couple got nipped, so added collars... fairing well. planted up two in pots. upper RH corner
your peppers look great S/b... think u are ahead of me in that dept! lol... noted one of my peppers had shown up. banana type think it is...View attachment 904824 Biquinho yellow on the left and Jays peach ghost scorpion on the right. I normally don’t grow super hots but my brother in law started a dozen and they all took off so I got one from him to try and grow.
i would like to do a soil test on my garden. the ag dept over at Texas A&M offers the service. but last check it was $35!I am sure as many onions as they grow, they have things pretty well figured out. As I said in my post, a lot depends on the soil in the area you are growing in. I like the high PK fertilizers because my soil is naturally deficient in Phosphorous and Potassium. Its been a while since I have looked at a soil test, but I used to take lots of samples back when I had my seeding business. If my memory serves me, I believe the P levels in my soils average around 8PPM, hence the high phos recommendations. K is only present as weathered Mica and not easily taken up thru the plant roots. Calcium recommendations for my area are over 2000lbs per acre. The very best calcium levels I have seen in any soil test, in my area, needed over 1500lbs per acre and this was on a soil that had repetitive lime applications yearly. Magnesium levels are also very low so the lime of choice is dolomite. The magnesium is 1.6 time more effective at raising ,ph levels than calcium carbonate and is the second most required nutrient, calcium being the most important for a fertile soil. One thing to always remember when it comes to growing crops and applying fertilizer is this, if the books say the soil needs this or that, and the crops says they needs something else, you go with what the crops say.
lol well for a fib like that we may forgive you as long as we all get a fresh "BLT" ???.gettin' so one can hardly believe a word i say!i was wrong again, of course... more so like twice the size of an egg!
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Those home soil test are not very accurate. They only check for water solubile nutrients. Plant root exudate acids and can take up much more nutrients than your soil test shows to be available. Tons of misleading info about soil test reports from different soil testing companies. There are so may different acids used to determine nutrient levels and fertilization models that no two companies will give the same recommendations for the same soil sample. Best to pick a soil testing company and stick with it and watch the actual results in your field. Your field results wont lie. The biggest detriment to your soil fertility is the mining of the soil thru harvest. The larger the harvest the more nutrients that have to be replaced. The addition of your compost replaces nutrients lost thru harvest. Composted materials are recycled nutrients that are easily absorded by the plants. That 0-46-0 high phosphorous fertilizer will only stay available to your plants for about 2 to 4 weeks and will become totally locked up in the soil profile in as little as 8 weeks.i would like to do a soil test on my garden. the ag dept over at Texas A&M offers the service. but last check it was $35!and that buys a lot of
! i could do a DIY, but just havent. i loose a garden gig from time to time! Mother Nature is not always predictable. but overall, whatever the actual acidity of my soils are... good enuff for my needs. crop rotation is important in my garden planning. i have several hi % sacks of N, P & K. like 0-46-0... i use mostly to amp root crops. but not doing potatoes much these days. wonder if i will ever use up that 40# sack on N!
your peppers look great S/b... think u are ahead of me in that dept! lol... noted one of my peppers had shown up. banana type think it is...
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Thank you!lol well for a fib like that we may forgive you as long as we all get a fresh "BLT" ???.
caught a cooking show other nite. chef said cilantro flowers very tasty and nice. so, since i had one bolting, thot i'd taste one. yum! so added to some medallions last nite if fried up.cilantro finally bolted. got one sprig left from pot of 3. hasn't bolted yet, but i can see it wants to. don't need any more coriander seeds... but mite let these seed up...
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