2-man saw thread

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Hi guys

I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but any way....

Have any of you ever thought about making a modern 2 man saw....?
If you toke 2 identical saws and flipped one of them upside down and welded the tip of the bars together then you would have a powerful 2 man saw mostly for milling I guess but anyway it could be fun...

Is this already done...?
Or is this just another stupid Idea from the crazy Dane
There are a few out there, and like Bill said, most of them are for milling.

And you dont have to weld the bars, it is called a double ended bar.

There are a couple pictures
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Hi guys

I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but any way....

Have any of you ever thought about making a modern 2 man saw....?
If you toke 2 identical saws and flipped one of them upside down and welded the tip of the bars together then you would have a powerful 2 man saw mostly for milling I guess but anyway it could be fun...

Is this already done...?
Or is this just another stupid Idea from the crazy Dane

check this page. http://www.arboristsite.com/showthread.php?t=57865&page=9
.........it was opened as a "adult" club only to close quickly. Taht strect of highway does not seem to good luck


You are close, just a bit farther south. Around the Grandview area. The truck stops turned to greasy spoons to strip joints have not had much luck!! I looked at your profile and saw you are a teacher. Curious as to which district and your location. A few years ago a shop teacher from Rockridge stopped by the shop inquiring about some Homelite drive sprockets and the feasibility of making new ones. Would this happen to be you???
To some of you 2 man saw guru's, Have you ever removed the starter gearbox assembly on a mercury kb6/7? Also, what do you do to remove the flywheel? Im stuck on mine and want to avoid barbaric measures.
Ha ha man you stepped in it with both feet. We got one of them you will love it or hate it. You'll want to cuss it or kiss it. You'll carry it 200 miles from home after starting it ever day for a month and the Bit#% won't start for hell or high water.

Ask that little man up there in South Boston if he tells you the truth he'll tell you the same thing. I saw him cuss um and call them names that would make a sailor blush and then he'd try to sale you one. Why would I want one the way you talk to yours. He's all right though LP went and got that 7-55B and I have done all the things i said above but it's growing on me. Good luck.
This is the saw that Igpoe hooked me up with for getting that cantankerous Mac47 up and running. He told me it was going to test my patience to the limit,lol. That is O.K with me, I like a good challenge, and do not mind tinkering with something for hours on end. If I get to the point where it has me ready to toss it, I got plenty of other things to work on, while i gather my wits

I have wanted a two-man for a while now, and honestly, if I can't get it running, and have to admit defeat......well at least i have one, running or not, lol
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Da Yoopers Tourist Trap, Ishpeming, Michigan - Roadside America.. click link! this is a few mile from me .. bigger chainsaw than the one in the pic has a chev v8 305 motor, 3 speed tranny and 6"pitch steel chain and weighs approx 3500 pounds!
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I need that thing in my business it'd look cool behind my Toyota.

I was just giving you a hard time on the Mac. But this un out here will test the crap out of you. Dean new that too I think, he likes to get us hooked on stuff so he can sit back and laugh at us when we start hollaring for him to help us out.
To some of you 2 man saw guru's, Have you ever removed the starter gearbox assembly on a mercury kb6/7? Also, what do you do to remove the flywheel? Im stuck on mine and want to avoid barbaric measures.
Bumping this for Bullseye, I cant help cause I havent messed with one.
I found a two man saw near me for sale but does not run. They might have sold it by now.

Are these things really difficult to get running if the motor is free. Just not sure on what I should do with possibly making them an offer. THey had it as of this afternoon and was asking under $200 but I have no details on it.

Also had a recirocating saw. They are clearign out junk from the shop area to them anyways.
I think it varies from model to model.
Dads DA-211 was not that hard.
The Mall 7, gave me a little trouble
And the 7-55, I havent really messed with, but the fuel system looks more complex than it really is. It should run, maybe Ill try tommorow

200 is a fair price IMO for one in decent shape and is not locked up.
But cheaper is better :)

And the reciprocaters havent proven anything to me yet, but they sure are a great conversation piece.
Sounds like you have a good source for some old saws seeing the other scores you have hauled in :cheers:
My source will dry up if I get the two man saw from them. I am also trying to balance this out with my wife not making her to nervous about all this buying and selling as some of this stuff I want to keep as well but yet not get out of hand with it as some people here obviously have accomplished on this site (just saying:laughn:) Might have to run back up there and look at the two man if they still have it.

My neighbor also has one that he swears runs great and was his dads that he might consider selling. I have yet to see it or hear it run. I thought he claimed a four foot bar on it.

The reciprocating saw does look different but in a sort strange way. Does not seem to posess the danger factor that a highspeed chain does:struggle:
Yeah thats a big saw, I saw it on another site four years ago.
I used to have pics of that saw but I can't find them.

This big gun was there too. Is it still there?


yes, the big muzzle loader is still there.if you click the links to their site they have all kinds of weird stuff!
Anybody have a bar or a bar and chain combo laying around for a KB-6ay or whatever else will fit.

I have a highly modified McCulloch fortified tip on one, and I dont think it will work right, without destroying the chain
Bumping this for Bullseye, I cant help cause I havent messed with one.

LP, Thanks for the bump. I have however figured it out and stopped the gear whine in the starter gear box. You have to remove the flywheel and blower housing, remove the outer starter engagement gear on the shaft, then the housing comes off with 4 bolts. 2 more bolts hold on the shaft and inner housing, and the whole thing slides out. There are two gaskets, and two shims underneath it. I removed them all and it tightened it all up nicely but not too tight. No more gear whine, and a very interesting learning experience.

Hopefully i will get this monster going in a day or so, but desperately need a transmission clutch engagement part for the KB6 transmission.

I will post pictures of these monsters that i have, they should all be running by the weekend.

Mall 6
Mall 7
Disston DA-211
Mercury KB-7B

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