Erik D. Schmid
ArboristSite Member
Dominator is a dual use oil, but it still works fine for use in saws. It seems however the Saber 100:1 is a better choice though. I am going to pick up a bottle today and give it a go.
One look at there 4 cycle motor oils confirms this. They are still selling pao/ester blends dopped with massive amounts of zddp. Where is the moly, borate esters, boron, antinomy, high tech paos, etc that mobil uses? BTW Amsoil is also not certified for warranty use for this very reason, unless you are talking about on of their cheesy, over priced xl series oils that are not really synthetics in the first place.
ONe has to question how honest a company is when they use scam tests like the 3,4 ball wear test to hawk oil. They also in the past have claimed that ther products met certain specs that where conflicting. Liek saying that their AIO outboard oil met tcw3 as well as iso egd specs which it cant possibly. So in a nutshell I dont trust them as far as I could throw them.Do you believe everything they claim on their website about the abilities of their products false as well?
Go to and look up current service class license holders. Ill give you a hint. The only products that Amsoil has certified are their lowly, non full synthetic xl-7500 line and one 15w40 syn blend that I dont believe is even certified to the latest spec.Both would be nice. I would really be impressed if you can.
Thats a joke! Last time I talked to one of there so called tech people I came to the conclusion that the tech line didnt know anything more than the scads of amsoil peddlin salesman that roam the internet drummin up sales.....multi level scam er marketing at its best..Why don't you contact Amsoil and request one of their chemist join
Originally posted by P_woozel
They did say about 2 gal maybe a little less of the mix whicch was 2.5 with half of the 7,