Nothing like going straight to a expert!glad I called Dozer Dan before I ran it by bthe peanut gallery.
Nothing like going straight to a expert!glad I called Dozer Dan before I ran it by bthe peanut gallery.
Originally posted by wiley_p
Weimedog, the 100:1 was a f...up by a cewperson, my grammar did not convey that.
It had better as it has much less film strength to begin with and the differance in VI is miniscule. Taking into consideration the solvent issue I mentioned above and I think it is quit probable that Amsoil has a much lower VI. Amsoil is probaly using one of Mobils 1970's era ester base stocks as they can not make their own and are at the mercy of what Mobil will sell them.It retains its original film strength longer than the Mobil does.
Amsoil is probaly using one of Mobils 1970's era ester base stocks as they can not make their own and are at the mercy of what Mobil will sell them.
I have my sourcesalso do not understand where you received your information on who Amsoil gets their basestocks
Originally posted by Erik D. Schmid
Dominator is a dual use oil you are correct. I am going to give their Saber 2-cycle 100:1 a try for the fun of it. Mixed at 80:1 though.
Seems to me if you believe its such a good product you would use it at the reccomended 100:1.