Worldwide Construction Equipment got me for $9600.00!

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My name is Scott Burkholder. I am vice president of World Wide Construction Equipment. I have been in business with Bob Tressler for the past seven years. Bob has sold used construction equipment for the past 20 years. Our average annual sales volume is 10-13 million dollars. We are no fly by night outfit looking to rip off small businesses. World Wide Construction and Bob Tressler are respected throughout the industry.

It is common business practice, in the sale of used construction equipment, to have equipment funded before it is shipped. How often can you buy anything, and receive it, before you pay for it?

It is unfortunate that this gentleman received an unsatisfactory piece of equipment. Believe me, this is the last thing that we want to happen. Do you really think that we willing want to spend hours on end trying to come up with a solution to a problem? We WANT to sell good equipment at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, some sellers are not truthful about the condition of their equipment. If we receive pictures and a condition report, we can only proceed by trusting the seller. Of our sales in a year's time, 95% of them go smoothly.

Bob has tried to work things out with Tony. We have sent him $2,600.00 in return. WE have offered to repair the unit. We have followed through with due dilligence. It seems to me, for some reason, that he does not want to resolve this situation. It appears that he is taking some pleasure out of harrassing our company.

So, that's the story. It's always better to hear both sides of a situation before you start harrassing someone. Bob has received quite a few harrassing e-mails and phone calls. If it continues then our company will have to defend ourselves in whatever way, to end this situation.

Thank you,

Greetings Scott,

Sorry about any threats of violence you've received. Cooler heads usually prevail. I've got some questions or comments I suppose. I was considering emailing Bob on a professional level and then maybe a phone call.

I appreciate your coming on the boards here, it says something.

Certainly you understand your customer’s feelings even if he seems too irate at the moment to deal with. This is his livelihood. I think with a little patience and grace kind words may turn away wrath.

It's nice and all that you sent some money back and have offered to repair the unit. I think to him it is the principle of the matter more than anything. It would be to me anyway.

If I purchased something from you that wasn't what was represented at all, I wouldn't want it fixed with some money back. I'd gladly help load it up once I received a full refund. That being accomplished, I might give you a second chance to show your dedication to your customers, understanding your dilemma as well. You might send me something very similar to what I originally had in mind if not somewhat of an upgrade.

To me, that is a standard marketplace solution.

You see, this deal getting botched shouldn't be the burden of the customer. In other words, you assume the risk in dealing with these sellers. You said you 'trust,' therefore if and when things go wrong it is intrinsically on you to make certain that the customer is satisfied.

One of the most common surefire ways to accomplish this is to grant a full refund without question.

If you've been in business for so long and do ten plus million per year in sales, and 95 % of your transactions go off without a hitch(maybe I should rephrase pun intended)....

...then you are without question in a position to absorb this matter fully and completely. This might cause you to reevaluate your measure and methods of trust, but it sounds to me like that might be a natural result in light of all this.

I trust that Bob and company will resolve this matter swiftly and completely. If our forum member affected continues to complain and harass after that then he wouldn't get any support here. I'm certain if Bob does the right thing, which is a simple common marketplace principle, all will be well.


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I'd have to agree with Ryan's comments. While the lift may not have been sitting in your yard for you to inspect prior to selling, you made the deal so the customer should be able to make the return if not fully satisfied. I also question why you offered $2600 and repair of the unit vs offer the entire amount? Did you offer a full refund as an option? I think that is what most of us are wanting to know. That, in my book, would close this issue.

I purchased an aerial lift with utility box (no chassis - chassis was in a wreck so the boom and box was removed) from a guy in Illinois a few years back. He was very easy to work with and looked around for a chassis to put the box on for me. He put the entire package together for me for a very reasonable price. I flew down and drove the truck back home. I had every chance to try inspect the truck before taking final delivery. On the way home, the engine blew. $5k in repairs to get me back on the road. The very remorseful seller gave me a good chunk of my money back to help cover repair costs. Even with repairs, the truck was a good deal and ran great until I sold it a couple of years ago for the amount I had bought it for plus the amount of the engine repairs. What impressed me about the seller, is that he truly wanted to make sure I was still happy with the deal even after the engine failure hapened. I believe he had nothing to do with knowing the engine was going to fail; however, he refunded me every cent of the profit he made on the deal plus some. And, because of his actions, I'd do business with him again.

