Shayne- I'm not going to argue with many details on your little "wager" thing. I do think you "tried" to even the playing field some, but it's still comparing apples to oranges in many ways. I mean this guy got a free saw, and even if he'd paid full price for it, it'd have been far less cost than your Stihl was new. In the auto world, that's comparing Escorts to Lincolns or whatnot. In fact, the Poulan didn't do half bad really...when you consider that's a different level of saw! I do agree that the ford/chevy thing is a tarpit as they've all made good or junk over the years. But if you compare within a line, that's where it is more relevent. The low cost Poulans are not sold to the "pro" market for the most part. I honestly have never tried the Poulan Pro lines, but with the good experience I've had with their regular saws, I'd certainly give them a look if I were to be looking for a saw with more power or stamina. I'd also look at the other higher end saws too. I got to use a really sweet Echo leaf blower a few years ago, and hear they make nice saws too. But for the price, it's really hard to beat the Poulans! At least for the consumer level.
I don't know what would be considered "average" use for a chain saw in a given year by an "average" homeowner, or even above that. I can say that if someone cuts more wood that I do each year, it's definitely a lot of wood, and would not likely be "average". And if these "low cost" Poulans have served me well for a number of years, I am not only satisfied, and would consider another in the future, but I would recommend them to least to consider. Because when you look at things, $100-150 for a good, usable saw......that's hard to beat! If a person is only going to use it a few times/days a years....which is probably most common.....why should they spend $300-500 to do the same amount of work? When a decent Poulan can do just as well. If a person is needing a saw to last them 20 years and they will use it hard and regularly every year, AND they are willing to spend $300+, sure, I'd tell 'em to go look at the Stihls, Huskies, Echoes, etc. But when a $100 difference or so is important to the average person, the Poulan saws are a good argument! As I've said, I am *not* easy on my saws.....they hit dirt, I cut many stump down to the ground(so I can drive over them in the woods) and I cut up lots of small limby wood that many folks would just skip. And I've been doing this for a number of years. With the same Poulans and they've been darn reliable and dependable. Not to mention affordable. Why should I ever consider spending more? And why would I recommend that to someone else if they are looking for a decent saw that's affordable? If more money is not an object, fine....or they need to use one professionally all the time, that's another story. But for probably the majority of people, the Poulan line of saws can well enough fit the bill! Why spend more? At least for most folks!
One of the reasons you've probably seen a number of the Poulans in recon'd stacks at stores does probably have a bit to do with quality control, but it also has to do with how the saws are marketed. Many of these are sold at stores that just send 'em back to the factory if returned. They are bought by people who know little to nothing about saws. If it doesn't work flawlessly out of the box, they return it. No tinkering with the carb, etc. I admit, a person should *not* have to tinker with them out of the box....they should work well from day 1. But a person buying a higher end saw is likely buying from a dealer and if they had trouble, the dealer would probably look at it and adjust anything need be. Or in many cases, likely make sure it's working for the customer *before* it leaves the store! That is good service and I will never argue with that. But it also comes at a cost. Poulan probably uses a loss figure where they can still make a profit on XYZ amount being returned, etc. BTW, I don't see many recon'd of any kind in my neck of the woods, so sometimes that is a regional thing. Maybe Poulan could have a bit better quality control....I can't argue they shouldn't in some respects. But again, many people buying these are buying from places with easy return policies(no questions asked) and so it's easy to return them, and people do. If you tried returning a Stihl to a dealer, they'd likely either help you out in getting that one working or make sure you got a good replacement. It's a different approach, and the higher end saws do probably put more into certain aspects of their products. I won't say elsewise. But it doesn't mean the Poulans aren't a capable and worthy saw! Afterall.....a person isn't likely to spend $100 to "fix" anything wrong with a Poulan.....they'd just buy a new one. But spending $100 on repairs for a $500 saw is going to be considered as it was a larger investment to begin with. Thus, people are more likely to make sure they get their higher end saw "fixed" than someone using a lower cost saw. There's a mentality issue here, but there's also an investment factor. Some might argue that the Poulans are more or less a "disposable" saw.....I've heard that from even a small engine repair guy that's recommended them to people as a good value for a basic saw(even though he doesn't sell them himself!)! But, again, for the average consumer they can be a great value. If I even got half the life out of mine I have so far they'd have paid for themselves. They show no signs of dying anytime soon, and I will keep using them. They have proven to me that they indeed can make a reliable and dependable saw at an affordable price.
The stereo argument is nice. I would agree to some extent, but again we have to look at market and usage. I used to have nicer stereo equipment in the 80s/90s, but I've let that slide some since then. I don't have the time or space to spend on just sitting and enjoying music like I used to. If I had a dedicated "entertainment room" yeh, I'd be buying *nice* equipment and not the sale stuff at KMart. But the reality is, many of us have a lot going on in our lives....even when we have a radio or stereo going. Whether it's in a shop, kitchen, wherever. Why spend $300 for a *nice* shop stereo? When you're banging on metal or cutting lumber or talking to someone or whatnot? That $10 radio from anywhere can do almost as well in those cases....and you don't worry about it getting dusty or dirty or whatnot. I've picked up some $1 and $2 radios at thrift stores for "shop" radios......and they work well for that purpose. I'd *never* think of saying they are better, or even as good as, a higher end brand/line! They work for their purpose. Same if I were to buy that "entertainment room" equipment....I'd be buying much higher end quality because I'd demand that in that setting. I just don't have that much time or space in my life these days to bother with that as much. And the average person doesn't when a lower cost solution will do, why spend more? Unless a person wants to waste $$$?
Like I said, I have nothing against the higher cost saws. But the putdowns of the Poulans, etc. are not always warranted. If I'm an idiot for buying and using one(gosh that was an intelligent argument above), fine, that's great! I'm also glad that I can at least spell most words properly and so on- might want to research where Poulans are might be rather shocked to know you're rather off kilter. If you are happy to spend more money on a saw, glad you can do so! Before people go putting Poulans down, they should maybe put them to use for awhile, or see what they can do. Even though Shayne didn't seem impressed, I'd bet he couldn't say it's a completely worthless saw. Afterall, it did cut the wood as it was supposed to. And the price can't be is nice! That guy got a good deal, though he had a better deal before he wagered that saw cost him $50, where it was free before! Go figure!