056 kid has learned a lesson

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I've been folowing this post and feel inclined to give my 0.02 When I read about someone questioning the whereabouts of the kid's parents, it made me laugh. These law enforcement dudes, they're pro's! They don't want your parents around. They don't want anyone around. They want you alone! They want to use the intimidation factor of the badge and restitution to get you talking. The second thought I have is about fines. Whoever brought that up wasn't thinking. How you going to squeeze money out of a kid? I can't speak for the USFS, but I would think that a summers work out of the kid would be much more productive than a fine. If the USFS were to spend thousands of dollars and months fining him, he'll probably have resentment towards the USFS the rest of his life, probably keep cutting trees too and just be more careful. BUT, if they offer this ambitious and outdoorsy kid a summer of planting trees, they get labor, they get a kid that's going to have memories of a summer with the USFS, they get to show him the system, they may get a lifelong advocate and a spokesman, heck, they could even get an employee! The payback is much better for them to offer a summer of work. If this thread were a troll, it would have been very easy to end it with a fine. Yeah, my dad paid it or some such.

I don't speak for the USFS, I'm not affliliated with the USFS and I don't know anyone who works for the USFS. These are my own ramblings, in my own words.
One other thing, kid, if you gotta work the summer for the USFS, accept it without resentment. Make the most of it. Don't grumble when they ask you to do something, be the first to volunteer for anything, ask lots of questions, take every oppurtunity they give you and learn everything you can and be honest. You have the potential to have a career here. You've got a leg up on just about everyone else your age. If you enjoy being in the woods, it could be a lucrative career for you. Forest management is not on the decline. Approach the situation like you are being screened for a career. If it comes to be, you may plant trees for awhile. Make yourself more valuable to them than a tree planter.

One last bit: Of all the people I have worked with in my life, the ones I remember most didn't complain about their job and always smiled and stayed cool when they were waist deep in sh*t. They were also the ones that went the farthest and put the most cash in their pocket.

Good luck kid.
God bless you.
Well,I could go on with my ramblings about sailing the worlds oceans,or seeing the New Jersey fire those big guns,but you've already heard that.Perhaps,we've heard this.Please go on,this is getting interesting.

I agree with chowdozer, You were honest and are willing to accept responsibility for your actions. That's a lesson many never learn at any age. Do the right thing and you'll feel good about your decision. In the future, be more attentive to whose land you're on before you decide to cut. Most important, work smart and be safe. Trees can be replaced, your arm...leg ...finger...can not.

Take Care.....Virginia Grit

ps - A few of you have way too much time on your hands.
Yes Frank,there seems to be a bit of that .Perhaps next,a 500 cc Honda engine,hmm.All in all,it's been very interesting,but not enlightening,yet.Time,I'm sure,will tell.On to the next episode,if you please. :)

Squezee a fine? County records to see if the parents own or pay a mortgage. Tax records for what it's worth. If they have a mortgage I get the name of the bank or holding co.. Voter registration, do they vote which party and home phone unlisted or not. Need I go on? Police would also run wants or warrants for all family members in the home and check for buisness holdings and they would have the parents bank by now, along with any cars they own and host of other info. They don't squezee the kid so hard as they leverage the parents. I spent years doing investigations. If the parents have PHD's I can get their disertaions also to see what I'm up against. Then send out a search engine to find everything they have ever sent over the internet to do a psych profile of them. Is it worth it or do I let 056 play out his story? The library would have anything published by them or a list of it, OCLC? That is why I ask about the parents, for he has forgotten them and they may be accountable and about to be leveraged. I am aware of the tactics, I have children of my own and I own chainsaws but you can't go after the children cutting trees on the parents property unless the parents call the police.
Well,alrighty then! A-site ,is very informative site,not only in logging,climbing,tree care,etc.but also in treatment of plant maladies.Included in all of this is the chainsaw forum,with it's included topics of chainsaw problems.Being an old barn yard mechanic,I answer to these questions,the best I can.It's all in the spirit of good fun,and the share of information.Speaking of fun,I'm having a ball with this.Now,we could all get our britches in an uproar,or say good ole '56,is a good story teller.Paul Bunyan,and perhaps Gypo Logger[ the book],were fables ,but they were entertaining.So is this.The viewing public asks for more,encore,encore :)
and your point geofore is...?

that the government could spend thousands of dollars to collect a few dollars in fines? Not to mention that they're not solving the problem, which is awareness.

I stand by what I said. If you don't agree, I'm sorry, but I don't really care either. The kid did wrong, he owned up to it, he's willing to pay the consequences. I admire that in anyone. I'd like the best for the kid. You seem not to. Life is to short to go about lookin' for arguments and trouble.

'nuf said. that's my last post on the subject.
Funny thing is, I always thought it was beeotch or ********. I guess we'll know when it gets added to Websters, right? :D

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