Wigglesworth Charity Drive

Arborist Forum

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Every donation is put in a spreadsheet as it comes in. I keep everything up to date daily.

Retentiveness at it's finest!! Must be why you are so highly thought of as a purveyor of highly skilled saw porting:msp_smile:

Just wondering, but I remember someone asking if you were going to extend this charity event. Did something ever come of that? I need to know as I still haven't given and would like to get in before the deadline.

Who is "The Friday Family"? I got your cash donation, but don't know who you are.

If you want just the facts, Brad, it's probably his wife and kids!


Awesome that u got an oem cylinder. Those meteors just ain't quite up to snuff.

We are so thankful, even more this week, as somehow I didn't get a paycheck at all. I gotta call HR in the morning and make sure we got the paperwork all correct. We would had been in a hurting without all you guys help.
Trying to catch up in here, just wanted to say hang in there buddy, and hope you are feeling ok. Thinking of you:msp_thumbsup: