You can't post here. You make too much sense.
You would think some of these clowns are burning sponges, not wood.
Tyvek looks pretty crappy, and doesn't do what it was designed to, after flapping around in the wind for a month. Any knock-off brand is worse.
Anytime you cover something, you will have condensation. Do you tarpers run out every morning and pull the tarps off to let that dry out? Didn't think so.
I could see covering it if a big snow or rain was coming before I moved it into the house. Grandma never did it, she said it was the only source of humidity in her house during the winter, other than dish/laundry water or rising bread.
But what do I no.
Tyveck is crappy. When I used to do siding and people wanted tyveck we used to tar paper first and then go over it with tyveck. Tar paper kept house dry and sealed it. Water goes right threw tyveck and its exspensive.