Without hearing a recent response from treemonkey, I think we're all just assuming this guy wants his money back in full and are wondering why you haven't obligued?
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Thank You !

Corndog, I would like to thank you for your posting! Also I would like to Thank JMS Tree service for guiding me to this site. If anyone would like to ask a question or concerns regarding the problem. I would be more than willing to explain Worldwide’s position.
It's truly an unfortunate problem. Bigus I really can relate to the things you are saying and I personally have offered to bring another unit into Texas. I have a very good friend in Lewisville Texas a construction equipment dealer. I was willing to ship this unit open account to my friend have him go through the unit. To be sure the unit is correct then have Tree Monkey go over and get the unit from this location. Tree monkey would return the lift to Houston (The Manufacturer getting a refund for the first lift). That to was refused too. We have offered 5 options to repair, replace, We have sent back a $2,600.00 refund prior to all of this coming about and the offer was prior to tree monkey posting to this blog. Return is not an option due to the problems with the seller. (The original owner is being taken to court) We are working as fast as the justice system will go, to get a resolution. As you can imagine they move at a snail’s pace.

Again Thank you all for your understanding reguarding this unfortunate problem.
Bob Tressler
Scott is out for the day so I am keeping up with his side. We did offer a full refund. Our problem is our Seller to us he in turn purchased the unit from another person in Florida. The person in Florida would not refund the money to the Company I purchased the lift from. So this presented the problem.
SO this left us with these options.
1.)Take the unit to (Manufacturer of equipment) Houston Texas have unit repaired at no cost to Kemp Tree Service. seller willing to pay for repairs
2.) Take the unit to Houston Sell the unit to the manufacture for an undetermined amount ( To be determined upon receipt of equipment) Either we ship the unit to Houston, Texas or He takes it. (Kemp’s Tree Services choice) The difference would be made up by seller (via bank transfer).
These too were refused? The seller will get his money back in the lawsuit pending. All attorney’s have been advised to the problems we have incurred.

Thanks for the reply and clarification, Bob.

I'm tempted to comment on what I would do if I were in TreeMonkey's situation but, I'll obstain as it's not my decision to make. Tempting though - very tempting...
Thank you for manning up!!!

Treemonkey, treemonkey, tremonkey........

I sure hope there isn't an echo in here!

I congratulate Worldwide for offering many, if not every, conceivable options to rectify this. What they stated is a sign of a quality business that understands loyalty, ethics, repeat sales and what it takes to build a business long term. Good to you guys!!!

On a side note, I did not leave a message at Worldwide and did not condone any bad behavior, short of running up their phone bill. From past experience starting with something like that tends to get the attention of a micro business and that is all I was doing.

I am sorry for my actions and sorry for the actions of others on here concerning threats, that is uncalled for at all levels of business.

Come on treemonkey, whatcha got to say? I ain't raggin on ya but me thinks you might have some splainin to do...
Just got back from being out most of the day. Just finished reading all the recent posts.

It does seem odd that Tree Monkey hasn't responded in any way since Bob and I started posting.

If anyone out there has seen him post about this situation, anywhere else, would you please let Bob or myself know?

We would appreciate it.

Also, if any of you are looking for any kind of used equipment, let us know. We would be happy to help you out. Our website is

wll is sorry for jumping the gun and speeking too soon. im glad worldwide is here to give his side of the story. i hope this matter is resolved quickly and texasM gets whet he paid for + a little extra for all the trouble. i would have trouble turning down a rebuilt machine from the oem and the little money he allready recieved. i would like to see the two pics of this piece posted up so we all could have a looksi. where the heck is taxestreemonkey?
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it's actually J&S Tree Removal!

