2-man saw thread

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In MHO if you have never run one of these two man saws you need to to really feel about them the way LP and I do. When you get um running and stick it in some wood there's no better feeling. I think this is also a tribute to the men that ran these monsters. Like LP said it took a man to run one of these all day long and I know I couldn't do it I done got to old and squishy. But there a blast to play with.
Lot of great ole legends guys.
Paccity, You have your work cut out for
you this winter. I see a few nice saws.

CM76, sweet saw too.

If i get time i will post a pic of my DA211 with a 6 footer.

I may have posted these before, but I figure they're worth posting again.

Here's the first of three that I rebuilt.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/M43Hrvd9xTk?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I never put this one in wood before selling it.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/g2R4H8OmZM8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The third is rebuilt, waiting on one part. I was running but I had to scavenge a part for one of the others. After several months, I finally have the final part on the way. It has not been painted, but has new rings, seals, and coils.

I've never had this Mall 7 in wood either.
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WwSypCPGebI?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And I'm scared to even fuel this baby after the restoration, lol.



Brad they look great and you did a great job on the resto. You and I differ on one Thing. If I spent that much time on it the first thing I'd do is run that baby. I have a bad habit of running rare things and shooting guns that are supposed to be non fired. What good is it if it won't run or shoot. I'm old and grouchy so like LP says all the time I do what I want.

Glad to see the interest in these saws. I for one can't get enough of um. LP has to run ours by himself sometimes cause I can't help him or he drafts somebody. He hasn't had anybody turn him down yet at a show. I think most folks want to help run um but never thought they'd get a chance to.

I can't help but notice the size of the rope around the flywheel of your Mall 6. I found a short piece of 1/4"-5/16" rope works the best on an old Mall like that. Length should only be long enough to roll it over one revolution as any longer will destroy the feeling in your hand when it kicks back and snatches itself away from you!. As to size; if the loops are allowed to lay side-by-side, they can get tangled on each other and cause problems. You may already be aware of this and simply put the rope there for the pics.
I agree w/ Possum..................run the crap out of it and show folks how the saws would cut!
I can't help but notice the size of the rope around the flywheel of your Mall 6. I found a short piece of 1/4"-5/16" rope works the best on an old Mall like that. Length should only be long enough to roll it over one revolution as any longer will destroy the feeling in your hand when it kicks back and snatches itself away from you!. As to size; if the loops are allowed to lay side-by-side, they can get tangled on each other and cause problems. You may already be aware of this and simply put the rope there for the pics.
I agree w/ Possum..................run the crap out of it and show folks how the saws would cut!

I have never had the pleasure of starting an old Mall, but I have heard exactly the same thing that Dean has said about these machines. An old time timber cutter that I acquired one of my CC Engineering Bluestreak saws from had a Mall 6 years ago, and said that it was a terrific old saw, but had a nasty habit of biting ones fingers every so often when you were not careful starting it. Unfortunately that particular Mall 6 had a log roll onto it, and its transmission was broken.

I love the twin mufflers on the Mall 6 - they look great!

The only thing I can figure is it comes from the very long stroke combined with the early firing. The saws have a tendency to want to run backwards when trying to start them and they will snatch the handle from an operators hand quite violently. I had to quit using broom handles to put my ropes through as well 'cuz they will strike an operator or bystander and cause additional pain. Mall made as good of a copy of an old Stihl as anybody, but this is one of their drawbacks for sure. When the 7H came out they solved at least this problem by having an actual recoil starter. Way back when it seemed they were behind on their oiler development as well, but the auto feature on my 2MG is great and the best I've ever seen!

Transmissions to fit a 6 can be found if you get that motor Chris!
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Im very familiar with the handle being pulled through my fingers. :rock: But once the ol 7 is running, it has a very distinct sound. But Chris, I wouldnt call starting them a pleasure :)

Has anybody ever modified a 2 man? Muffler or port work wise.
dont know what all this silly talk about needing a rope is for :confused:

just use your foot :rock:

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/I_YYODlbcVI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Ive seen Stinkbait start one like that. I dont guess I have mine just right, cause it will only start that way when its warm. Or maybe my feet are just too big :p
dont know what all this silly talk about needing a rope is for :confused:

just use your foot :rock:

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/I_YYODlbcVI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Stinkbait has started mine with his foot, but I think he wears a 14. I didn't know a Titan helper-handle could be used on a Mall. Nice saw Sawbones. And thanks for selling my pal '67 Mustang that 5/8 pitch chain! He's gonna use it on a DA 211 I sold him.
Stinkbait has started mine with his foot, but I think he wears a 14. I didn't know a Titan helper-handle could be used on a Mall. Nice saw Sawbones. And thanks for selling my pal '67 Mustang that 5/8 pitch chain! He's gonna use it on a DA 211 I sold him.

Natalie runs a .122 Titan Bar.

A well kept secret is now out in the open.

You can mount a Titan or IEL .122 bar on any big saw if your crafty. :msp_wink:

Near impossible to find .050, .063, .074 or .080 3/4 pitch chain but any harvester store carry's new 122.
Stuck the KB6-AY back together mostly. Unrigged the transmission. But I dont have something quite right with the cable. I cant really tell what changes when its in the locked or unlocked position?
(thanks IGPOE, Ill try to get some pictures of the saw this weekend)

Gonna be glad to have this one back running. Means a lot since it has always been in the family, and was used when they travel milled.
Best of luck with the KB 6 LP - hope you can make it happen.
Here is my McCulloch 99 - a risky shot in saying, but it could be one of only a couple of 99's that are running in Australia. A bit of fiddling around with the carb got this one away again.

A nice old machine from the two man Mac stable.





That's a good looking 99 Mac. I just wish LP could get his 755-b to run long enough to make a cut with it. That's what he's been trying to do, but that thing is going to show us it's not going to. I think this one of his is a demon in disguise.
I think I had so much trouble with both my 7-55s and my 5-49 that when I got a 99 and saw it was almost identical to a 7-55, I gave it to PioneerFan. I don't remember exactly. I shouldn't put my troubles off on somebody else, I suppose. I've tried several aftermarket diaphragms with very little success. My 12-25 still has the original and I'm thinking that's why it runs!
Chris, if the 99 runs today, crank it often and maybe it'll keep going when you call on it. Looks like a low hour saw for sure. Glad I'm not the only one on the planet with one that will run.
All those later models with Tillotson carbs should go.
Anybody out there have any vids of 2-man Macs running? Sawbones has posted a vid some years ago if I remember right.
Thanks Dean - your reply has inspired me to fire up the 99 this weekend. An unexpected trip home will give me a little time to get the saw started. I have never made a video of my saws before, but if the 99 is reliable enough, I will try and get one done.


The first of my Mill and Mine Supply Co Titans should be arriving soon in Australia. This one is on its way, but as usual - I will not be home to take delivery. My wife will have to do the honours.

This one I owe to a member on here who hooked me up with the saw, (Don - I cannot thank you enough!!!!) - A Titan Bluestreak Auto. The saw is free, has compression, and hopefully will not take too much work to get running again. The spare chains are a bonus, as is the original bar and helper handle. A few replacement parts, and the saw will be complete again.

Here is a pic of the saw.




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