I planted a few bean seeds out of a bag of "soup mix" in the house this winter. They grew and produced seed which are now growing in the greenhouse. Pintos, some kind of white bean, and another bean that's growing. The lima grew into a monster in the house, but alas my soil was wrong and went septic for some reason. The seeds it produced were probably not mature, as they haven't germinated yet. Oh well, for the most part the soup mix seeds are a success. It was an organic soup mix, which may have helped, idk?
We have some volunteer spinach and a yellow bean in the greenhouse. I am planning on taking a whole bunch of seed off this year, hopefully. The long season in the greenhouse should help with that. Volunteer parsnip from root in the greenhouse should produce seed this year.
dirt, air, water, sun, ... seeds .
The five genuine resources. governments/royals/evil, anti nature *******s around the world have taken the right to most of the genuine resources of life away from the people. Anti nature, anti God evil *******s.