Moar than what? Moar than it can handle? Apparently not. Despite repeated overheatings, the rings and cyl are still ok.
I was looking at this early WT porting massacre a couple days ago, trying to decide if it should go on the wall or in the scrap.
IMHO, YMMV, IANAL, controversial claim here, stand back!
A tachometer is not much more than an idiot light with numbers. 
If I had one, doubtful I'd trust it over my own ear.
That stupid tach isn't gonna rebuild my saw, who made it the boss of me?
@Husky77 I think the idea that revving without load is bad, comes from flat bearing engines. In that case, yeah sure.
Could you could explain to us, what you thought might go wrong?
Serious question. I'm curious to hear the idea why revving without load might be bad.