Corndog, I would like to thank you for your posting! Also I would like to Thank JMS Tree service for guiding me to this site. If anyone would like to ask a question or concerns regarding the problem. I would be more than willing to explain Worldwide’s position.
It's truly an unfortunate problem. Bigus I really can relate to the things you are saying and I personally have offered to bring another unit into Texas. I have a very good friend in Lewisville Texas a construction equipment dealer. I was willing to ship this unit open account to my friend have him go through the unit. To be sure the unit is correct then have Tree Monkey go over and get the unit from this location. Tree monkey would return the lift to Houston (The Manufacturer getting a refund for the first lift). That to was refused too. We have offered 5 options to repair, replace, We have sent back a $2,600.00 refund prior to all of this coming about and the offer was prior to tree monkey posting to this blog. Return is not an option due to the problems with the seller. (The original owner is being taken to court) We are working as fast as the justice system will go, to get a resolution. As you can imagine they move at a snail’s pace.

Again Thank you all for your understanding reguarding this unfortunate problem.
Bob Tressler

but yes,i did direct Bob here.after talking to him this morning,i felt like he was a reputable guy and had gone above and beyond to try and remedy the it stands now,i would buy from him comfortably.

only issue i have with Bob Tressler is he woke me up too early.
but yes,i did direct Bob here.after talking to him this morning,i felt like he was a reputable guy and had gone above and beyond to try and remedy the it stands now,i would buy from him comfortably.

only issue i have with Bob Tressler is he woke me up too early.

Ahh come on Steve it was like 7:00 this morning. I can not thank you enough for taking my call.
By the way. I forgot to mention that my cousin works in trees. I can attest to the fact that all you guys are a little off center. If any of you get into southeast Pennsylvannia, look us up, we'd be happy to treat you to a few beers.

By the way. I forgot to mention that my cousin works in trees. I can attest to the fact that all you guys are a little off center. If any of you get into southeast Pennsylvannia, look us up, we'd be happy to treat you to a few beers.


I have a relative who sells equipment and I can attest that you are all a bunch of shysters. Off Center? You are just blowing smoke up everybodies *****.
Give the man his money back and go get your peice of crap. I would love to show just how off center I am, but I won't. Consider yourself lucky you didn't pull that crap with me, I have references- real ,live and sorry ones.
I have a relative who sells equipment and I can attest that you are all a bunch of shysters. Off Center? You are just blowing smoke up everybodies *****.
Give the man his money back and go get your peice of crap. I would love to show just how off center I am, but I won't. Consider yourself lucky you didn't pull that crap with me, I have references- real ,live and sorry ones.

First, you maybe should read the previous posting I believe we have covered the fact that we are willing to do just that. Tree Monkey has refused. I think we have covered all the bases with him for an equitable settlement to the situation.
First, you maybe should read the previous posting I believe we have covered the fact that we are willing to do just that. Tree Monkey has refused. I think we have covered all the bases with him for an equitable settlement to the situation.

Wait a minute. You ARE willing to pick the unit up and offer a FULL refund? Because in one post you made it sound like you couldn't do that.
Wait a minute. You ARE willing to pick the unit up and offer a FULL refund? Because in one post you made it sound like you couldn't do that.

Yeah he sent me a PM. I am sure that when Texas Tree first talked to the guy selling it( Tressler?) things didn't sound so confusing.
It is usuall saleperson doubletalk. If the story was so complicated when Texas Tree first wanted to buy I am sure hw wouldn't of.
Nice try Bobby, hide behind someone else, just goes to show.
I don't. It's actually got my stomach in knots and it's not even my deal.

Why? Well for one one of our own is in crisis and its nice to see others up in arms but what ticks me is that these shysters are out there trying like hell to scam ME!
Texas Tree, No offense but you made a real stupid move but I can't really condemn that, you are human. What are you going to do now?
2600 and fix it? What a joker! You would not like my jokes.
Texas Tree! Where are you!
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