2-man saw thread

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This pic was sent to me from Brian, a member here.
He said it was hanging inside a Lamb chainsaw dealer for years.
Its now in a Museum in New York.




Nice one Cliff - Brian told me the story about this one as well. A nice Blue Streak Automatic.
It has a good home now.


I got these about 6 months ago and just restored them in the last few weeks.
One I got from Ric, Sawbones. Bars and chains I got from Brian and some small parts.





This pic was sent to me from Brian, a member here.
He said it was hanging inside a Lamb chainsaw dealer for years.
Its now in a Museum in New York.




That saw is in Grass Lake Michigan.
It is on display at the Whitetail Hall of Fame
museum. The museum also has the largest
collection of old hay tools on display.
I got these about 6 months ago and just restored them in the last few weeks.
One I got from Ric, Sawbones. Bars and chains I got from Brian and some small parts.






Awesome work!!

That saw is in Grass Lake Michigan.
It is on display at the Whitetail Hall of Fame
museum. The museum also has the largest
collection of old hay tools on display.

I must go check that out thanks for the info.:cheers: That saw is a monster!
Awesome work!!

I must go check that out thanks for the info.:cheers: That saw is a monster!

It is called the Michigan Whitetail Hall
of Fame. Google it up the owners name
is Craig. He has a lot of interesting saws.
Ric, I know that you cant run that Titan setup by yourself, so when you find it, you can go ahead and send it to NC. I will see to it that 67 mustang and IGPOE help me run it :)

Nice to see this thread still kicking. Gotta get a few things outta the way, then spending some time with the 2 man saws this winter. Hope to get a KB6 going, Mac 7-55 to stay running, DA-211 fixed and fire up the Mall 7. Just cant seem to prioritize my time these days.
I must say that is one of most coolest things that I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing! :msp_thumbsup:
I'd love to try and run that.
I hope it at least had skip chain on it.
Looks like cookie cutting has been around for a while!

Disston DA 211

Gents, Here's a Disston DA 211 that needs some parts to finish it....

Clutch Drum, Gearbox Clamp / Collar ,Bar Cover ,Helper Handle.

It would be nice to see it run again !
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I must say that is one of most coolest things that I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing! :msp_thumbsup:
I'd love to try and run that.
I hope it at least had skip chain on it.
Looks like cookie cutting has been around for a while!


One note regarding that 20 foot Twin Twin is that it probaly weighs about 350 lbs as shown.
I bet ya 4 guys sat it there and the two are just balancing it.

My Bluestreak with an 8 foot cut weighed about 160 lbs.

As far as cookie cutting there aint no self respecting saw shop on the planet that dont test their saws before handing them to a man that makes his living after packing a saw 1000 foot up a hillside only ment for mountain goats to travel.

There is no way you can sell a saw unless you have ran it in an extended cut under a full load. :msp_thumbsup:

Here is a pic of my buddy Rod when he was just 8 years old running a new 1952 Homelite model 17. Rod tells me that growing up in the old saw shop he packed many Titan Twins out to the scrap bin as the newer lite weight saws were flooding the market.

Gents, Here's a Disston DA 211 that needs some parts to finish it....

Clutch Drum, Gearbox Clamp / Collar ,Bar Cover ,Helper Handle.

It would be nice to see it run again !

I have a clutch drum and a 9/16 sprocket, If you need a sprocket.
I have a bar cover but it has lots of corrosion on it.
I don;t have a trans clamp or helper handle.
I have a clutch drum and a 9/16 sprocket, If you need a sprocket.
I have a bar cover but it has lots of corrosion on it.
I don;t have a trans clamp or helper handle.

Thank you very much!!
these parts will be a great help. PM sent.

Trans / gearbox Clamp, Anyone?

( possum thanks for fixing the pic!)
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One note regarding that 20 foot Twin Twin is that it probaly weighs about 350 lbs as shown.
I bet ya 4 guys sat it there and the two are just balancing it.

My Bluestreak with an 8 foot cut weighed about 160 lbs.

As far as cookie cutting there aint no self respecting saw shop on the planet that dont test their saws before handing them to a man that makes his living after packing a saw 1000 foot up a hillside only ment for mountain goats to travel.

There is no way you can sell a saw unless you have ran it in an extended cut under a full load. :msp_thumbsup:

Here is a pic of my buddy Rod when he was just 8 years old running a new 1952 Homelite model 17. Rod tells me that growing up in the old saw shop he packed many Titan Twins out to the scrap bin as the newer lite weight saws were flooding the market.


Sad thing is old saws are still being scrapped. For a quick buck.:msp_cursing:
Yes, you will have noticed the custom SS handle bars and gaffer tape Trans /Gearbox Clamp!!:msp_biggrin:

The bars look nice and I wouldn't of noticed the tape until you said something! :msp_biggrin:
I was thinking of using LowRider ape hanger bicycle handle bars and bend them to match the O.E. ones on my Prentice, but I don't know if the chrome will crack and flake off when I bend them.
Whats custom SS bars?