Charlie Chan and the case of the fake Husky

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Europe always gets the good stuff. I guess it's because they don't have the government always telling them it's for their own good.

Europe gets the good stuff becuase people wont stand to buy plastic #### from walmart

I believe it has more to do with the market/costumers than with the government.....
I believe it has more to do with the market/costumers than with the government.....

I think government meddling has something to do with it in the US. I'm sure the "safety chain" and catalytic converters weren't added on because the public demanded it. I wouldn't want either on my saw. Americans just put up with it, that's all. I doubt you have as much government in Norway; I wish we didn't..
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It's pretty sad...looking at the ali express website. They unfortunately have made the copies quite realistic across almost all models.

They must be making a killing--i'm sure with the way they're making them it cant cost more than $40 or $50 per saw TOPS.

I have to wonder, how much more would it cost them to make it out of something better than the crap that they are? I mean, they're already saving SO much on labor and overhead--would it kill them to spend the extra $3 to use less than 90% recycled plastic bottles? For the plastic to just snap like that, it must be total, complete crap.
I think government meddling has something to do with it in the US. I'm sure the "safety chain" and catalytic converters weren't added on because the public demanded it. I wouldn't want either on my saw. Americans just put up with it, that's all. I doubt you have as much government in Norway.
Maybe not on details like that, but they are ery eager at taxing everything, often using "environment" or "health" as an excuse to get more money (from the people) to play with....:rolleyes2:
It's pretty sad...looking at the ali express website. They unfortunately have made the copies quite realistic across almost all models.

They must be making a killing--i'm sure with the way they're making them it cant cost more than $40 or $50 per saw TOPS.

I have to wonder, how much more would it cost them to make it out of something better than the crap that they are? I mean, they're already saving SO much on labor and overhead--would it kill them to spend the extra $3 to use less than 90% recycled plastic bottles? For the plastic to just snap like that, it must be total, complete crap.

It's very possible that it's the same people making the cheap saws that make some of the name-brand stuff over there. We really don't have much control over what happens in China. I know I've bought things like new golf clubs that were name brand only to find out that they were made in China and sold at the normal price. What's to stop them from having another line right next to it making knock-offs from cheaper materials but looking similar?
By the time we realize that China is not our ally it will probably be too late for us.
All the more reason to buy a Jonsered. They're a good quality copy of a Husqvarna.:msp_smile:

I agree. But this has nothing to do with that. It has to do with thinking you have bought a Husky and instead you got stiffed. I think that Chinese should make saws; their own research, their own brand etc. and if I want to buy a saw made by them for 50$ it is my business. Shame though that they lie and cheat. I don`t think we can do something.
Maybe if we all sign a petition for the authorities or maybe if it goes to some journalists, I don`t know...
I agree. But this has nothing to do with that. It has to do with thinking you have bought a Husky and instead you got stiffed. I think that Chinese should make saws; their own research, their own brand etc. and if I want to buy a saw made by them for 50$ it is my business. Shame though that they lie and cheat. I don`t think we can do something.
Maybe if we all sign a petition for the authorities or maybe if it goes to some journalists, I don`t know...

It's funny that the authorities here in my country act like they can't do anything about it. I guess they could if they had a personal interest in it, but probably only then..
I agree. But this has nothing to do with that. It has to do with thinking you have bought a Husky and instead you got stiffed. I think that Chinese should make saws; their own research, their own brand etc. and if I want to buy a saw made by them for 50$ it is my business. Shame though that they lie and cheat. I don`t think we can do something.
Maybe if we all sign a petition for the authorities or maybe if it goes to some journalists, I don`t know...

Well said. It's the blatant deception to the buyer that bugs me even more than the fact that they rip off the OEM design.
We got a food joint around here that sells Siomese and Black Cat on the bone, fur ball soup and the tabby cat special. Its run by a very odd couple. The wife is real young, the hubby is real old and their kid is odd too. Her name is TooYoungToCome, his name is TooOldToCome and they named that kid HowYouCome. And yaw wondered why I go to Wendys, the reason is obvious, that Chinese joint can't understand a dayumm word I say,LOLOLOL

I met once two Hawaiians: ComeOnIwannaLayYou and IkindaLikeItKinky. They were bro and sis; so they told me.
We need to get it running and see how it goes....wonder how it would hold up to our "Poulan" throws! At least the Poulans's didn't break apart even after repeated throws! Did you say where or what the website was that sells these things?

You have to wonder how many of those parts show up through our discount aftermarket parts channels..

lol,poulan,built tough for the frustrated chainsawers.and they are american made!
--that's who did it, and you got it. China just plays with the hand they got dealt, and if our bigshots don't care, they feel they shouldn't care either.

Way back, Noxon and that dweeb kissinger had a mad scheme to play china off of russia. To get them to play ball they just offered...the manufacturing potential of the US. All of it apparently. The Chinese would have been idiots to turn it down, they leapfrogged multiple generations in just one in advances. They got handed trillions in R&D on a silver platter "here, take this stuff, free"! And they are still getting it! ya, they make some crap, but they have the potential to improve quality real fast now. I'm old enough to remember when Japanese imported stuff was considered crap..not any longer. The Chinese will get there.

Wall Street ran with it, and never stopped, a "corporate raid" is the expression, just on the entire US, to enrich the top level of traitors, sell off all the great assets built up over generations by the combined might of all the blue collar manufacturing people and the white collar engineers and scientists, for pennies on the yuan.

And then successive administrations kept up the same policies, because they are all bought off, since they are all tools of wall street and the bankster gangsters. A lot of money and power accumulated in fewer hands in just thirty years and change. They bankrupted the middle class, instead of wealth, they got offered inflated dollars, debt, and cheap crap imports.

I was an AuH20 worker back then, what is now termed a "paleocon", I knew noxon and kissinger and the other assorted what are now called neocons were skunks.

The amount of knockoffs out there is astounding, yet nothing of substance is ever done about it, not enough to matter, and now that they have about wiped out manufacturing, offshored tens of millions of solid jobs that ain't never coming back..oh well...I guess we are supposed to be grateful we created so many black suited billionaires out of millionaires, and we should be double grateful we have all this alleged "debt" that somehow the middle class is responsible for.

I stopped factory work after the third one got offshored, and dang I will never ever buy any wall street stock. I do my investing elsewhere, I won't support that whole crooked mess. Some of my "stock" got four legs and goes "moo", that's good enough for me.

I think you nailed that down very well.

I have been pizzed for years about this country providing a market for the Chinese goods.
I will do without before I buy goods made in China, and sometimes I have to.

Want to put everybody back to work? Don't unload and more Chinese goods at our ports.
Heres an extract from an earthmoving supllier i have dealings with take after he had visited a expo in Shanghai.

China I hear you ask? The forecast is that their construction equipment market is going to sell 900,000 machines in 2010, growing to 1,400,000 machines in 2012. To put this into perspective, China will buy 83,000 excavators this year, which is virtually equal to the entire North American sales of all earth moving machines combined. With such a strong domestic market ready to soak up any available production capacity at the standard they currently manufacture to, for many factories, changing production and accommodating a higher quality standard to meet export requirements is not a high priority. Much of the product that is available is “take it as is, or leave it”.