I dunno how you guys get all your great saws for next to nothing. Lot to learn I guess. I got non running 028 for $90 shipped the other day. Got the guy to throw in bar and chain. Not here yet but looked pretty good. I think I’ll be happy with that but dang. I gotta find those even better deals.
I get almost all of my saws from estate sales and farm auctions. If I see an auction listed on line I don't even search for saws. The guys that do farm auctions don't even take pics or list them. Most sell for under $20. I got 3 for $22.50 last week. One was a 95CC David Bradley with a Power Products engine. The other two are big Lombards, but I left them in WV so I wont know what they are till I get them home.
As Cuin said, tell all your friends you are collecting chainsaws. DON'T MAKE OFFERS. You will be too high. I bet I have had at least 10-12 Homelite XL12's given to me by friends, all of their grand fathers had one. I told one of my UPS buddies to keep his eyes open. Next day he gave me a running XL924 and a seized up XL12. He was delivering to the Beltsville Ag Center and they were just getting ready to throw them in the dumpster.
Last winter I got bored and asked for some of the zip codes of guys around the country and was really surprised how regional chainsaws are. Some of the guys up north had ZERO farm actions listed in the whole state till after March. I was spending 2-3 hours Sunday evening looking at the sales within a 30 mile radius of my house and my property in WV.
Oh, my neighbor in WV saw the 3 saws I got last week and said he had two old 70's Poulans I could have, and he gave me a big Hewing Ax that belonged to his BIL that passed away last year at age 65.
Once they quit running nobody wants them. Last tip. My hunting buddy and I were at a farm auction. There was what looked like a brand new Homelite in a case. No signs it ever ran, no saw dust, nothing. I don't mess with new saws, but he was looking for something for his son, so I looked at it. Came back and whispered in his ear, Buy It. He asked what I saw that he missed that made it a buy it now deal. Told him I'd tell him after he bought it. He got it for $35. I asked if he checked the gas and oil. He said yes. I asked what he saw in the gas and oil. He said gas and oil. I said I saw fresh gas mix in the oil tank, and new bar oil in the gas tank. Smoked for a while after he rinsed the tanks out, but still runs good for his son. I've found several saws with the gas and oil in the wrong tanks.