661 Oil Test 32:1 vs 40:1 vs 50:1 ?

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I shot my custom 264 yesterday. That Krieger barrel likes the berger 140gr hunting vld's the best so far. It held 1.05" at 375yds...slight wind too. Seating depth was standard length. I'll play with seating depth next. Next best were barnes tsx 120gr. that measured 2.7".
I use to fart around trying to get loads down to 1/4 MOA. Burnt lots of powder and barrels up. Also got sick of it. Now if a load shoots 3/4 to a 1/2", has low extreme spreads, gets top velocity and is temp resistant I just roll with it. Current load for my 300 rum is a stiff charge of Retumbo, Rem brass, Rem 9 1/2M, and a 180 gr Barnes TTSX @3400 fps. Not crazy about the Barnes bullets but I have a bunch of them to burn off before I look at something else. Probaly just go back to a 180 Nosler BT, which flat out fubars elk.
Stock or ported?


Yesterday - I tested the carbide chain. It holds up well but I think the 404 RS would show any differences in power better.

I also tested the need for doing the Reset or not. So I mixed up some H1R

log 1
H1R 50:1 19.8 19.9 20.4
H1R 32:1 22.2 21.8 22.3
H1R 32:1 with Reset 21.9 22.3 22.4

log 2
H1R 50:1 24.1 24.4
H1R 32:1 with reset - 26.6 27.0

Reset - I reset the saw and then cut for a while. Doesn't seem to make a bit of difference in times. Which would agree with what stihl techs have said...changing oil or oil ratios isn't a big enough change to need to do reset. But I double checked. So there we go.

So method will be

do test, dump gas, put in new mix, warm up saw, do 10-15 cuts, change to new chain, clean filter, top off gas & oil, do next test cuts. repeat.

Oil to test

R50 - 32:1 40:1 45:1 50:1
2R - 32:1 36:1 40:1 45:1
Hp2 - 32:1 36:1 40:1 45:1
K2 - 32:1 36:1 40:1 45:1

depending if there is enough wood amsoil saber 32:1 40:1 45:1 50:1

pretty sure on those ratios. may change em slightly take out 36 and go with 50. I don't know yet.
The idea is to find the best ratio of each oil. Then test it against the other winners. So hypothetically it could end up being...

R50 40:1
2R -36:1
hp2 40:1
K2 45:1

This would tell us on the same day with the same conditions XYZ oil was best. I think ideal ratio changes with conditions. Such as weather, particular saw size & power etc etc, chain type, wood type etc. The point here is to find the best performer on the day in the same exact conditions. What ratio wins...I could care less.

Certainly I hope the ratios are very close.

Is this the best way to do it? I don't know. But that is one of the reasons I'm doing 4 oils right now and the rest later.

and of course i am still open to suggestions. But this is how I've got it planned as of right now.

Yesterday - I tested the carbide chain. It holds up well but I think the 404 RS would show any differences in power better.

I also tested the need for doing the Reset or not. So I mixed up some H1R

log 1
H1R 50:1 19.8 19.9 20.4
H1R 32:1 22.2 21.8 22.3
H1R 32:1 with Reset 21.9 22.3 22.4

log 2
H1R 50:1 24.1 24.4
H1R 32:1 with reset - 26.6 27.0

Reset - I reset the saw and then cut for a while. Doesn't seem to make a bit of difference in times. Which would agree with what stihl techs have said...changing oil or oil ratios isn't a big enough change to need to do reset. But I double checked. So there we go.

So method will be

do test, dump gas, put in new mix, warm up saw, do 10-15 cuts, change to new chain, clean filter, top off gas & oil, do next test cuts. repeat.

Oil to test

R50 - 32:1 40:1 45:1 50:1
2R - 32:1 36:1 40:1 45:1
Hp2 - 32:1 36:1 40:1 45:1
K2 - 32:1 36:1 40:1 45:1

depending if there is enough wood amsoil saber 32:1 40:1 45:1 50:1

pretty sure on those ratios. may change em slightly take out 36 and go with 50. I don't know yet.

Winner takes on 800 off-road?
next saturday and sunday look like the last days it'll be above 50F. Got 25 chains ordered.

been getting used to cutting without the spikes..


also took the top cover off. Have an idea that i'll test out on monday or tuesday...taking temp at the top of the cylinder between the plug and decomp. Good idea? Seems like it would be quicker, easier and more consistent then what I've been doing on the side.


I wouldn't run that saw without its cover for more then a minute or two. It will get way too hot I think.
I would not use the saw without the engine shroud installed. You will not be getting proper cooling. With the shroud installed, air from the flywheel is forced over and around the cylinder. With the shroud removed that will not work near as well. Your cylinder temps will climb.

well that solves that idea!

new idea while I was sleeping haha

instead of amsoil. I'll do stihl ultra with this group and do it first. Thinking if I do stihl ultra first at 50:1 I'll have a baseline of what the saw "should" do.

So new list

Stihl ultra (first for sure) maybe do 50:1 , 45:1 40:1. Although no one seems to like how this stuff burns at 40:1. Remember maulheads piston after 10 tanks? heh

next saturday and sunday look like the last days it'll be above 50F. Got 25 chains ordered.

been getting used to cutting without the spikes..


also took the top cover off. Have an idea that i'll test out on monday or tuesday...taking temp at the top of the cylinder between the plug and decomp. Good idea? Seems like it would be quicker, easier and more consistent then what I've been doing on the side.


A good place to measure temp is at the raised area the plug screws into. I would put a dot with a sharpie for a target.
Or even not bother with temps as it really doesn't matter in regards to what your testing and your previous tests indicated pretty small differances.
well that solves that idea!

new idea while I was sleeping haha

instead of amsoil. I'll do stihl ultra with this group and do it first. Thinking if I do stihl ultra first at 50:1 I'll have a baseline of what the saw "should" do.

So new list

Stihl ultra (first for sure) maybe do 50:1 , 45:1 40:1. Although no one seems to like how this stuff burns at 40:1. Remember maulheads piston after 10 tanks? heh

For simplicity I would use 32:1, 40:1 and 50:1.
Save some chain too.