45 minutes, 100.00

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thall, you're a good guy, but I DO NOT LIKE YOUR BACKCUT. And I will NEVER, EVER do a backcut that way. Other than that I don't have a problem with you, just your backcut.:) ;) :laugh: :D :hmm3grin2orange:
thall, you're a good guy, but I DO NOT LIKE YOUR BACKCUT. And I will NEVER, EVER do a backcut that way. Other than that I don't have a problem with you, just your backcut.:) ;) :laugh: :D :hmm3grin2orange:

Well to tell you the facts I don't recall ever telling you how to cut anything,hmmmm. Now just cause ya don't like my cut doesn't mean I wanna sit and hear ya gripe about it but if ya wanna gripe thats fine, I can hand back to ya as fast as you can send it, trust me on that. The tree went perfect so this is a no brainer to me...
heh heh heh

$100 in 45 min.? Thats nothing. I knew this gal that made $100 in 20 min., and all she did was......well........never mind. :)

Heh heh heh, we know what you mean. That's a good one trout, I still can't rep you!:greenchainsaw: :clap: :)
A straight back cut 2" above the face cut "notch" will give you the same effect and is more efficient. You have more control with the saw too.

But if that's the way you do it and are comfy with it... let 'er rip...:D


Right, and wedges will have a chance to work this way too, instead of pushing sideways on the tree.
If stump shot does occur with an angled back cut... the spar will slide right up the "slope" and kick out will be much worse.

Plus what John said... kinda hard to drive wedges in an angled back cut. The wedges won't be able to provide any lift, because they will be pushing against the tree, instead of driving it upwards.

right on!

If stump shot does occur with an angled back cut... the spar will slide right up the "slope" and kick out will be much worse.

Plus what John said... kinda hard to drive wedges in an angled back cut. The wedges won't be able to provide any lift, because they will be pushing against the tree, instead of driving it upwards.


Right on, gary right on! Thall, how where you doing your cuts when you where doing your flat backcuts? I what order? Maybe it was a technique problem with your flat backcut. I know you probably got scared. But it's not like any way you cut a tree, you get ones that will scare you sometimes, but you got to work past that and get better at flat backcuts. The way 99.99% of people do it on here, flat. I would like you just to try again at a flat backcut, once we see the order you used to make your cuts in. Sorry, thall if you get mad at me. I don't want you to get mad but......:hmm3grin2orange: :biggrinbounce2: :greenchainsaw:

Thats ok Tom .....Bubba cheat's using a Hoe........Gets them down where we want them....:cheers: :cheers:


ultra, where was that pic taken. looks like i've been there........maybe not