it up . Your very lucky
Going out in the woods is my reward. I only do a couple cords a year, so cutting and splitting is actually fun at this level. Stacking still isnt.Worked on the wood pile for about 5 hours today with temps pretty chilly for around here- in the upper 20's. After any day working outside in the cold, I look forward to nothing more than a nice dark beer in the shower. Porters and stouts are my favorite in the winter and today's reward was a nice Breckenridge Vanilla Porter.
So what's your reward after a day of working outside in the winter?
Yep, and every day is Saturday for me too.For the honest answer from me, I cut wood cause "I want to"! I'm 63 and retired when I was 59 and I just ain't the type to go to a gym and pay to work out but I will ride my UTV with my little trailer out to our woods and spend hours running saws when "I want to" and I'll take a break and smoke a cigar when "I want to" and I occasionally I'll drink a beer when "I want to" and even though I have a hydraulic splitter I split with a maul when "I want to". I don't post a lot on here but today "I want to".
Sounds a lot like my life.The wife stopped by the local butcher (my cousin) and the bakery and brought home 2 ny strips and some sweets. I ate both steaks (she's a vegetarian), potatoes, green beans, baked beans and water. Had a hot bath in the jet bath now relaxing in my flannel jammies thinking about a warm cup of bedtime tea. Haven't been drinking beer, been fighting off a cold. She got freshly smoked bacon for breakfast tomorrow and fresh eggs from our chickens. Gotta get geared up for tomorrow - have to dig out the wood stacks and haul down to the house. I looked out there this afternoon and could just see the top of the stacks. The snow is very deep here this year.
aok is waaaaay off bubble..weed.....What in the hell are you talking about ??
I get in my hot tub every night, have a couple of windsor n seven's,,,,,,,,,, I've been doing this for 10+ years.......... So I should be dead,,,,, right??
I might get a cold once a year,,,,,, so, anyday now I can expect my immune system to flatline huh ???
Oh, and guess what else..............I smoke cigarettes and watch TV in my tub too !!!!!
and watch cars pile up,one after another. and the gov of that state,,stated 2 weeks ago, wished hed never signed it into law..such is the way of leftists,,day late, buck short....Careful! You know that leads to Heroin addiction, armed robbery of 90-year-old grand mothers, baby eating, psychosis, homelessness, and every other TRUTH they explained in the great truth telling movie "Reefer Madness". It is still classified as a narcotic. Highly addictive! Run for the hills! Stop the madness! Save yourself while you can.
......uhhhhh unless you live in CO or WA. Then it's cool. Party on Wayne!
They still use leeches in re-attachment surgery to prevent blood clotting, to get new blood flowing into the reattached finger or toe or such.They also used to put leaches on you to suck out the bad stuff. They had all sorts of witch craft before they knew about modern medicine.
also to eat the dead flesh...They still use leeches in re-attachment surgery to prevent blood clotting, to get new blood flowing into the reattached finger or toe or such.
Yes...dead flesh...I forgot that point....ha,haalso to eat the dead flesh...
Yes...dead flesh...I forgot that point....ha,ha