The same goes with lending anyone your nice pickup truck. Years ago I spent a lot of time and money redoing a rot free Ford F350 Camper Special. A good friend of mine was moving and wanted to borrow it. I got my truck back with two dents on the top sides of the bed and a few scratches on the sides. I just had it painted a few months prior. Never since then have I let a friend borrow any pickup that I have owned.
One time I borrowed a buddies truck, mower and weed whip, the exhaust fell off on the way to my place, the mower broke, did the whole place with the weed whip as I had to get it done. The good thing is I was the assistant manager at muffler/brake shop so fixing the exhaust was an easy deal, and the mower just needed a part I couldn't get on Sunday.
I have had too many things broken in my younger days to just lend out anything with power. Hand tools are a different story. I would prefer to help someone out using my power tools than to lend them out.
I hear you, loud and clear.
The way I look at it is, God's put me in charge of the things I have, and it's up to me to do a great job with them.
One time the minister of our church needed to get some tree work done, I told him he could borrow a saw, he said really, I said no way

. I couldn't even stand to ride in a car with him, he certainly has no idea how to run a saw let alone maintain one, but he sure was good with people. I took care of the trees for him along with most the other outdoor projects at his house, couldn't have him hurting himself or any unsuspecting equipment

Speaking of equipment, lift update. Just need the electric hooked up and I can fill the reservoir and bleed it, that sure will be nice. Everyone is gonna want to borrow it, I'm not letting anyone take it home though

I really need to get my hand tools all sorted and a lot of new stuff, been working out of a smaller Craftsman box in the back of my suburban/ excursion for way to long, they're a mess. I have another box I can bring up from the basement from when I was wrenching (nothing special, just bigger), it will be nice to get that all loaded up with another set of tools.