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Sorry forgot the "but what do I know" 
I'm with the cow on this, I never cover a woodpile either. I think the rain, sun, wind, cycles make it dry faster. I don't stack it either, just throw it in a big pile in a hedgerow where the air gets to it.
COW,,You need to find a truck load of beer pissin' midgets to hold the tarps down,,other than the cost of cheep beer, and the smell of piss, I think it would work great. I herd you Cunukistanians have lots-o-beer pissin' midgets,,
but what do I know??
One thing is forsure,,,WET WOOD SUCKS !!!!!:bang:
At work, we get 300gal. poly drum-skids.
They measure about 40x48x40 high. When they are empty, they used to crush 'em with the loader. Now, I take them apart -
2x upper cross members held on with (4) T-27 Torx, coarse threaded screws
Use the fork-lift/high-lo to bring 'em in the shop
Keep the forks on the lower "skid" portion, and use the chain hoist to lift the poly "drum" out of the "skid" - they have a center lift-point molded into it.
Keeping the x-members + hardware, I can get 2 in the bed of the truck and takem home
Get about a Rick (-) in 'em - all contained; won't fall all over the place.
Put some used tin or clear poly "roof" on top for the snow/rain season (salvaged/scavenged)
Not too "unsightly" to the S.O. (MOST important part!)
BONUS - can be moved around/closer to house-out building with fork attachment to your bucket/3 pt. hitch/S.Steer
Go by your local lumber yard and ask them for the material they use to cover lumber for shipping . It's similar to tyvek ,and it's usually cheap ( free) . They just thow it away when they get a shipment in .
wet wood burns fine View attachment 282087View attachment 282089
20 min in a hot fire its pretty dry according to my meter ...........
I agree with you on the wet wood burns fine as long as its just rain water wet wood. Green wet wood sucks. I dont think you need to cover wood if you can bring at least 2 days worth of wood in the house. By the time you get to the wood its dry from the heat from stove. I keep about a weeks worth by stove and after every two days fill it back up and its always dry when it goes threw the door. But what do I no.:msp_tongue: