Poulan 3400 resto rod.

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Brian S

ArboristSite Guru
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
Well, I let myself get violated by Craig again... Craigslist that is, I bought a used Poulan 3400 with the understanding that it "needs a carb rebuild" and thats it... Welllll NO, other than an excellent piston and cylinder, bearings and seals etc this thing was pretty clapped out. I began tearing into it with the thought I would go only so far as necessary as to make it run well again, well I kept going further and further until I uncovered all the problems, problem was by this time the saw looked like this.


I mean, by this time it was comical. I thought this was going to be a nice relaxing cleaning/carb service/new chain type job.

So, since I was already invested and kinda interested in the project now I decided to continue, because I am an idiot. So I thought, well this thing really needs to be repainted but what color should I paint it? I work in an industrial setting and we buy lots of paint, so I called my paint vendor and I said "could you send me a sample of orange polyurethane?" (Because Orange saws are cool, apparently) "Sure" said the paint vendor, "we have some leftover from a recent job". Cool, FREE paint! I think the paint was leftover from the finishing of the most recent Coast Guard cutter, as you will see below.


During... I took FOREVER to get all the lime green paint off.

Holy $hit!

So during the stripping of the parts I found that the chain cover was too cracked too use so I went ahead and painted the other parts now because I woke up this morning and felt like making a huge mess all over my driveway today.

I spent a couple of years taking a vocational high school course on automotive refinsihing thinking that I would make that into a career, but the first time my respirator fell of while painting a car I found a BETTER reason to take the course....

So far into this project I have accomplished the following.

Clean and paint cases and recoil cover.
made giant mess.
Got comfortably numb from atomized xylene.
wasted several oppurtunities for good loving by grubbing around in the shed .
(told you eariler I was an idiot).
Did I mention the mess yet?

Anyway, I'm in the process of acquiring a parts saw to get some pieces I need for reassembly. Hopefully within a couple of weeks I'll be posting some more pics of this project as I continue to dig this hole to China.

Cheers! :cheers:
Orange Poulan

You are going to have a Dayton when you finish! Poulan made them for WW Grainger, painted them orange, and badged them as Dayton for many years. I think you will have a nice saw that will surprise a lot of folks and last for a long time when you are done. I have a Dayton and it is great.
I am kinda getting the itch to go through my old 3400 and freshen it up a bit. I am not nearly the craftsman you seem to be at restoring tho'. Been looking for a cheap donor saw on e-bay but can't seem to get one bought.
Those old Poulans were TOUGH! Kinda makes me sad to see what they have become.
Hi Brian. I just noticed this thread, after seeing your days old trading post listing. I sent you a second email an hour ago......

Could you and moparman tell me the bore of that cylinder? That would help me determine what my saw is.....it looks just like a 3700, but has a 48 mm bore......which seems too large for a 3.7 ci saw.....
I will measure the cylinder bore tomorrow evening, if I can remember to bring home a caliper!
Pocket scale says mine looks like 45.5-46mm.

I have a bid out on one from the bay and if that dosen't work out I hope you will still consider selling your 3400/3700? to me so I can finish the project!

Good fortune on your 3400 restoration. I bought mine new in late 1979. I still have it and still use it! It is a very fine saw for its era and starts well even though it has no primer bulb. The repairs on mine include a new air filter knob after the first one fell off. Probably I had not tightened it sufficiently. Also a new chain bar and numerous new chains. I've never replaced the starter rope, and spark plugs very seldom. I use the 25-1 fuel mix recommended in my owner's manual. Not sure why so much oil since the engine has a needle bearing con rod small end. I suspect I should put in new rubber engine mounts, because the engine seems to vibrate more than when new. I may be misled because the new Dolmar 5100 we bought last year is so very smooth. Your orange paint application is very fine!
Thanks Marvinlee, I learned a long time ago that the key to a great paint job is preperation. I bet I spent 4 hours detailing and striping the cases before I painted.
Hi Brian. I just noticed this thread, after seeing your days old trading post listing. I sent you a second email an hour ago......

Could you and moparman tell me the bore of that cylinder? That would help me determine what my saw is.....it looks just like a 3700, but has a 48 mm bore......which seems too large for a 3.7 ci saw.....

The 3400, 3700 and 4000 share the same crank. 3400 is 56cc, 3700 is 61cc and the 4000 is 64cc. The only bore info was in this thread.
Good luck on your 3400. I like your orange paint approach. That will look cool when you are done. I have a Poulan 3000 and its a dang good saw. I widened the exhaust port a little and am in the process of opening up the muffler some more. I also removed the base gasket, and need to measure squish to see where Im at. It ran good before, cant wait to try it after the mods. Keep posting pics of your rebuild! Its nice to see something different once in a while!
I noticed the other day someone had a set of new 3400 decals on ebay. That would be a nice finish for it.

I saw those too, about 3 weeks ago, they are gone now. Should have bought them. Guess I'll just have to drown my sorrows in Buffalo Trace bourbon. Which, BTW is really good! I prefer to Makers Mark and Knob but not as good as Woodford Reserve, but DIRT cheap.
I'm having one now!! CHEERS! :cheers:
Its just too bad that Poulan quit making saws like that. They were a good saw, especially for the money. Sad to see a good American made product turn into junk quality like the "wild thing".
Just picked one up the other day at the flea market for 10 bucks complete except for the air filter. Of corse it doesn't run but what the heck. I figure a good summer time project.

More progress.

Tonight I got a little more done on the pullon.

Cases and crank prior to assembly.

All together now!

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