100:1 killed only the best saw

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Everyone missed my question maybe I didnt provide enough info, I gave 3oz of Amsoil Dominator synthetic to the guys to add to 2.5 gallons of gas I,ve been running this oil now for a couple of months it works fine up to 50:1 Amsoil says it is for up to 60:1 not 100:1. The saw is got les than 50 tanks thru it. None of the other saws seized they ran most of this fuel thru the Dolmar. It wont be covered under warranty I'm sure didnt even consider it. My thought was the other saws got maybe a tank or two of the light ratio whereas the Dolmar got approx 8 tanks according to the crew, looking at the chain that was on the saw it didnt aid the situation. Dan Henry had a good bit of info for me which I will find out this weekend, after putting the saw back together.
I did understand that it was not the plan to run this saw this lean.

However there is people thinking it is OK still, even after this thread, so I just wanted to underline a little.


Was it power ported? It makes a difference as does the dino oil which was mentioned. May not be broken in yet? Ouch! I have not run my 7900's at 100:1 and don't plan to. I have run the smaller saws at 100:1 with the Yamaha lube with no seizures but they were well broken in. When did you catch on to the 100:1 mistake? Before or after the saw seized? Worst I've done to my 7900's is foul a plug. My bad, Letting maintenance slide a few weeks.

The only thing I have ever hears against 100 to 1 mix is the margine of error in the mix.
Back to the original post, I had a guy by a 32 to 1 oil because it was cheaper, but he was mixing it 50 to 1. Lost 2 saws before he told us what he was mixing.
And I still wonder why everybody knows more than the engineers who work for the manufacturer.:rolleyes:
Running 100:1 is tricky in that the carb has to be ajusted pretty dam near perfect when high loads are put on the saw. Running high ratio syn's are best ran slightly richer to make up for if the saw is running a bit lean. I like running opti II at 70:1 for less emissions. I seem to be more sensitive to the exhaust that most.
Iwasworriedwhen iI asked them how big their fuel can was. They said 2.5 gallons. I gave them the bottle and said put this in thee all of it. I saw in the truck that they had the 5 gal mix bottles of Stihl oil. Which meant they were putting half of those in. now you see how they got the light mix. 1.5 oz to 2.5 gal not good. I dont beleive the Dolmar was broke in yet, according to Dan they have pretty tight tolerances on piston/cylinder.
I can understand ruining a saw by accidently running it at 100:1. Running an oil at 100:1 when the saw manufacturer calls for at least 50:1 is a bad move.

For the little money it costs to run a good sythetic oil at 32:1 or 50:1 why not do it?

For what a good saw costs, plus the mods ( if the saw is modded ) this is all a no-brainer!
Originally posted by wiley_p
Iwasworriedwhen iI asked them how big their fuel can was. They said 2.5 gallons. I gave them the bottle and said put this in thee all of it. I saw in the truck that they had the 5 gal mix bottles of Stihl oil. Which meant they were putting half of those in. now you see how they got the light mix. 1.5 oz to 2.5 gal not good. I dont beleive the Dolmar was broke in yet, according to Dan they have pretty tight tolerances on piston/cylinder.

If 1.5 ounces of Amsoil was put into 2.5 gallons of gasoline, then you ended up running was a 213.3:1 mix.
So wiley gave them 3oz of Dominator to add to 2.5 gallons (106:1?) and they added it to 5 gallons of gas (212:1)? I thought this oil was 50:1 or thicker?

BTW Blano did you get to use any Interceptor oil this year? I have been running it in the Huskys at 32:1, so far so good.
I probably know less than just about everyone on this forum, and in coming back to read this thread a few times I have to ask: Why would anyone want to run their saw at 100:1? It took a lot of will power to make me jump from the old days of mixing 20:1 to the 40:1 I mix now. Even using MX2T I can't make myself try 50:1. In fact, after reading different threads here I'm going to start running my saws on 32:1.
40:1 is the leanest

that I go, dinosaur or syn. Pallis-if you read this, rest assured that no one on this site knows less about chainsaws than me.:(
To the post describing an oil as "32:1 oil"..never heard of that brand.

I run Mobil One MX2T at 32:1 in my saws and motorcycles as I posted earlier. I like the fact it can burn clean at the higher concentrations the Hi-Performance motorcycles want..I've used a variety of synthetics since they hit the markets. Belray, Klotz, and most of the others. The early ones just would gum up the power valves so running 40:1 was the comprimise...with the new Mobil One and Belray H1R you can run 30-32:1 and still keep things clean. With the combination of clean running, more than adequate luberication, cooler running..all imperical data from raw experience pushing two strokes for years and year...I can't for the life of me understand why someone would try and push the extreems of two stroke oil mixes.....

Amzoil isn't any better than those premium synthetics on the market.....but they market as if they are. The ones who buy into the concept are taking the risk...for what?

I worked for a motorcycle company for a short time. Had really interesting discussions with several of the performance oriented motorcycle oil companies. (Spectro, Belray, and Mobil) The net was that Mobil one was actually the technology leader and the smaller companies had a hell of a time keeping pace AND keeping prices in line. They relied on the motorcycle companies and dealers to harpe on the supposed "motorcycle" specific additives to justify the price difference...and it works.

Amsoil is just another synthetic with a few percentage differences so they can say they are infact different. They rely on zelots (like posted here) to swear up and down as their marketing plan to distance them selves from their competition and to justify the price difference from Mobil One....

Your the customer. Most have had enough time to have a sence of reality relative to saws and two strokes. Spend your money how you see fit. Just remember your the one ultimately at risk.

I choose to run either Belray or Mobil One.....(Mobil One when I find it) in both my Motorcycles and saws and I mix at 32:1....guess using that prior posts logic that means I'm mixing a 50:1 oil at 32:1. Sounds good.
32 to 1 mix

I have used about every brand of mix oil made,over the last 35 yrs or more.I've used outboard oil,Amsoil,Stihl,Tractor supply house brand,etc.,but never lighter than 32 to 1.I have never had a problem with fouling a plug,or carboning up the engine.I have several saws,that run today,as well as they did in the 70,s.One,a Pro Mac 610,that a lot of people put in the catagory of junk,has worn out 3 bars, several rims,and a 5 gal bucket full of chain.This mid size saw,still runs very well.I attribute the longjevity to the fuel mix.I have made the comment,that bar oil is cheap,bars and chains,are not.I will extend that to include mix oil,with regard to engines.This has worked well for me,but,it is your saw,run it as lean as you want.:)
I was in a Northern Tools

retail store earlier tonight, & they had small bottles of oil labelled separately 50:1, 40:1, & 32:1. Unfortunately I don't remember the brand name; it wasn't an off-brand.

Update: Labels read Alco, American Heritage.
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Usually the small bottles are labeled with a ratio because of the dirrerent volume of oil in the bottle not because the oil is any different. It's so the consumer can just grab a bottle and a gas can and not have to do any math.
Guess it depends on the marketplace......reminds me of a little incedent last year when I was buying a .17HMR for my son. The guy at one of the stores looked at me and asked:

"Why not get a STATE gun like one of these New England Firearms?"

State gun???? I asked.

he replied..."Yea, a STATE gun"

So I had to ask. "Whats a STATE gun"

answer: " A gun even a STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT guy could figure out!"

I was offended because I work for a Municipality.

Guess the 32:1 oil is for the chainsaw/weedeater crowd???
Never saw any lableing like that in a Motorcycle Market.
I know I dont write very well, but I have realized that many on this site have difficulty with reading comprehension. Thanks for nothing, glad I called Dozer Dan before I ran it by bthe peanut gallery.